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Trevor Bauer


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8 minutes ago, SilentJames said:

I mean it was covered in local news sites but didn’t get picked up nationally because random guy who would not be there getting arrested for gross self manipulation in public - who was condemned and his arrest supported by the org in question I mean what is the story exactly?

it’s over? He was arrested, they said that he should be prosecuted for his disgusting actions - shrug? 

he was arrested and is being prosecuted. He wasn’t on the field, he didn’t get the novelty plaque. Eff that guy. 

I'm not trying to put you down or call you out, man, but all I will say is the media is lying just as much about that group as they lied about this Bauer case.

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44 minutes ago, InsideCoroner said:

Think whatever you want, but defending the idea that “Trevor Bauer is a good guy” is definitely not a hill I’m willing to die upon, nor even lightly tussle upon.

I'm not defending any ideas, defend the facts. Facts don't care if you're a good guy or a bad guy, nor do they care about anyone's feelings. In regard to *this* situation, the facts show he was done dirty. Is your hill that "bad guys" should get whatever comes their way, despite it being justified or not, and therefore shouldn't be treated fairly?

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15 minutes ago, OnlyOneOriole said:

I live in S Cal and the Dodgers are probably the most woke and leftist organization in baseball.  They will pander to anything that is woke and left to win virtue points.


Put it this way.....probably 60-70% of the Dodger fan base is Hispanic.  90% of Hispanics are Catholic.  That didn't stop the Dodgers from honoring a trans group for Pride night this summer where the trans members were shown on video strip dancing on a cross of Jesus.  That would never have happened with another religion, like Islam for example.  But because Catholics and Christianity are in general a religion that can be scorned right now in the main stream media?  They honored them.


I am not religious at all but I thought it was completely disgusting.  So the fact that the Dodgers were so quick to exile Bauer?  Completely normal for them. 

It's not just the Dodgers though.  It's MLB in general.  And corporate America at large with the "media" as their bullhorn and cudgel.

But this drifts dangerously into politics, though as Moose said it's hard nowadays to separate the political from the social, if it ever was.

So I'm content to keep this as narrowly focused on Trevor Bauer as possible: Man got screwed by a dirty, dirty system.

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49 minutes ago, OnlyOneOriole said:

No one is saying that.

What people like me are saying is MLB  and the MSM completely f'd the guy over....all over a complete lie. 


One has nothing to do with the other.

Again, even if you are right that the San Diego complaint was a lie, MLB investigated at least two other complaints. We have no idea which was the basis for the suspension. 

Bauer settled his lawsuit with the Athletic when they clarified "fracture symptoms" and the Deadspin lawsuit was thrown out with prejudice. So either there is a massive conspiracy with multiple actors including the legal system (and perhaps even his own lawyers), or she was at least bruised. I agree she looks fine in the video but maybe the video was taken in another context or he did the rough stuff after the video was taken. I am not saying I know for certain he is guilty, but I would not jump to the conclusion that it is all lies and he is completely innocent. 

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49 minutes ago, Pickles said:

If he was ranting and raving and calling her names then that would be "proof" too; he can't win under those standards.

There is something called Due Process in this country.  It didn't just disappear in 2017.

You can have all the gut feelings you want, you can't smear and deperson a man based on your gut feelings.

We're not arguing if he's a bad dude.  That's irrelevant.

I think I’m allowed to have an opinion on him and whether I would want him on the team.   Are you saying I shouldn’t have said what I did on a message board?

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5 hours ago, Malike said:

I'm not sure if you've watched the video, she's literally in bed with him while he sleeps and she's taking a selfie video of him and her and she's smiling, this is the morning after she alleged she was beaten, she had no marks on her face or body and was smirking into the camera. That is what ended this whole thing, the judge said nothing she alleged happened. I'm not interested in the rest of the stuff, but being an investigator I am interested in the facts. I've investigated over a hundred alleged sexual assaults and if most people knew how many allegations are easily proven false percentage wise, they would be pretty shocked.

I had a case with a girl alleging she was viciously raped by 3 guys in college. We spent a ton of resources to protect this girl and make a good case so these animals went to prison for a long time. Turns out one of them filmed it on his phone, it was completely consensual from the video, her boyfriend found out that she cheated and she took the I was raped route. She was charged herself for reporting a false incident. It happens more than people would ever realize and the lives of 3 young men were not drastically changed forever because someone said something.

I’m curious, based on your experience, roughly what percentage of the time do you think the allegations are (1) justified, (2) fabricated, or (3) exaggerated?   

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39 minutes ago, RZNJ said:

I think I’m allowed to have an opinion on him and whether I would want him on the team.   Are you saying I shouldn’t have said what I did on a message board?

