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Roch doesn't think we're going hard after Tex


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They are asking for a lot for him..Bucholz, Masterson or Bowden was the reported initial request from Boston.

I am not sure Salty's offense and defense is good enough to play first.

I would rather get a true first baseman...Go after a guy like Butler or Kilauhee(sp?).

WOW, that is alot for Salty.

The Royals have alot of interesting trade pieces, if I was AM I would call them up and see if we could get something done. Butler and Ka'aihue are definitely two guys I would inquire about.

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They are asking for a lot for him..Bucholz, Masterson or Bowden was the reported initial request from Boston.

I am not sure Salty's offense and defense is good enough to play first.

I would rather get a true first baseman...Go after a guy like Butler or Kilauhee(sp?).

Are you sure that wasn't for Teagarden?

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I think this board is going to expload during the winter meetings. Boras isn't going to be doing any serious negotiating for awhile because he could potentially be leaving more money off of the table if another were to pop up. There's going to be alot of these little articles here and there with "updates" on situations, but nothing will really change. At the end of the day I'm guessing Peter Angelos is the one that handles this negotiation, and that he'll do what it takes to get his man to wear the new away jersey next year.

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Except of course for last season, the first off-season under new management, as opposed to the other times under other management, but that's probably splitting hairs...;)
Different GM, same owner. How did that work out for us? 68-93. We finally upgraded left field and did so by creating a big hole at shortstop. IMO, the best part of Mac's wranglings last winter was Adam Jones.
Maybe you should re-read my post. Clearly, I said I was leary too. Take things with a grain of salt indeed. Please don't try to accuse me as saying my source is always spot on. Thank you.
I'm reacting to people using you as proof that something is going to happen. Basically, I'm trying to keep expectations in check, in order to take the pressure you and your source ("as good of a source as there is") if things don't go as announced.
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Different GM, same owner. How did that work out for us? 68-93. We finally upgraded left field and did so by creating a big hole at shortstop. IMO, the best part of Mac's wranglings last winter was Adam Jones.

I'm reacting to people using you as proof that something is going to happen. Basically, I'm trying to keep expectations in check, in order to take the pressure you and your source ("as good of a source as there is") if things don't go as announced.

Speaking of expectations...mine are checked very low for this team this off season, much has been the case with me and this team for several seasons. Call me jaded. I don't expexct AMac to sign Tex or AJ.. I don't expect AMAc to trade BRob or Ramon for that matter. Suffice to say I don't expect much, other than we will likely stand pat, save a marginal signing or two. There will be a lot of rhetoric, but in the end, I don't expect this team to make a drastic impact move. Lousy expectations I know, but this team forces me to keep 'em low. :(

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If Angelos is really willing to go hard after Tex and spend the big money to get him, that's great. However, that's not the end of the story, so to speak. What I mean is, getting Tex would be fantastic but if he doesn't do the following things (IMO), he could negate the good of signing him.

1. We better not waste money on Byrd/Garland because we won't contend next year with these guys, lets save our resources for younger guys that aren't on the downside of their careers.

2. He can't go "cheap" on resigning Roberts/Markakis or any other worthwhile FA because he's spent so much on Teixeira. The payroll as a whole (not just because of Tex) will have to increase significantly.

3. I still think we should try to trade Huff, Hernandez, Walker, Mora, and Roberts (if he won't extend) for prospects. Again, we aren't going to contend next year so let's build for 2010 and beyond.

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Speaking of expectations...mine are checked very low for this team this off season, much has been the case with me and this team for several seasons. Call me jaded. I don't expexct AMac to sign Tex or AJ.. I don't expect AMAc to trade BRob or Ramon for that matter. Suffice to say I don't expect much, other than we will likely stand pat, save a marginal signing or two. There will be a lot of rhetoric, but in the end, I don't expect this team to make a drastic impact move. Lousy expectations I know, but this team forces me to keep 'em low. :(

Roche, is that you? :)

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Of course I want us to succeed.

I'm tired of expecting them to do something of real significance because just about every damn time I've done so, for many years now, they've disappointed. Only Charlie Brown runs up to the ball, time after time, thinking "finally, FINALLY, THIS will be the time when Lucy doesn't pull it away," only to leave him to fall hard on his backside, again.

