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USC a seven point favorite over OSU?

Sports Guy

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Well, their kid-QB seems to think God did it. He must've said "Praise God" 6 times in a 1-minute interview.

When asked about what changed to permit the last-minute drive, he said the guys on the team were talking about God.

On the one hand, the kid was there. On the other hand, I still think the O-line had a whole lot to do with it...

And the new Reggie Bush.

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I'm impressed with the Buckeyes tonight. They fought their hearts out all night long and really gave USC something to worry about considering they were right there with them for the entire game. Everyone seemed to think the Buckeyes would get blown out tonight but USC won by three points. OSU has nothing to be ashamed about tonight, they really played a great game, and I think this game is going to make them a better team in the long run. I knew it would be a dogfight game tonight and this one didn't disappoint, although I could barely watch the game and spent more time watching UC dismantle SEMO by beating them 70-3, LOL :laughlol:

And as the lone Buckeye fan here, I'll go back into my corner where I've been hiding for most of the year and go back to keeping my mouth shut. :leaving:

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I'm impressed with the Buckeyes tonight. They fought their hearts out all night long and really gave USC something to worry about considering they were right there with them for the entire game. Everyone seemed to think the Buckeyes would get blown out tonight but USC won by three points. OSU has nothing to be ashamed about tonight, they really played a great game, and I think this game is going to make them a better team in the long run. I knew it would be a dogfight game tonight and this one didn't disappoint, although I could barely watch the game and spent more time watching UC dismantle SEMO by beating them 70-3, LOL :laughlol:

And as the lone Buckeye fan here, I'll go back into my corner where I've been hiding for most of the year and go back to keeping my mouth shut. :leaving:

OSU did way better than I expected. You are correct in everything you say.

In truth, I don't really have any reason to hate Ohio State or their coach. I guess they just catch whatever resentment there is about the Big Ten getting overrated a lot.

I completely understand how, if you're from Ohio, you gotta look at it differently.

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However, I'm not willing to salivate over the freshman like Musberger is. He made one good throw that drive(the one to the TE), the rest of that was basically the Joe McKnight show along with a couple QB sneaks and handoffs to Johnson. The way Brent is talking about him, you'd think this was Elway leading the Broncos for the winning TD against the Browns back in '86 or whenever it was.

I agree that the salivation (is that a word?) was a little over the top. Although I think the 3rd and 9 conversion was a pretty throw by MB as well.

The poise is there, the talent is there, all he needs is experience. You could see the difference on the teams' respective final drives. MB stepped up and raised his game in crunch time whereas on the other side Pryor seemed to panic.

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I agree that the salivation (is that a word?) was a little over the top. Although I think the 3rd and 9 conversion was a pretty throw by MB as well.

The poise is there, the talent is there, all he needs is experience. You could see the difference on the teams' respective final drives. MB stepped up and raised his game in crunch time whereas on the other side Pryor seemed to panic.

I could have made that pass.;) Joe was very open and it was a short pass.

Oh, he's certainly talented, but I already knew that before he ever wore a Trojan uniform. Obviously when he was named the starter, the assessment of his talent went up even more.

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Better than Bush...More size.

That's not accurate concerning size, McKnight is listed at 6' 190. Bush is currently 203 lbs, was at least 190 as a junior I believe.

Bush was better in college unless McKnight has an insane year, if you're talking about NFL, maybe, we'll see.

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Well, their kid-QB seems to think God did it. He must've said "Praise God" 6 times in a 1-minute interview.

When asked about what changed to permit the last-minute drive, he said the guys on the team were talking about God.

That was in the on-the-field mindless babe-interview. In the post-game sit-down, he laid off the God talk.

I wonder if that's because the team's SID gave him some "guidance", or if one of his not-so-holy-roller linemen told him he'd spend some time sitting on his butt next Saturday if he didn't knock it off. Whatever it was, it worked...

