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Is it time to sell high on Cole Sulser?


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It depends what you can get (of course). I'm not sure other teams are buying him as a 2.4 WAR reliever next year. If you can find someone willing to trade a legit prospect for him, then sure, but if we are talking about a lottery ticket or two, I may be more inclined to keep him, hope he can replicate his success and flip him for more at the deadline. Sure, him replicating his success may be a lottery ticket of sorts itself, but I like the odds on that a bit more in hopes it can yield a nearly ready solid prospect. 

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4 minutes ago, jamalshw said:

It depends what you can get (of course). I'm not sure other teams are buying him as a 2.4 WAR reliever next year. If you can find someone willing to trade a legit prospect for him, then sure, but if we are talking about a lottery ticket or two, I may be more inclined to keep him, hope he can replicate his success and flip him for more at the deadline. Sure, him replicating his success may be a lottery ticket of sorts itself, but I like the odds on that a bit more in hopes it can yield a nearly ready solid prospect. 

Isn’t trading him now for a guy in A+/AA with an ETA of sometime in 2023 the same thing as waiting till the deadline to trade him for a similar prospect. I’d rather trade him this offseason when there is much more of a market then wait till a limited trade market deadline. 

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1 hour ago, sportsfan8703 said:

Isn’t trading him now for a guy in A+/AA with an ETA of sometime in 2023 the same thing as waiting till the deadline to trade him for a similar prospect. I’d rather trade him this offseason when there is much more of a market then wait till a limited trade market deadline. 

Sure...but I question if we can get a solid prospect in A+/AA with an ETA in 2023 right now. I get the idea of a more limited market in the summer (with potentially less teams buying), but we typically see the relievers market booming more in the summer as teams look to upgrade and every win-now team can always use more relief pitching. I also think teams understand relief pitching is volatile so they trade for the hot hand (or arm as the case my be). He had a nice year, but even so, I'm skeptical he has much of a market after one good season. I think if he is able to continue it into the deadline, the extra track record combined with the teams pushing for the postseason yields a better return. 

That said...if you get a good prospect with a 2023 ETA now, go for it. 

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17 hours ago, Tony-OH said:

Sure, but you gotta get something better than a Kevin Smith type of return like they did for Castro and the minor league filler that they go for Bleier.

I’d go back to the Angels again. They just drafted pitchers with 19/20 of their draft picks and trying to contend. 


Marceaux and Albright would be two I would target. 


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