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How can you guys not be talking more about Sano?

Mashed Potatoes

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News has been pretty slow on the Sano front. No one seems sure if the investigation is even over yet, it seems. Don't worry though, we'd all love to get more updates on him and certainly we'd all love to sign him. He could really give this system a boost after graduating so many players this year and next.

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Echoing what Sports Guy said, there also isn't a deadline like there was before. You can't hold your breath in anticipation when you have no idea when you will get to breath again.

I do hope that your decision to post here though is a good sign. Can you give us an idea as to what his timetable for making a decision is?

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I would like to have it resolved sometime soon as well. The Orioles have been nothing but professional throughout the entire process.

Tell Sano we care about him and would treat him right. Baltimore never forgets or abandons its heroes (except for that whole Eddie Murray is fat thing, but we all got over that and learned from it).:D

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Echoing what Sports Guy said, there also isn't a deadline like there was before. You can't hold your breath in anticipation when you have no idea when you will have to breath again.

I do hope that your decision to post here though is a good sign. Can you give us an idea as to what his timetable for making a decision is?

I just want to get all the teams that still may need to see him a bit more an opportunity to do so. The investigation will be released soon, but what was printed in the Pittsburgh paper is accurate. The Dominican Republic is a quasi third world country so their birth certificate system was antiquated. All signs point to him being his age, but there is nothing that will 100% without a doubt confirm that. He is Miguel Sano and I believe that he is 16. I would think that I will have some sort of agreement by the end of August. I have been told by scouts of many teams that he will be in the Majors within 2-3 years and not the typical 5. He is a very special talent who should be an impact major leaguer... he very well could be a 40 home run guy, with an ops over 1.00 and a batting avg around .320. I think he will also have more walks than strikeouts. I'm just really happy that the investigation is coming to an end so I can finally do my job. You guys seem like great fans. I wish you the best of luck in this... Rob

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I'm just really happy that the investigation is coming to an end so I can finally do my job. You guys seem like great fans. I wish you the best of luck in this... Rob

Thanks for your input Rob. You seem like a good dude (except for that Penn State thing :D) and from what I have heard, Miguel is a great kid. I would love to see Miguel in Baltimore, but if It does not happen, I wish him nothing but the best in the future. Unless, of course he ends up in Yankee pinstripes. :D

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Thanks for your input Rob. You seem like a good dude (except for that Penn State thing :D) and from what I have heard, Miguel is a great kid. I would love to see Miguel in Baltimore, but if It does not happen, I wish him nothing but the best in the future. Unless, of course he ends up in Yankee pinstripes. :D

Thanks for your kind words, but I will always root for a bus load of MD kids to go up to State College. Adrian Coxson should be a good one.

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We have talked a lot about him....There really isn't much left to say at this point.

We all hope we sign him...Its being drug out now for a while and just want to see it resolved...I saw that the Yankees are in on it now...That's not good news at all.

Pretty much said it all there.

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If there are scouts that really believe this then I would expect a signing bonus easily in the 10M range. I mean, we're talking about a Ken Griffey Jr. type of talent. Then again, it's just talk. If the bonus is more in the 3-4M range it's going to be hard to believe that some teams really see him as being that great (the bolded part) of a prospect or that sure of a thing.

Yeah, that's high regards from the scouts and yes!!!! I took up the whole Orioles Talk board!

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If there are scouts that really believe this then I would expect a signing bonus easily in the 10M range. I mean, we're talking about a Ken Griffey Jr. type of talent. Then again, it's just talk. If the bonus is more in the 3-4M range it's going to be hard to believe that some teams really see him as being that great (the bolded part) of a prospect or that sure of a thing.

Yeah . . . his agent has said that, but I am not aware of anyone else making such grand claims. Maybe his mom.

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