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MacPhail on Hobgood

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I think it is legitimate to think of Hobgood as a signability pick, or at least to wonder about it. I'm willing to accept that maybe Jordan found a total steal, and I'm not in any way upset about the pick. But when you take a player that's completely off the radar, it seems silly to find it "repugnant" that people are trying on different reasons for why you made that pick.

I think this is just a spirited defense of the organization and Jordan. A PR move to silence some critics and nothing more. But there's nothing wrong with that and I have no more problem with the pick now than I did before (meaning none).

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I kinda knew this would incite a riot.

Apologies, all... but it did sound to me like MacPhail was talking directly to our lil buddy in that article.

I really wish you would quit calling him our lil buddy, like he's some lovable crazy character. He's an embarrassment to the board. Hobgood's family reads the board, and he just continues to go on and on.

I know you like to think that everyone's opinion is valid, and I would as well, but clearly that's just not the case.

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I really wish you would quit calling him our lil buddy, like he's some lovable crazy character. He's an embarrassment to the board. Hobgood's family reads the board, and he just continues to go on and on.

I know you like to think that everyone's opinion is valid, and I would as well, but clearly that's just not the case.

I don't call you an embarrassment to the board just because your opinion doesn't agree with mine. I respect your opinion of MacPhail because you are entitled to it. Just because I don't think Hobgood was as talented as some of the other pitchers doesn't mean I am slandering him. Is it wrong to say Albert Pujols is more talented than Aubrey Huff? Should I worry that Huff's wife will get offended if I say that?

I think the kid has a great head on his shoulders and will be a good player to add to this organization. Could the Orioles have gotten a more talented player? The publications and myself think they could have but chose to go for a more signable player.

Keep in mind as far as Matzek goes, I'm sure if you were in his shoes, you'd hold out for money too. This is the kid's chance to make some real money and he could be only one pitch from losing his entire career. That's a heck of a gamble to risk losing say 4 million over to sign and the worst thing that happens to him is that he gets a free ride to college. I don't blame him one bit for his stance.

I'm happy for Hobgood and I wish him the best in his baseball career and I hope he can eventually be a starter for the Orioles just like I would any Orioles player. As long as he gives 100% I'll be behind him 100%.

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OK Sly, I guess its just the rest of us who are wrong about you and your ridiculous views.

I'm not going to respond further because you don't justify it AND I don't want to get my blood pressure any higher than is necessary.

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I don't call you an embarrassment to the board just because your opinion doesn't agree with mine. I respect your opinion of MacPhail because you are entiled to it. Just because I don't think Hobgood was as talented as some of the other pitchers doesn't mean I am slandering him. Is it wrong to say Albert Pujols is more talented than Aubrey Huff?

I think the kid has a great head on his shoulders and will be a good player to add to this organization. Could the Orioles have gotten a more talented player? The publications and myself think they could have but chose to go for a more signable player.

Keep in mind as far as Matzek goes, I'm sure if you were in his shoes, you'd hold out for money too. This is the kid's chance to make some real money and he could be only one pitch from losing his entire career. That's a heck of a gamble to risk losing say 4 million over to sign and the worst thing that happens to him is that he gets a free ride to college. I don't blame him one bit for his stance.

I'm happy for Hobgood and I wish him the best in his baseball career and I hope he can eventually be a starter for the Orioles just like I would any Orioles player. As long as he gives 100% I'll be behind him 100%.

If by that you mean, "myself and some of the pre-draft publications, one of which has admitted that they may have rated Hobgood too low," then sure. You make it seem like there was a firm consensus that he was a mid-range first rounder, when the consensus is that he was rising up the draft boards very quickly late in the process.

You aren't being called an embarrassment to the board because you disagree, by the way. It was more in the persistent nature in which you go on and on about things once you get them stuck in your head, and the fact that there doesn't seem to be a great deal of logic that factors into the things you get stuck in your head in the first place.

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