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That was in the on-the-field mindless babe-interview. In the post-game sit-down, he laid off the God talk.

I wonder if that's because the team's SID gave him some "guidance", or if one of his not-so-holy-roller linemen told him he'd spend some time sitting on his butt next Saturday if he didn't knock it off. Whatever it was, it worked...

I doubt it was either. I doubt any of the lineman were watching to see what he had to say in a 30 second interview after the game. I suspect the difference in answers had more to do with having a little bit of time to reflect on the game vs being asked questions immediately after what was probably the biggest game of his life.

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I doubt it was either. I doubt any of the lineman were watching to see what he had to say in a 30 second interview after the game. I suspect the difference in answers had more to do with having a little bit of time to reflect on the game vs being asked questions immediately after what was probably the biggest game of his life.

Well, I agree about the linemen. I was being snarky.

I don't agree about it being unguided. I bet the SID pays lots of attention to 30-sec interviews that get beamed all over creation. It's his job to help sell his kids to Heisman voters. I bet he saw the constant and repeated "Praise God's" and cringed. I bet the QB's "we were talking about God" explanation about the game-winning drive made his eyes get big. I bet he did more than cringe and look aghast. I bet he gave the kid some helpful guidance, in the form of some Do's and Don't's. I bet in future weeks, we will see the kid on a strict ration of God references.

This is football, not the kid's church. I can't believe the kid thinks God likes him and USC better than OSU. It's junk like this that gives religion a bad name...

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Well, I agree about the linemen. I was being snarky.

I don't agree about it being unguided. I bet the SID pays lots of attention to 30-sec interviews that get beamed all over creation. It's his job to help sell his kids to Heisman voters. I bet he saw the constant and repeated "Praise God's" and cringed. I bet the QB's "we were talking about God" explanation about the game-winning drive made his eyes get big. I bet he did more than cringe and look aghast. I bet he gave the kid some helpful guidance, in the form of some Do's and Don't's. I bet in future weeks, we will see the kid on a strict ration of God references.

This is football, not the kid's church. I can't believe the kid thinks God likes him and USC better than OSU. It's junk like this that gives religion a bad name...

He may have said a few more times than most but I don't think it's unusual and I don't think it will have an effect on his Heisman chances if he were to develop in future years into a legitimate candidate. Thanking God is something that Tim Tebow does often in his interviews and I don't think it has negatively impacted the UF SID's ability to sell him, do you? He may not have repeated himself as often but you will usually gets in at least a couple God references in his post game interviews.

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That's not accurate concerning size, McKnight is listed at 6' 190. Bush is currently 203 lbs, was at least 190 as a junior I believe.

Bush was better in college unless McKnight has an insane year, if you're talking about NFL, maybe, we'll see.

Really? I wonder if Bush is listed correctly..McKnight looks bigger to me.

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He may have said a few more times than most but I don't think it's unusual and I don't think it will have an effect on his Heisman chances if he were to develop in future years into a legitimate candidate. Thanking God is something that Tim Tebow does often in his interviews and I don't think it has negatively impacted the UF SID's ability to sell him, do you? He may not have repeated himself as often but you will usually gets in at least a couple God references in his post game interviews.

It wasn't that he referenced God. Rather, God was all he talked about. Virtually every sentence was a "Praise God" and sometimes nothing else. He said the reason they made the winning TD drive is because the team was talking about God. It was way beyond the kind of stuff you hear from some guys who feel compelled to bring God into it. The way he did it was downright loony tunes. And, yes, I bet the SID (and if necessary the coach) will arrange a change in his behavior. Not saying it will be a prohibition, but rather some coaching to teach the kid how to handle interviews so that he doesn't convince most sports fans that he's off his rocker...

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Really? I wonder if Bush is listed correctly..McKnight looks bigger to me.

Similar body type imo, both have bigger, more muscular upper bodies than most would think.

So when you said better, were you referring to in college or for NFL?

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