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Dave Trembley: Early Leader for Mis-manager of the Year.


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I am sure that all of the cry-babies and Orioles apologists on here will spend plenty of time telling me how I am not as smart as them or that since I do not spend every waking hour analyzing the Orioles that I am wrong in everything I say .... but Trembley will not be the manager of this team after the All Star Break this year.

Gonzalez was barely mediocre last year. He was horrible this spring. A manager with guts would not let him be the closer. He was simply not the best guy for the job.

Trembley is accountable for Gonzalez being put in these situations over and over. He is obviously bowing down to upper management n placing players in their roles.

I noticed that on the back of the scoreboard, as you walk down Eutaw Street, Trembley's large image was taken down and replaced by Markakis. It is almost like Orioles upper management wanted to avoid doing it during the season and just took Trembley down before the season started knowing that he was not long for the job.

Go to town cry babies......

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I am sure that all of the cry-babies and Orioles apologists on here will spend plenty of time telling me how I am not as smart as them or that since I do not spend every waking hour analyzing the Orioles that I am wrong in everything I say .... but Trembley will not be the manager of this team after the All Star Break this year.

Gonzalez was barely mediocre last year. He was horrible this spring. A manager with guts would not let him be the closer. He was simply not the best guy for the job.

Trembley is accountable for Gonzalez being put in these situations over and over. He is obviously bowing down to upper management n placing players in their roles.

I noticed that on the back of the scoreboard, as you walk down Eutaw Street, Trembley's large image was taken down and replaced by Markakis. It is almost like Orioles upper management wanted to avoid doing it during the season and just took Trembley down before the season started knowing that he was not long for the job.

Go to town cry babies......


I actually rather enjoyed that.

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I am sure that all of the cry-babies and Orioles apologists on here will spend plenty of time telling me how I am not as smart as them or that since I do not spend every waking hour analyzing the Orioles that I am wrong in everything I say .... but Trembley will not be the manager of this team after the All Star Break this year.

Gonzalez was barely mediocre last year. He was horrible this spring. A manager with guts would not let him be the closer. He was simply not the best guy for the job.

Trembley is accountable for Gonzalez being put in these situations over and over. He is obviously bowing down to upper management n placing players in their roles.

I noticed that on the back of the scoreboard, as you walk down Eutaw Street, Trembley's large image was taken down and replaced by Markakis. It is almost like Orioles upper management wanted to avoid doing it during the season and just took Trembley down before the season started knowing that he was not long for the job.

Go to town cry babies......

Food for thought: Pre-emptively calling people who disagree with you "cry-babies" is not a good way to get your opinions taken seriously.

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I like Dave as a person. But something changed for me today. Dave is not a winner. He should not have brought Gonzo in the ninth to close out a well attended home opener after his recent performance failures in the Tampa Bay series. Dave’s post-game response to the press question on whether he would use Gonzo to close out tomorrow’s game with the Blue Jays spoke volumes. I was at today’s game. The fans are very angry – at both Gonzo and Dave. It is going to be a long year for Dave. It sounds to me like he willing to go down with the Gonzo ship. If the closer can’t close, let the successful 8th inning guy finish off the ninth.

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Shrug it off, Bruce.

We all get that from time to time, unfortunately.

I know . I am just frustrated. I cannot believe the O's are going to do this again this year. I really thought that they would be a decent team this year----

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I am sure that all of the cry-babies and Orioles apologists on here will spend plenty of time telling me how I am not as smart as them or that since I do not spend every waking hour analyzing the Orioles that I am wrong in everything I say .... but Trembley will not be the manager of this team after the All Star Break this year.

Gonzalez was barely mediocre last year. He was horrible this spring. A manager with guts would not let him be the closer. He was simply not the best guy for the job.

Trembley is accountable for Gonzalez being put in these situations over and over. He is obviously bowing down to upper management n placing players in their roles.

I noticed that on the back of the scoreboard, as you walk down Eutaw Street, Trembley's large image was taken down and replaced by Markakis. It is almost like Orioles upper management wanted to avoid doing it during the season and just took Trembley down before the season started knowing that he was not long for the job.

Go to town cry babies......

74.1 IP, 2.42 ERA, 56 H, 33 BB, 90 K's

Listen, I am as mad as any Orioles fan right now at the guy, but at least get your facts straight. Those statistics to not point to a "barely mediocre" guy.

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I only did that ahead of time because every time I post something, I have some know-it-all 37yr.old O's fan who lives in his parents basement tell me that I am a moron....

I got news for you, we are not all like that but you have become well aquainted already with the pulse of the vocal majority here. I guess it is the arrogance of youth that is the only thing I can figure to explain it. I sure wasn't that way though when I was their age. :confused:

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One more thing Dave......the city is tired of losing just like the players. You better get this closer business straightened out in a hurry or one of these players may put your closer up against his locker if he keeps it up. There were a lot of intoxicated people at the game today and it was only 55 degrees. Many of these people were the ones booing in the 9th inning. I went to the mens room in the 6th inning and almost every guy in there was holding one or yes two bottles of beer. I thought I was at a Ravens game. You said you got a good view of the game sitting with Andy upstairs last season when you were suspended on July 10th after being ejected from a game and standing behind a policeman in the Orioles dugout and giving instructions which is a major league rules violation. During your 2 game suspension you said you had a different perspective of the game sitting upstairs. Maybe Andy can talk to you during games and give you some things to consider before Peter calls you. September was pretty ugly and the fans have not forgotten it. Give Will Ohman a shot at closing one night. No closer closes every game. You need a couple of guys to do it. If you run our closer back out there this weekend you are making a big mistake. Wait until the beginning of the week when there are less people in the stands. I'll be back on Tuesday and hopefully things will be better.

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Food for thought: Pre-emptively calling people who disagree with you "cry-babies" is not a good way to get your opinions taken seriously.
Neithe ris starting out by saying "I know you all think you are smarter than me." That doesn't seem to smart to me.:rofl:
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I am sure that all of the cry-babies and Orioles apologists on here will spend plenty of time telling me how I am not as smart as them...

The thought never crossed my mind.

But now that you mention it...


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I am sure that all of the cry-babies and Orioles apologists on here will spend plenty of time telling me how I am not as smart as them or that since I do not spend every waking hour analyzing the Orioles that I am wrong in everything I say .... but Trembley will not be the manager of this team after the All Star Break this year.

Gonzalez was barely mediocre last year. He was horrible this spring. A manager with guts would not let him be the closer. He was simply not the best guy for the job.

Trembley is accountable for Gonzalez being put in these situations over and over. He is obviously bowing down to upper management n placing players in their roles.

I noticed that on the back of the scoreboard, as you walk down Eutaw Street, Trembley's large image was taken down and replaced by Markakis. It is almost like Orioles upper management wanted to avoid doing it during the season and just took Trembley down before the season started knowing that he was not long for the job.

Go to town cry babies......

<img src="http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_5kgPlUGdiPM/SvEBxExDH2I/AAAAAAAADAI/yWK9B2h5L3o/s400/15597__crybaby_l.jpg"></img>

Johnny Depp frowns upon your shenanigans.

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