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I want a younger GM

Pedro Cerrano

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Blu-Ray. Time to step up.

Is Blu-Ray really worth it? Sometimes I feel that upgrading every time there is some minor technology advance isn't worth the money. Is still only have one HDTV in my house, and 90% of the time I don't use it because my kids are playing video games or streaming old TV shows so I'm watching my Orioles on a 25" screen on "standard" cable. And you know what? I really don't feel that deprived about it. Just put some more wins on!

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Is Blu-Ray really worth it? Sometimes I feel that upgrading every time there is some minor technology advance isn't worth the money. Is still only have one HDTV in my house, and 90% of the time I don't use it because my kids are playing video games or streaming old TV shows so I'm watching my Orioles on a 25" screen on "standard" cable. And you know what? I really don't feel that deprived about it. Just put some more wins on!

Blu-Ray is pretty sweet. I wouldn't upgrade my entire dvd library on Blu-Ray but some movies with good special effects and sound are worth it. My buddy at work just got a Blu Ray player, a projector and some ridiculous speakers. The first Blu Ray he got was Dark Knight and it was AWESOME. We work out of his condo and turned the spare bedroom into a movie theatre room.

For newer movies with big special effects and big sound, Blu Ray is awesome. And Frobby, if I were you -and I know you work hard- I'd be kicking my kids off the HDTV and watching the Orioles suck in high def.

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I should change my last name to Angelos and tell Peter that I'm his long lost nephew. I'm Irish but we look close enough to Greek, right?

I don't know--Yr ears are furry, but they stick up weird and that's not an aquiline snout.

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Is Blu-Ray really worth it? Sometimes I feel that upgrading every time there is some minor technology advance isn't worth the money. Is still only have one HDTV in my house, and 90% of the time I don't use it because my kids are playing video games or streaming old TV shows so I'm watching my Orioles on a 25" screen on "standard" cable. And you know what? I really don't feel that deprived about it. Just put some more wins on!

If you haven't started the Blu-Ray conversion you might wait it out to see if everything jumps to digital in the next five years. It's already headed in that direction -- the question is just storage space.

The nice thing about Blu-Ray is that they've started expanding the titles for which they'll sell the combo Blu-Ray/DVD/Digital copies of movies. I think it's usually like $5 more than just getting the Blu-Ray; highly recommended be Stotle.

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If you haven't started the Blu-Ray conversion you might wait it out to see if everything jumps to digital in the next five years. It's already headed in that direction -- the question is just storage space.

The nice thing about Blu-Ray is that they've started expanding the titles for which they'll sell the combo Blu-Ray/DVD/Digital copies of movies. I think it's usually like $5 more than just getting the Blu-Ray; highly recommended be Stotle.

I wouldn't even give it 5 years. They are working on a new compressed type file that will have the same HD quality but take up much less storage space, it's probably another year or 2 out, but once that hits, it'll all be digital media. I try to only buy the combo packs, especially the ones with digital copies. Little 2-year old fingers have a hard time scratching up digital copies and after watching Despicable Me 3,498 times that poor dvd is beat up.

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While you make good points, and I think we'll all acknowledge that older GMs could be just as innovative as youngers ones, the sentiment here favoring younger talent is mostly driven by Peter Angelos. He's 80-some years old. He seems very comfortable with people in his age bracket, almost to the exclusion of younger people. That naturally translates, at least to us outsiders, as him being skeptical of newer people with innovative ideas. Not just skeptical, but unwilling to hire and trust those who don't share something like his level of experience and a worldview that is typical of one who lived through and experienced most of the 20th century.

We say we want a young GM precisely because Angelos only seems comfortable with a stereotypical old GM. Baseball has a long history of trusting only those with tons of insider experience, those who are steeped in traditional ways of doing business. Peter Angelos appears to fit that to a tee, despite the competition embracing innovation like never before.

This almost seems to be an argument that the discussion needs a youth-as-surrogate-for-innovation construct to be fully understood. If lack of innovation is the problem (true as far as it goes) and, Peter Angelos' personal and professional quirks are the cause (also partially true IMO), shouldn't we cut to the chase and look for an innovative GM who first meets PA's minimum comfort level but also stands a fighting chance of expanding the scope of the exercise? Perhaps it’s impossible to find such an individual, but to filter for age at the outset serves no purpose other than to limit options.

Drungo, I get it. For decades I’ve been part of the machine that has drummed into the heads of American populace that young is exciting and old is boring and one needs to be no more critical than that. The fact is that sometimes you do especially when faced with a particularly thorny problem, which is almost the definition of Peter Angelos. This thread as titled and defended by its author is nothing more than indulging a bias, and while I’ve argued against it on principle there are good practical reasons as well for defining the problem a little more precisely which I sense you’re trying to do with this post. If so, I agree with the impulse. Framing the discussion in terms of age is ultimately just a distraction.

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