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Mike Flacco, Brother of Joe

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Found this article on a Ravens messageboard and thought it might garner some interest over here.

I'd say that if he drops far enough go for it. It would be an excellent PR move and who knows, maybe one day he'll turn into something.

It would be a nice PR more I guess, but I saw him earlier this year at CCBC and did not see a pro ball player. He's a little stiff and his bat speed is lacking. For a tall kid he moves ok at third base, but I think he would struggle against professional pitching.

He looked like a right-handed version of Paul Chmeil to me but with less plate discipline.

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On that note, I've been keeping half-an-eye on a certain former Young Harris and now University of West Georgia junior. I don't have any idea how good a ballplayer he is, but I'd take a flyer on him at the back-end of the draft a la Eric Perlozzo. After all, I'm pretty sure he has pretty good baseball bloodlines ;)

(Not trying to derail the thread...just seemed to fit here :D)

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On that note, I've been keeping half-an-eye on a certain former Young Harris and now University of West Georgia junior. I don't have any idea how good a ballplayer he is, but I'd take a flyer on him at the back-end of the draft a la Eric Perlozzo. After all, I'm pretty sure he has pretty good baseball bloodlines ;)

(Not trying to derail the thread...just seemed to fit here :D)

That is one terrible tie. :D

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Definitely not Mike Flacco, although I played against him this year. A friend of mine said he was getting looked at by the Orioles so I googled his name and found this thread and wanted to see if anyone had heard anything basically.

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