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How many of you are Orioles fans and Redskins fans?


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Football season is upon us and I was wondering how many diehard O's fans from OH are actually Redskins fans or Ravens fans or neither come fall. In my case, born in 80's there were no Colts or Ravens therefore I became a Skins fan (obviously same goes with o's no nationals), but I know the hate between washingtonians vs baltimore fans runs deeper than this so I just want to hear everyones opinions.

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I root for the O's, Ravens, and 'Skins. The Colts were gone long before I was old enough to get into football, so the 'Skins became my team, although Baltimore is my home town. Never understood the animosity towards the Redskins, although Baltimore clearly has an inferiority complex towards DC.

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Yeah, it's funny. Ravens fans tend to dislike the Redskins, but Redskins fans are mostly indifferent about the Ravens. On the other hand, it's Nats fans that seem to hate the O's, while the O's fans are indifferent. So the inferiority complex sort of works both ways.

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I root for the O's, Ravens, and 'Skins. The Colts were gone long before I was old enough to get into football, so the 'Skins became my team, although Baltimore is my home town. Never understood the animosity towards the Redskins, although Baltimore clearly has an inferiority complex towards DC.

Because Jack Kent Cooke did all he could to block Baltimore from getting a football team.

And I know, the next comment is that's the same thing Angelos did with the Gnats. But there are a couple differences. First, Baltimore had a good history of supporting their football teams, unlike Washington and baseball. Second, what Angelos did just sweetened the pot for himself. Third, I completely understand diehard baseball fans in Washington that dislike Angelos and the Orioles for making it more difficult for the Gnats to move to DC.

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I was a Colts fan until they moved. Then I picked up a strong interest in the Broncos because of John Elway, who had been the Stanford QB when I was in law school there. When he retired, I lost interest and switched allegiance to the Redskins when Joe Gibbs returned because I always thought he was a class act. I guess I'm still mildly interested in the Redskins, but I'm really not a passionate fan of any pro football team anymore.

I know what you're thinking - "How could you root for John Elway after he refused to play for the Colts?" All I can say is, the way that Irsay was running the franchise, I would have done exactly what Elway did if I had been in his shoes. And a year later, Irsay snuck the team out of town, which he would have done with or without Elway, I'm sure.

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Because Jack Kent Cooke did all he could to block Baltimore from getting a football team.

And I know, the next comment is that's the same thing Angelos did with the Gnats. But there are a couple differences. First, Baltimore had a good history of supporting their football teams, unlike Washington and baseball.Second, what Angelos did just sweetened the pot for himself. Third, I completely understand diehard baseball fans in Washington that dislike Angelos and the Orioles for making it more difficult for the Gnats to move to DC.

You think Angelos tried to stop the Nationals because he was worried that the team wouldn't be supported there? Come on, man. Angelos and Cooke did the same thing for the same reason. No need to try to make one better or worse than the other. And yes, O's and 'skins fan here. Pain almost year-round.

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I tend to root for the teams closest to me, so when sports came onto my radar in the late 70s and early 80s (when I was 8-10 years old) the two closest football and baseball teams were the Skins and the Orioles. So they're my favorite teams in those sports.

But the NFL has lost its appeal for me, with all of the hype and wall-to-wall coverage and exploding transformer robot graphics. I'll only watch the Redskins if I happen to be in front of the TV on a Sunday. I'll often listen to them on the radio on the way back from the Tech game in Blacksburg.

My wife's ex is a big Ravens fan, so while I'd otherwise be ambivalent about them I'm now required to root against them.

The teams I actively root for are:

1. O's

2. Virginia Tech (any sport)

3. DC United

(big gap)

4. Redskins

(even bigger gap)

5. Caps

(big gap)

6. Bullets

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My wife's ex is a big Ravens fan, so while I'd otherwise be ambivalent about them I'm now required to root against them.

Hah, that's funny.

I'd say that 80% of my sports fan energy and passion goes to the Orioles, 17% to Duke basketball, 2% to Ohio State football, and 1% to all other teams I nominally root for (Redskins, Caps and Wizards). I used to be more passionate about other sports, but the older I get, the more baseball crowds out the others.

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