I apologize if you feel like I wasn't allowing you to have an opinion.  I've always appreciated your opinion.

What I object to you is your rather, imo, cavalier attitude that yeah, sure the dude was completely screwed, railroaded, slandered, defamed, in essence, robbed and exiled, but he was a jerk- so what does it matter?

That's a bad take imo.

Edit: And I repeat for the 5th time, if we're just talking about having him on the Orioles, then yeah I get that.  Wanting him on the team is different than ruining a man's life with no evidence.

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1 hour ago, OnlyOneOriole said:

Have you seen the video the girl took of herself the next morning while in bed with Bauer?

If not, I highly suggest that you do.  She looked as healthy and fresh as a Sunday morning walk down the tulip lane.


There is no way IN **** she had a fractured skull, or a hangnail for that matter. 

Strangulation even if not fatal can cause permanent brain injury.  This isn't a game anyone w/ any sense should be playing.  If you are a public figure like a MLB player with a big contract you should be aware of that.  There were several (at least 3) instances of Bauer doing this to women.  Supposedly all consensual.  I guess he got no real punishment other than losing a lot of money.  There's thousands of genuinely innocent men and women serving years in jail and I have no opinion whether Bauer should have been found guilty.  I do know he should have used better judgement and the way he has acted towards other teammates would make me not want him on the O's. 

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1 hour ago, Aristotelian said:

Again, even if you are right that the San Diego complaint was a lie, MLB investigated at least two other complaints. We have no idea which was the basis for the suspension. 

Bauer settled his lawsuit with the Athletic when they clarified "fracture symptoms" and the Deadspin lawsuit was thrown out with prejudice. So either there is a massive conspiracy with multiple actors including the legal system (and perhaps even his own lawyers), or she was at least bruised. I agree she looks fine in the video but maybe the video was taken in another context or he did the rough stuff after the video was taken. I am not saying I know for certain he is guilty, but I would not jump to the conclusion that it is all lies and he is completely innocent. 

Why does Trevor Bauer have to prove his innocence? 

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37 minutes ago, Pickles said:

Why does Trevor Bauer have to prove his innocence? 

In a court of law, he doesn’t need to.   Apparently, he didn’t convince MLB or the arbitrator though.   I guess he could sue to get his money back and for all of the pain and suffering.   He just has to show that they had no basis for suspending him.   

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52 minutes ago, Frobby said:

I’m curious, based on your experience, roughly what percentage of the time do you think the allegations are (1) justified, (2) fabricated, or (3) exaggerated?   

There are a lot of variables so I'll leave out ones like statutory and familial as they are by far the most common offenses and result in the most convictions.

If we're discussing random assaults, I'd estimate about 10% were actual, legitimate offenses and I believe that is because the the vast majority of offenses that are legitimate are not reported unless there is real bodily harm and someone starts asking questions in the ER or they actually call the Police.

Straight-up fabrication is more common but mostly by younger persons or people in the "business". I've had many cases with women who weren't paid and filed a report that they were sexually assaulted. I'm honestly shocked myself how many times someone has reported a sexual assault when their partner found out they had cheated on them and actually went through the process of making a formal complaint.

There are many college-age kids who report sexual assault and they are very hard to make an arrest due to circumstances between the parties. The boyfriend cheated on his girlfriend and the girlfriend reports the drunk boyfriend has sexually assaulted her is pretty common as well.

We do treat every single complaint as if it's legitimate and do our due diligence, but the lion's share is usually unfounded or outright fabricated once you put people into interview rooms and start asking questions over the course of several hours.

There are plenty of young men who have recorded their encounters and have proven they had not sexually assaulted anyone, although, that's creepy in itself, but it's the day and age we live in and I suppose a class E felony which would get plead down to a misdemeanor is a much better outcome, for illegally recording the act than it would be to be convicted of sexual assault.

It's an extremely difficult thing for someone who is legitimately sexually assaulted, not just for them and their families/loved ones, but for me, as both an investigator and a father of young women. I understand how hard it is for people to file these reports and I wish there were better systems in place to support them and help them to report legitimate offenses, they often go unreported and it's sad.

I'll be glad when I retire in January after 27 years of this.

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9 minutes ago, RZNJ said:

In a court of law, he doesn’t need to.   Apparently, he didn’t convince MLB or the arbitrator though.   I guess he could sue to get his money back and for all of the pain and suffering.   He just has to show that they had no basis for suspending him.   

Well, again: Why does he have to prove his innocence?

They clearly robbed him of a lot of money.

Why shouldn't they have to prove he was guilty to justify it?

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