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22 minutes ago, sportsfan8703 said:

Mateo is doing it with Defense and base running. If the bat ever comes along watch out. Although in his 200 PAs with us, in 57 games, he has a .709 OPS. 

We really need Urias to find his magic from last year with the bat. 

He's been one of the unluckiest guys on the team so far. That coupled with his home run last night - you hope it's coming. If not, he's an excellent utility IF down the road at least. 

Agree on Mateo. He's also put a lot of good swings on the ball lately with little to show for it. But I'll take a .700ish SS with good speed and defense all day.

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These numbers are pretty volatile this time of year.   I looked at Mateo yesterday and he was at 0.3.   One nice day with a triple and a homer and he’s at 0.7.    A good day can bump you up .4-.5 rWAR any time of year, but it’s more noticeable early in the season because it’s a bigger fraction of the total WAR the player has accumulated.   Yesterday Mateo was on pace for a 1.8 WAR season, now he’s on pace for a 4.2 WAR season.   That doesn’t happen once the season is a bit further along.   

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2 minutes ago, TommyPickles said:

Man, how about Cionel Perez?

10 games, 0.00 ERA.

I think the "Perez to Tate to Lopez" combination is a nice way to close out a game.

I’m always worried that this will be the day that Perez’s command goes walkabout, but it really hasn’t happened yet.  Four walks on the season, scattered over four separate outings.   

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3 minutes ago, TommyPickles said:

Man, how about Cionel Perez?

10 games, 0.00 ERA.

I think the "Perez to Tate to Lopez" combination is a nice way to close out a game.

If Bautista can learn how to pitch and locate his stuff, add him to that list.   The raw tools are there - he just needs time and work with a coach

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3 minutes ago, Frobby said:

These numbers are pretty volatile this time of year.   I looked at Mateo yesterday and he was at 0.3.   One nice day with a triple and a homer and he’s at 0.7.    A good day can bump you up .4-.5 rWAR any time of year, but it’s more noticeable early in the season because it’s a bigger fraction of the total WAR the player has accumulated.   Yesterday Mateo was on pace for a 1.8 WAR season, now he’s on pace for a 4.2 WAR season.   That doesn’t happen once the season is a bit further along.   

For sure, I noticed Mateo as one of the biggest jumps after yesterday's game. That said, I don't expect the hitter rankings to change all the much until Adley gets here and hopefully wedges himself in there with Mullins and Hays, etc. 

Pitching-wise, it's fun to see the closer be up at the top for now. With the low amount of innings the starters are going to pitch this year, it might be hard for a SP to really cement himself at the top of that list. But Zimm and Lyles have a shot. Not sure G-Rod/Hall will have enough time to get there but we'll see! 

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