It's going to be a long winter; pace yourselves people. We're weeks away from knowing how this will finalize. In the meantime, don't get too high or too low over any bit of inside gossip.


All you guys who want immediate action are being unrealistic.

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If Roch is right, this is just the continuing of the idea that this is an awful and pathetic franchise.

They may be willing to go 15-18 million for Tex but not 20? What the hell is that? Can they continue to be that stupid? That incompetent?

Then, on top of that, after you lose out on them, you decide that we can get Garland and Byrd...Boy, that really helps us! More mediocre, middling talent making big money. What is the point in that? To say that you did something?

The starting pitching was awful last year but you don't supplement that problem by signing mediocre garbage.

How this team can continue to be this inept and this blanantly wrong about things is beyond me.



Why does this organization continue to do this stupid stuff?

Here is hoping this is Roch's opinion and that the people he talks to aren't in the loop as much because AM is so tight lipped.

Because if Roch is right, we may be well on our way to being the Cubs of the AL.

This is just so pathetic and frustrating.

They do these moves, add Izturis and Brown and keep everyone else, I will be very close to being done with this team.

This is exactly right. Overpaying for mediociry while penny-pinching for elite talent is the main reason this franchise is the laughingstock it is today.

Deja vu all over again. Tex is worth 18 but not the 20 it would take to sign him just like Vlad was worth 13, but not the 15 if would've taken to actually sign him

I hate to state the obvious that the O's seem to always forget:


see Tigers, Detroit

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If Roch is right, this is just the continuing of the idea that this is an awful and pathetic franchise.

They may be willing to go 15-18 million for Tex but not 20? What the hell is that? Can they continue to be that stupid? That incompetent?

Then, on top of that, after you lose out on them, you decide that we can get Garland and Byrd...Boy, that really helps us! More mediocre, middling talent making big money. What is the point in that? To say that you did something?

The starting pitching was awful last year but you don't supplement that problem by signing mediocre garbage.

How this team can continue to be this inept and this blanantly wrong about things is beyond me.



Why does this organization continue to do this stupid stuff?

Here is hoping this is Roch's opinion and that the people he talks to aren't in the loop as much because AM is so tight lipped.

Because if Roch is right, we may be well on our way to being the Cubs of the AL.

This is just so pathetic and frustrating.

They do these moves, add Izturis and Brown and keep everyone else, I will be very close to being done with this team.

Could not agree more with this poster...Sports Guy is it.. :scratchchinhmm:

They continue to do this stupid stuff as SG describes it because its "mediocrity-by-design", as mastered by PGA. Sadly, you can't even call it mediocrity any more. :(

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Guest rochester
Sorry but you are wrong...Sometimes, you just have to pay more. This team needs Tex for many reasons...If you are willign to go 15-18 million for up to 8 years, then you should be willing to take that number to 20 million. If not, why even bring him up? It is pathetic and hopefully this info is not what will end up happening.

They need to stop being cheap....We are willing to shell out, potentially, up to 18 million for Garland and Byrd...What would you rather have...Garland and Byrd for 18 million or Tex for 20 million? Yes, Tex is signed for longer but there is a reason for that...HE IS GOOD!

Not many because this team isn't going to after Dunn. If you add Tex, you add an elite 8 win player...There aren't many fo those. He stabilizes the lineup, greatly improves the defense and sets the tone for the rest of MLB that we want to regain our old status of a franchise that is actually competent.

He brings fans back to the park because of the committment...ups attendance, helps with MASN, etc...

I know you aren't all that happy with spending the money but we need to. You keep talking about how much of the payroll he would chew up..So what? Better him chewing it up than a bunch of Danys baez's.

When this team gives me reason to have hope, i will.

I could not agree more with this - Tex brings a lot to the table outside of how good of a ballplayer he is.

Plus, there is precedent (albeit horrible) that the money will be spent (unwisely).

It was just 2 years ago we spent $41 million (YES, $41MILLION, did not include Scott Williamson) for Baez, Walker and Bradford. That's almost $14million/year. Of course, Baez's $6million+ is the biggest farce.

The point?

We aren't afraid to overpay mediocre talent.

Would they rather have Tex at $20-22million or Ramon, Payton and Millar for $15.3million??

Drop Ramon for a non-existant PTBNL and play hardball with how much of his salary we have to assume. Either way, IMO, it is a no-brainer... I also believe that PA would feel the same.

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