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What is your realistic best case trade deadline outcome?

Sports Guy

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Realistically, another solid relief pitcher to go along with Fujinami and a young, talented, controllable SP.  That's best case and the last part will be expensive, so I only actually expect the relief help.  But there's no reason that I can see to discount acquiring another SP at this stage.

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1 minute ago, Greg Pappas said:

That trade... forgive me, but I actually laughed out loud. :P

Yeah. I think they are easily going to get more for a package of an elite reliever and a very good starter than our left overs. 

Other competitors could and would easily beat that offer. Gotta be a bit more realistic.

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Hader makes sense because then we only need one reliever instead of having to trade for something like Robertson/Raley from the Mets.  Hader is two birds one stone.  The lockdown reliever, plus he's LH.  He'd be your fire stopper reliver in the innings 5-8.  

He's Andrew Miller.  

The two deals then we could make would be,

Hader for Povich, Darwinson, and Charles

Mongtomery for Hall and Norby

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5 minutes ago, sportsfan8703 said:

Hader makes sense because then we only need one reliever instead of having to trade for something like Robertson/Raley from the Mets.  Hader is two birds one stone.  The lockdown reliever, plus he's LH.  He'd be your fire stopper reliver in the innings 5-8.  

He's Andrew Miller.  

The two deals then we could make would be,

Hader for Povich, Darwinson, and Charles

Mongtomery for Hall and Norby

There are few experts that can say for sure what a realistic trade would be, but I'd be shocked if we could acquire Hader for that.

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With Snell be careful what you wish for....

From Fangraphs:

How Snellzilla Got His Groove Back | FanGraphs Baseball

He might be the hottest, non Ohtani, pitcher in baseball right now.

"Now, Snell can be a little polarizing. He’s one of those pitchers who’s unhittable when he’s on and quite vulnerable when he’s not. (Snell’s NLCS Game 2 matchup against Aaron Nola last year was Woodstock for this type of erstwhile front-end starter.) Over a whole season, the bumps even out and the numbers look good."

"Snell can run hot and cold, but right now he’s the hottest pitcher in baseball. And if San Diego’s willing to part with him, he’d be quite a consolation prize for any team that misses out on Ohtani."

A package of Snell and Hader might solve a lot of pitching issues. I hope it happens.

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50 minutes ago, Jim'sKid26 said:

With Snell be careful what you wish for....

From Fangraphs:

How Snellzilla Got His Groove Back | FanGraphs Baseball

He might be the hottest, non Ohtani, pitcher in baseball right now.

"Now, Snell can be a little polarizing. He’s one of those pitchers who’s unhittable when he’s on and quite vulnerable when he’s not. (Snell’s NLCS Game 2 matchup against Aaron Nola last year was Woodstock for this type of erstwhile front-end starter.) Over a whole season, the bumps even out and the numbers look good."

"Snell can run hot and cold, but right now he’s the hottest pitcher in baseball. And if San Diego’s willing to part with him, he’d be quite a consolation prize for any team that misses out on Ohtani."

A package of Snell and Hader might solve a lot of pitching issues. I hope it happens.

That's always the problem when trading for these guys who've made names for themselves in distant past seasons.  The way they describe Hader sounds alot like half the pitchers in our bullpen, and the whole reason we want to trade for bullpen (and rotation) arms is to gain reliable consistency.

Just on name value and the fact they're lefties, I would be excited for Snell and Hader to join the Orioles for the right price. But I would also cross my fingers because I think there will be a difference in production between what a lot of fans think they would be getting from those 2 players, and what those 2 players actually give the Orioles in production. Snell, for example, has not had a very good go of things in the playoffs. He's been about the same as the guys in our current starting rotation. And with Hader, again, we desire to gain consistency and reliability.

I think both of those guys can help the team getting into the playoffs. Once there, we would be in no-man's land... uncharted territory. It's been years since Snell in particular has had any success in the post season.

I really do think our starting rotation needs more left handed arms to keep opposing managers/lineups off balance. In baseball, if you can successfully "mix it up", you gain an advantage.

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