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Trevor Bauer


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25 minutes ago, NashLumber said:

It makes me wonder if Aubrey Huff's little show, ie. his golden thong was part of his Orioles daily routine. As for as offending anyone, I can honestly say my eyes would have suffered irreparable harm. 

But with all of this Bauer bad boy talk, I wonder how Hyde would have handled this Baur tantrum on the field?


I remember him and Davis getting into it once. 

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I remember disliking Bauer, based on his arrogance in interviews, long before I heard anything bad about him.

Then I heard this accusation, and assumed the worst. Now I see the texts and his video and will 100% discount anything related to this specific case. It's not ok to set people up. It was pre-meditated. She probably belongs in jail, IMO.

But there really are completely unrelated accusations. I don't know the truth, but I still want nothing to do with him without much more exonerating information about those other circumstances.

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12 minutes ago, MurphDogg said:

Got it, I stand correct. Her medical report listed signs of a skull fracture, based on her symptoms. The CT Scan showed no skull fracture, the reporter accurately described the medical report that listed signs of a skull fracture but didn't mention the image and Bauer feels that they should have. 

I would then need proof that they (a) had the image, and (b) knew that the image didn't show a skull fracture.

If they got the medical report and there was a document in the medical report that described the CT scan as not showing a skull fracture, then I would agree with you, that they got out over their skis. Do you have evidence of that?

If they merely got the medical report that listed signs of a skull fracture and images that showed no skull fracture, but with no documentation saying that the images showed no skull fracture, I think it is unfortunate but certainly not defamatory. If the medical report said something to the effect of "based on the imagery, there is no skull fracture despite the signs", and the reporting failed to note that, it would be defamatory. Without words to that effect, a reporter failing to diagnose the absence of a skull fracture, on her own based on the image is perhaps too much to expect of a reporter, but I understand why Bauer is frustrated.

Also, it;s worth pointing out that the reporter who made the claim on Twitter was not the reporter who wrote the story. It was another Athletic writer who probably saw the story and made an impulsive tweet in error. Highly unlikely she would have had access to the medical records and thus unlikely she was lying. Bauer dropped his lawsuit after the Athletic issued a clarification along the lines you are suggesting, and the non-writer reporter retracted her tweet. 

For what it's worth, Bauer's lawsuit against Deadspin was dismissed with prejudice since they reported accurately the contents of the report (symptoms of fracture). 

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I see three factors why the O's will not be interested in Bauer as a free agent.

1.    The media attention he will get would be disruptive to the O's team concept.

2. Based on that he pitched 156 innings in 2023 in the Japanese League and is healthy he will probably command at least 25m/year from some team if he is reinstated by MLB.    O's will not go there.

3.  He will be 33 next season.   If the O's sign someone that age they expect a mentor.  It does not sound like Bauer is a fit for the O's.


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4 hours ago, Pickles said:

So the judge is under the impression that you're guilty until proven innocent?  Yeah, seems to be a lot of that going around lately. 

I don't have a law degree or anything, but I'm pretty sure that's not how it works.

So went ahead and broke out the vpn because it seems nobody has seen this video.  Watch this and then tell me about "smoke" and "fire."

P.S. As I said from the get go, I don't want Bauer here for multiple reasons.  That doesn't mean he wasn't done dirty, and is owed a lot of compensation.

I had already seen this video when I made the smoke and fire comment.   He might be completely innocent regarding this woman and the others but I remain skeptical and his complete lack of emotion (my opinion) about allegedly being treated so unfairly is interesting to me.   My gut feeling is that he’s a bad dude.

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17 minutes ago, Malike said:

I'm not sure if you've watched the video, she's literally in bed with him while he sleeps and she's taking a selfie video of him and her and she's smiling, this is the morning after she alleged she was beaten, she had no marks on her face or body and was smirking into the camera. That is what ended this whole thing, the judge said nothing she alleged happened. I'm not interested in the rest of the stuff, but being an investigator I am interested in the facts. I've investigated over a hundred alleged sexual assaults and if most people knew how many allegations are easily proven false percentage wise, they would be pretty shocked.

I had a case with a girl alleging she was viciously raped by 3 guys in college. We spent a ton of resources to protect this girl and make a good case so these animals went to prison for a long time. Turns out one of them filmed it on his phone, it was completely consensual from the video, her boyfriend found out that she cheated and she took the I was raped route. She was charged herself for reporting a false incident. It happens more than people would ever realize and the lives of 3 young men were not drastically changed forever because someone said something.

It happens much more than most know.   I've a friend who lost his kids because his then soon to be ex-wife accused him of sexual assault after they split up.   My friend was arrested and charged, went through the whole process.  After the divorce and everything she admitted she made it up,  seduced him with rough sex just to set him up. 

There are bad people who do things and deserve the full punishment of the law.   But there are also folks who claim to be victims when in reality they aren't.  

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3 hours ago, 24fps said:


To prove prima facie defamation, a plaintiff must show four things: 1) a false statement purporting to be fact; 2) publication or communication of that statement to a third person; 3) fault amounting to at least negligence; and 4) damages, or some harm caused to the reputation of the person or entity who is the subject of the statement.


In 1964 the Supreme Court ruled in New York Times Co. v Sullivan that the defamatory statement(s) had to be made with "actual malice".  Since then, this has had the effect of raising the bar VERY high and consequently you rarely see defamation suits in the US.  Certainly in comparison to places like Great Britain.

Should Bauer decide to bring suit, he will have to also prove malice which I think is unlikely to be successful.  It will also serve to put the spotlight squarely back on him  for an extended time in a post #metoo media environment.  No sensible team is going to want to be associated with that circus so the Orioles should stay far, far away from Trevor Bauer.


It’s easy to prove malice if you can show that they had the actual medical records. Especially if Trevor Bowers people went to them and either provided them or pointed out to the medical records showed no fracture, and they refused to retract the story or do a correction.

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3 hours ago, Moose Milligan said:

Baseball clubs are businesses.  NFL football teams are franchises.  Michael Jackson, despite not playing a team sport, was very much a business unto himself.  


Yeah, that's what I mean, it's different when it's a solo act like Polanski / Allen / Michael Jackson, not to mention it's a different realm, they are artists / entertainers. If they are profitable and people keep consuming their 'art' then it's pretty simple. A baseball team is a business which is a totally different equation where one player is one of many many and many aspects of the business. If all 30 teams decide that it's not good business I'm guessing it's probably for something. 


3 hours ago, Moose Milligan said:

You used the world "profitable," which is the only thing that matters at the end of the day.  


Agreed. Well, profitable and if it helps the sporting success of the team, which sometimes aren't the same question. And of course if it helps the sporting success of the team on the whole isn't so simple as 'does Bauer get more WAR than X option'. In short, it's a risk-benefit analysis, and if all teams are coming to the same conclusion I guess there's a reason. 

Edited by Flash- bd
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