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As if Teixeira didn't want to make you puke already


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I'm around Teixeira's age. The Skanks weren't that great in the mid-1980's.

Why in the hell did they appeal to him?

Donnie Baseball. He loved Mattingly. Probably because Murray was being run out of town and Milligan, Davis and Segui weren't exactly icons of Baltimore sports...

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My question is: How is Mark going to feel about this when he goes into a slump a few years from now and the fans are boing him because of his salary?

You know that time is coming. At some point he is not going to live up to his salary and he is going to be treated as nothing but a uniform in New York.

Hopefully all that coincides with a winning Orioles team.

I don't blame the guy for taking the money and going to New York. But the lights are cetainly brighter there.

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In what warped universe is being a Yankees fan in the '80's being a "punk front runner"?

The only year in the 80's they made the playoffs was 1980. Other than that, they finished as high as 2nd in the AL East twice and 3rd another two times. They were closer to the bottom than the top every other year.

I realize it sucks that he went to the Yankees, and that they were in general an historic franchise, but lets not lose our minds.

Would you consider someone who today becomes a Cowboys fan now a "punk front runner"? The Cowboys of the 2000s are about as relevant as the Yankees of the 1980s.

Not to nitpick, but they were in the World Series in 1981.

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Also...he goes on Mike Francesa's The Fan talk show (WFAN NY) and says:

"I grew up going to Orioles games with my dad - we were die hard Orioles fans"

Quite a contradiction! Way different from what he said just a few hours earlier at the press conference!

Exactly, he spun it for the Yankees crowd, probably just like Boras coached him to. He was a Mattingly fan and and Orioles fan.

I doubt there was all this hatred toward the Yankees before 1996...

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I knew he was a tool, but I still wanted him to be an Oriole.

things I know about Tex:

Hungout with the principal in High school

Was not a very nice person in High school.

I have a great picture of him from his Sophmore or Junior yearbook...Tool!

Friends of mine have some other very choice things to say about him also but..

I still wanted him to be an Oriole.

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Not to nitpick, but they were in the World Series in 1981.

When Teixeira was still soiling a half-dozen diapers a day.

The Yankees of the mid-to-late 80's were consistently the "experts" choice, all hype and not much substance.

As Teixeira entered his teen years though, they started getting good again, so I think the punk front runner thing is pretty accurate, really.

I hope he stays absolutely healthy, and stinks up the new ballpark night after night.

I don't care how much money the Yankees have spent. They are in decline and the nucleus that got them all those rings is either gone or getting grey. They brought in big free agents througout the 80's too, and it didn't do them much good, did it? It's deja vu all over again.

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Hopefully this reigns true for Tex's Yankees now....:angryfire:

Fear not fellows O's fans.

The sponsor on Teixeira's baseball-reference page summed it up pretty well:

"Arod + Giambi + Damon + Contreras + Igawa + Sheffield + Vazquez + Abreu + Matsui + Pavano + Brown + Johnson + Mussina = 0 Yankee World Series Rings"

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