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Gambling coming to OPACY?

Sports Guy

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2 minutes ago, ShoelesJoe said:

Why not set up a bordello where Dempsey’s used to be? 

This is a good idea.

2 minutes ago, dtk9119 said:

Bigger question is will this be more popular than the summer concert series? 😜

Safe bet (no pun intended).

I understand gambling for something like, an NFL championship game or a World Series game.  But if you're feeling the urge to gamble on a random Orioles/White Sox game in August, you probably need help. 

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1 minute ago, DrungoHazewood said:

Will they have a special tunnel or window where the players and coaches can go to bet on the game while it's going on, so as to not raise suspicion? If they just walk up through the crowd to the gambling salon it might bring uncomfortable questions.

No man, c'mon.  They should hire shady bookies to run back and forth.  Why leave the dugout/clubhouse?

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6 minutes ago, waroriole said:

I really hate this gambling normalization. 

Who doesn't want their sports to be a little edgier?  Is the batter on the take?  Or the pitcher?  Will Odor climb up the backstop and drop on a guy with a folding chair on the way to winning the Intercontinental Tag Team Title?  Will Vavra bite a chunk out of someone's ear on pay per view?

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In 5-10 years, the professional sports leagues are going to realize what a mistake getting in bed with gambling was just like they are now realizing it in the UK, where the Premier League is trying to rely less on gambling companies.

But the leagues will have made their money by then, hopefully there won't be any major scandals before they come to that realization.

Hopefully nobody that you know or love will end up with a gambling addiction, because statistically speaking, tens of thousands of Americans that would not have otherwise become problem gamblers are going to have issues now that gambling and sports are so intertwined. The microgambling on individual plays is a scary thing and it will result in people going through problem gambling cycles faster than ever before.

I am just glad that I am not 18-years-old now that all of this stuff is ramping up..

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