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Pie limps off field


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Fortunately DT is not a neanderthal. He will play the guy who is producing, not the guy with the unibrow and the hairiest chest.:rolleyestf:

I don't think anyone says that Pie shouldn't play because he is a drama queen. Some people were just saying that he is a drama queen.

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I don't think anyone says that Pie shouldn't play because he is a drama queen. Some people were just saying that he is a drama queen.

Exactly. Why some people want to make it like someone is bashing him for stating the obvious is beyond me? I didn't see any of it on reply or anything, so I'm going off strictly what I heard, and from what I heard Pie is a bit of a drama queen when it comes to getting hurt.

Now there is a difference between a drama queen and a wimp. The drama queen will make a big deal of things when he gets hurt (hit by a pitch, crashes into a wall or another player, etc) but he'll be back out the next day. The wimp is the guy who gets a hangnail, strains a hammy, and ends up going on the DL or missing a significant amount of time because he can't perform.

I'll take the drama queen limping up to bat as long as he's out there playing. Pie has never missed significant time for these "injuries" so I tend to think his personality is more prone to "drama", but it should not suggest he's not tough.

Hope this comes across right because I'm honestly trying to support Pie's toughness here.

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Exactly. Why some people want to make it like someone is bashing him for stating the obvious is beyond me? I didn't see any of it on reply or anything, so I'm going off strictly what I heard, and from what I heard Pie is a bit of a drama queen when it comes to getting hurt.

Now there is a difference between a drama queen and a wimp. The drama queen will make a big deal of things when he gets hurt (hit by a pitch, crashes into a wall or another player, etc) but he'll be back out the next day. The wimp is the guy who gets a hangnail, strains a hammy, and ends up going on the DL or missing a significant amount of time because he can't perform.

I'll take the drama queen limping up to bat as long as he's out there playing. Pie has never missed significant time for these "injuries" so I tend to think his personality is more prone to "drama", but it should not suggest he's not tough.

Hope this comes across right because I'm honestly trying to support Pie's toughness here.

Lol, I'm not sure if the tough-guy drama-queen argument will sell here. Those are generally considered mutually exclusive characteristics.

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Lol, I'm not sure if the tough-guy drama-queen argument will sell here. Those are generally considered mutually exclusive characteristics.

Not really. The drama queen makes a big deal of things when they are originally hurt, but they come back out and play. The wimp misses games or goes on the DL for an injury that a lot players will play through.

Pie is not a wimp.

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Exactly. Why some people want to make it like someone is bashing him for stating the obvious is beyond me? I didn't see any of it on reply or anything, so I'm going off strictly what I heard, and from what I heard Pie is a bit of a drama queen when it comes to getting hurt.

Now there is a difference between a drama queen and a wimp. The drama queen will make a big deal of things when he gets hurt (hit by a pitch, crashes into a wall or another player, etc) but he'll be back out the next day. The wimp is the guy who gets a hangnail, strains a hammy, and ends up going on the DL or missing a significant amount of time because he can't perform.

I'll take the drama queen limping up to bat as long as he's out there playing. Pie has never missed significant time for these "injuries" so I tend to think his personality is more prone to "drama", but it should not suggest he's not tough.

Hope this comes across right because I'm honestly trying to support Pie's toughness here.

Thanks Tony and Ty!! I probably am one of the last posters here to rip on a player. I believe it or not started in this thread by agreeing with Trea when he mentioned Felix's reactions were a bit much. A drama queen to be is someone like old Limas Sweed who drops a sure TD pass and then proceeds to lay on the ground for 10 minutes as if he was shot. IMO Felix reacts in a way that any manager is going to take him out. That was my point. If you want to stay in games you have to temper the reaction a little.

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Exactly. Why some people want to make it like someone is bashing him for stating the obvious is beyond me? I didn't see any of it on reply or anything, so I'm going off strictly what I heard, and from what I heard Pie is a bit of a drama queen when it comes to getting hurt.

