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This is not baseball. An opinion.


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44 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

I'm fine with them wanting to get as much out of the owners as they can. 

I just get offended when they talk about how they would be putting their lives at risk.  To me that's offensive to all folks that have been working throughout this pandemic from the medical personal to the folks making minimum wage in retail.

You and I are in agreement with your second statement.

I am ok with the players getting what they can from the owners, but short of causing a work stoppage, which IMO, is not good for the game of ball.


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7 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

This is not the time to play let's make a deal. If they want to make it easy, prorate the salaries to the number of games they will play during the season, but they are too worried about a "salary cap". Which at the end of the day is the only way baseball will be able to survive long term.

The players, according to Clark, agreed to that back in March.  The owners came back and said they wanted them to take less.  


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4 hours ago, George Zuverink said:

I shared this scholarly, but accessible, article in support of one of Corn's posts in a different thread. It's non-political and worthwhile reading as an objective description of the relative transmission risk of various activities and situations:


This was a really good read, thanks for sharing.  I don't know that the owners and players can come to a resolution here, but I certainly hope they do.  I'd love to spend July through November watching baseball even if it is just from home. 

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2 hours ago, Redskins Rick said:

But Gates was quoted by a poster:

So technically this is baseball related.

If Gates thinks the national pastime is perhaps forever gone.

Technically, I agree with Frobby. Take it somewhere else.

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2 hours ago, Redskins Rick said:

I think Gates is trying to stir the pot, to help line his pockets, if you ask me.

Baseball survived 1918 pandemic, both world wars, not to mention Korea and Vietnam.

Baseball will survive the 2020 virus.

I do believe baseball needs tweaking, but not a major overhaul, to come back into focus for the younger generations. IMO

Geeze, some people are grumpy today. LOL


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1 hour ago, backwardsk said:

The players, according to Clark, agreed to that back in March.  The owners came back and said they wanted them to take less.  


Honestly, there's a ton of greed to go around but you have to imagine that everyone is going to have to expect to take a cut back. If there are no fans in the stands, it's gotta be hard for players to expect exactly the pro rate of their salaries. To me that was a starting point but I'm not an expert on all of these monetary issues when it comes to revenue streams and pay out and so forth.

All I know is baseball will be hard pressed to recover if they blow an entire season because they couldn't figure out how to split the billions up between billionaires and millionaires. 



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1 minute ago, Tony-OH said:

Honestly, there's a ton of greed to go around but you have to imagine that everyone is going to have to expect to take a cut back. If there are no fans in the stands, it's gotta be hard for players to expect exactly the pro rate of their salaries. To me that was a starting point but I'm not an expert on all of these monetary issues when it comes to revenue streams and pay out and so forth.

All I know if baseball will be hard pressed to recover if they blow an entire season because they couldn't figure out how to split the billions up between billionaires and millionaires. 


Especially since any ill will generated will probably leak into the upcoming CBA discussions.

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59 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

Honestly, there's a ton of greed to go around but you have to imagine that everyone is going to have to expect to take a cut back. If there are no fans in the stands, it's gotta be hard for players to expect exactly the pro rate of their salaries. To me that was a starting point but I'm not an expert on all of these monetary issues when it comes to revenue streams and pay out and so forth.

All I know is baseball will be hard pressed to recover if they blow an entire season because they couldn't figure out how to split the billions up between billionaires and millionaires. 

With so many workers, hurt in the pay check, because of the pandemic. Those folks are likely to have a short fuse when it comes to the greed of both the owners and players.

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7 hours ago, Frobby said:

It’s not perfect, but it’s 1,000,000 times better than having no baseball.   And these conditions aren’t permanent.   So, go to it, I say!

It's the possibly "permanent" nature of such changes (as per Gates) that worries me.

4 hours ago, George Zuverink said:

I shared this scholarly, but accessible, article in support of one of Corn's posts in a different thread. It's non-political and worthwhile reading as an objective description of the relative transmission risk of various activities and situations:


I would offer that in the current situation we're all in, nothing is "non-political," since there is a pervasive political context in play, and virtually any presentation of information or opinion, however neutral or objective it tries to be, implies certain perspectives and omits others.  

In 2020 baseball has become political whether we like it or not. 

That being said, I agree with the mods' efforts to try to stay on the baseball side of that fine line in discussions here.

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Just a reminder, this is not the place to talk the politics of this situation. I just had to delete a post and it has nothing to do with whether I agree or disagree with the post, but because it clearly crossed into politics. 

Unless a politician or famous person involved talks directly about baseball or makes a decision that affects the baseball season, please refrain from posts discussing them.

There are plenty of places around the web to discuss the politics of this situation, but this not one of them. You may discuss your personal feelings of this virus, but do not let it cross into the political side. 

Thanks for your understanding in these difficult times that has many of us on edge for various reasons. 

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I know I want live baseball back, regardless of how many additional rules are in place.  

BTW, speaking of dumb rules...spitting is banned, but what about when they lick their fingers and then grip the ball?  That's ok?  Seems about as dumb as half the other rules that are out there for the general public.

All said, if the players do not agree to play, it won't matter if they have very valid reasons or not, the public opinion will be the players ruined the 2020 season and they will have a hard time earning the support of the fans back.  (especially for those of us who still support the name on the front of the jersey and could care less about the name on the back.)

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