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How much has team speed contributed to the O's winning record?


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I like that we have versatile athletic guys up and down the roster. Just makes for fun, exciting baseball. I'm not concerned about replacing McKenna as he hardly plays. I do appreciate Mateo. Regardless even if those two are replaced by someone slower, you can bet the will be replaced by guys who bring greater overall value. Overall we still have plenty of guys to play this brand of baseball and keep our vibe going for a long time.

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49 minutes ago, Ohfan67 said:

Fun read. What a fun season. Definitely one of, if not the most enjoyable season I have had as a fan (since 1991). 

Honestly, I don’t try to compare them.  The best season is the one you’re in, if it’s a good one.   Because you’re experiencing it, not remembering it.  I pretty much loved every season where the O’s ever made the playoffs, and a few where they came close.  

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19 hours ago, wildcard said:

Interested to hear your opinion.

Secondly,  Mateo and McKenna are two of the fastest players on the team.   Many have talked about them not being on the team next season.   Who replaces their speed?    What effect will it have on the team if that speed is not replaced?

Overall team speed has greatly contributed to our winning.  Be it getting to balls in the outfield by Mullins, getting to grounders the 'slower' infielders would have missed by Mateo and Henderson, stealing bases, the threat of stealing messing with pitchers, taking extra bases by many players, speed certainly has been a large factor.  With a few exceptions (Santander for example) we have a lineup full of above average speed or WAY better, young, athletic players.  Santander is certainly young and athletic, though not compared to the rest of the roster.  

Individually even without Mateo and McKenna next year we will still be a fast team.  Cowser has a 55 speed rating, Holiday a 60, while Ortiz is slower, rated a 45.  None of those are close to Mateo of course, or even McKenna, but they aren't slow either, other than Ortiz.  All that said, the speed is very nice, BUT if they aren't are base then it really doesn't matter nearly as much.  From a fielding standpoint, McKenna is not a great defender and Mateo has regressed this year, and his glove can likely be closely replaced by Ortiz if needed.  Mateo is electric when on the basepaths, problem is that simply doesn't happen often enough to really justify it.  

I feel that losing McKenna and/or Mateo will not be greatly missed as far as the Os record goes.  For example, if we replace Mateo and his .259 OBP with someone who is closer to having a MLB average .321 OBP that is a TON more opportunities to knock that runner in, and more opportunities to steal bases, even though the success rate would not be nearly as good.  I'm not trying to downplay Mateos speed as when he's on base he's a demon, and I love the excitement it brings.  But a .259 OBP is simply not high enough to justify playing him nearly as much as we do.  Having a running on base at a much higher clip, even if only league average, will more than offset the loss of speed IMO.  Our overall record would not suffer a bit if we replace Mateos speed with just an 'average' hitter, if anything our runs scored may slightly increase.

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Love that we have fast guys and love the impact it has on a pitcher knowing the guys on base are a threat. How uncomfortable did those KC games feel in 2014?

What seems to stand out to me more this season is the disrespect for outfielder's arms. Not sure if the Os have been more aggressive with the same amount of speed because the likelihood a throw will be on-target is low but seems they're putting pressure on the defense at all times.


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32 minutes ago, Natty said:

How many times have we ran into outs on the bases this year compared to other years? Seems like a lot.

We've made 41 outs on the basepaths this year, with a league average of 40. We made 50 outs last year (league average 47) and 47 in 2021 (league average 46).

I think there's always a selective memory about these things... the outs have a huge impact on the game and tend to look bad, and you always remember those more than the 1st-to-3rds or effort doubles. In the end, you have to look at the numbers and the O's have taken a lot of extra bases.

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4 hours ago, Frobby said:

Honestly, I don’t try to compare them.  The best season is the one you’re in, if it’s a good one.   Because you’re experiencing it, not remembering it.  I pretty much loved every season where the O’s ever made the playoffs, and a few where they came close.  

I hear you, but this one stands out to me for two reasons. First, when I can't watch, listen, or follow the game online, I check the score relatively late at night. For most of this season, I have assumed/am confident that the O's won the game before I look at the score. I didn't feel like that last year. In many, many past years, I would steel myself for the losing score I was pretty certain I was about to see. Second, the way the team is being built seems so special. The Orioles have had a bad to mediocre minor league system for most of my fandom (really, probably for all of it!). This season has felt special to me partly because it does not feel like a one off. It feels like it's just the beginning. 


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On 9/8/2023 at 11:16 AM, SilverRocket said:

We've made 41 outs on the basepaths this year, with a league average of 40. We made 50 outs last year (league average 47) and 47 in 2021 (league average 46).

I think there's always a selective memory about these things... the outs have a huge impact on the game and tend to look bad, and you always remember those more than the 1st-to-3rds or effort doubles. In the end, you have to look at the numbers and the O's have taken a lot of extra bases.

Thanks for that info.

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