Now there is a difference between a drama queen and a wimp. The drama queen will make a big deal of things when he gets hurt (hit by a pitch, crashes into a wall or another player, etc) but he'll be back out the next day. The wimp is the guy who gets a hangnail, strains a hammy, and ends up going on the DL or missing a significant amount of time because he can't perform.

I'll take the drama queen limping up to bat as long as he's out there playing. Pie has never missed significant time for these "injuries" so I tend to think his personality is more prone to "drama", but it should not suggest he's not tough.

Hope this comes across right because I'm honestly trying to support Pie's toughness here.

I work in the Theatre and have had more than my share of experience with real "drama queens". Unless your inside sources are telling you that Pie is throwing daily hissy fits in the clubhouse over how his uniform pants are ironed, I doubt he fits the description. A drama queen puts on an act to get attention. Is that what you think Pie is doing when he gets hurt. Drama queen is a pejoritive term in my world, maybe not in butchball?
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I work in the Theatre and have had more than my share of experience with real "drama queens". Unless your inside sources are telling you that Pie is throwing daily hissy fits in the clubhouse over how his uniform pants are ironed, I doubt he fits the description. A drama queen puts on an act to get attention. Is that what you think Pie is doing when he gets hurt. Drama queen is a pejoritive term in my world, maybe not in butchball?

I think drama queen has several different meanings to several different people.

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I work in the Theatre and have had more than my share of experience with real "drama queens". Unless your inside sources are telling you that Pie is throwing daily hissy fits in the clubhouse over how his uniform pants are ironed, I doubt he fits the description. A drama queen puts on an act to get attention. Is that what you think Pie is doing when he gets hurt. Drama queen is a pejoritive term in my world, maybe not in butchball?

Seriously. You are concerned over the use of drama queen? :rolleyestf:

Ok, he doesn't fit into your description of drama queen, but he fits into OUR description and honestly, he looks like he fits into urbandictionary's description as well.

Honestly, you are making way too much out of this whole ordeal. The key is he's ready to play. Whether he's a drama queen or not, he seems to be a guy willing to play through some discomfort the next day.

That's good enough for me.

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Seriously. You are concerned over the use of drama queen? :rolleyestf:

Ok, he doesn't fit into your description of drama queen, but he fits into OUR description. Honestly, you are making way too much out of this whole ordeal. The key is he's ready to play. Whether he's a drama queen or not, he seems to be a guy willing to play through some discomfort the next day.

That's good enough for me.

My point is, this is how players develop a negative reputation here. Drama queen is a pejoritive in whatever definition you want to use or make up to serve your purposes. It's interesting that even though you didn't see the incident that prompted this thread you are saying that it supports your notion that Pie is a drama queen. I saw it and it didn't fit that description to my mind, and I am aware of the other incidents where he did seem to react disproportionately to the injury. Whats funny is in a situation were that didn't occur his reactions are generating more drama queen baloney. If you want to dump on him at least do it when he deserves it. It's become self perpetuating. Any time Pie gets injured he'll be accused of being a drama queen regardless of how he actually reacts.
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My point is, this is how players develop a negative reputation here. Drama queen is a pejoritive in whatever definition you want to use or make up to serve your purposes. It's interesting that even though you didn't see the incident that prompted this thread you are saying that it supports your notion that Pie is a drama queen. I saw it and it didn't fit that description to my mind, and I am aware of the other incidents where he did seem to react disproportionately to the injury. Whats funny is in a situation were that didn't occur his reactions are generating more drama queen baloney. If you want to dump on him at least do it when he deserves it. It's become self perpetuasting. Any time Pie gets injured he'll be accused of being a drama queen regardless of how he actually reacts.

I am Pie's biggest supporter on this site...he is a drama queen.

But who cares? It is what it is...It doesn't make him less of a player or anything like that...it just means he likes to play up injuries when they don't end up being nearly as serious as he shows them to be.

If you want to think this is some negative thing that effects people's opinion of him as a player, that's on you...it doesn't appear that anyone is actually doing that, so this is just you trying to argue over nothing.

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