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Terps Recriuting Article


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"Much different recruiting angle" means actually attending a recruit's games and practices as opposed to sending assistant coaches.

"Much different recruiting angle" means actually trying, something Williams stopped doing basically after he won his national championship. He became King Williams the untouachable and took full advantage of his situation and clung to "doing it his way" when it was clear his way was not the future of college basketball. It's just the cold hard truth.

At the end of the day, Turgeon has done a fantastic job turning this program around and making Maryland a prime place to play that it always should have been. Heck, I even spent $137 to take my family to go watch them play against Morehead State. That's the most money that I've spent ever on Maryland basketball. I just wanted to show my support of Turgeon and how I felt about what he's done to bring my interest back to Maryland college basketball again.

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"Much different recruiting angle" means actually attending a recruit's games and practices as opposed to sending assistant coaches.

Exactly. All Turge is doing differently is actually putting in the time and effort compared to Gary. Many of us have been saying for years that the recruiting was only going to get better once Gary retired. He didn't want to do that part of his job and it's too crucial to completely delegate that stuff to assistants. Kids want to see the Head Coaches of these schools, they want to talk to them and build some kind of repoire before making a commitment. Turge is willing to do that, while Gary had no desire at all.

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Please! ONE of Turgeon"s assistants makes more per year than ALL of GW's made in 3 years. GW had to deal with Yow who authorized much more $$$$ for the womans team's assistants.

After the natty GW had a few very highly regarded classes that just didn't pan out and yes----he was above the AAU cesspool.

Make this unflattering comparison AFTER Turgeon leads us to a few final fours. I hope he get us there.

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This Gary bashing is so tired I can't even explain.

Personally, I'll still angry about the Millard Fillmore administration. Set us back for years.

The problem was and is the people that blindly support Gary. The people who never did and apparently never will admit that Gary was not doing a vital part of his job and was not maximizing or even coming close to maximizing the programs potential. There are posters here that had to fight an uphill battle with 80%+ of the posters here the last 6 or 7 years of the Gary era. When we were getting told in every thread how great Gary is and how this program will fall off when he retires, etc, etc, etc . It's frustrating when you know it isn't true. I guess people on the other side are getting a little taste of that. I can promise you though the numbers of posts critical of Gary since his retirement is nowhere near the number of posts that slobbered all over him for much of the last 5 or 6 years.

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Is there anything in my post that was wrong?

Of course not, its the truth. It was an article written in the local newspaper that some here decided to comment on. It's not like one of us just decided to make another Gary thread for the hell of it.. People who love Gary have always and apparently will continue to stick their head in the sand when it comes to his recruiting and how much it hurt the program..

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It is going to be some seriously good TV if Maryland gets hit with recruiting violations sometime in Turgeon's tenure.

(certainly not making accusations)

Listen, anything is possible. With that said, I think there is this perception from some(not saying you think this or are implying this) that Gary was the only one in America who recruited cleanly. That this man was a saint, the only saint, in a completely dirty recruiting world. It's just not true. Yes, the HS world was changed and became murkier once the AAU scene took off but that doesn't mean that every college coach in America is now breaking NCAA rules when recruiting these kids.

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Listen, anything is possible. With that said, I think there is this perception from some(not saying you think this or are implying this) that Gary was the only one in America who recruited cleanly. That this man was a saint, the only saint, in a completely dirty recruiting world. It's just not true. Yes, the HS world was changed and became murkier once the AAU scene took off but that doesn't mean that every college coach in America is now breaking NCAA rules when recruiting these kids.

I just meant the board interplay will be hilarious. :P

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It's why I took a long sabbatical from this website, and if it keeps up even just one more post, I'll take another.
This Gary bashing is so tired I can't even explain.

Personally, I'll still angry about the Millard Fillmore administration. Set us back for years.

How about you guys just admit you were wrong and us "Gary bashers" were right? The biggest problem I ever had was the ridiculous cult-like support the man got by people who wanted him to be this person he was not. It was clear by every bit of evidence that the guy did not put out the effort that was needed to recruit the players needed to maintain a top 25 program. We heard all the excuses including some that said shouldn't expect that type of wining. Bull crap. Gary had his run and he was an outstanding in game coach (although his screaming and berating his players was too old school and probably cost him a lot of recruits as well), but his absolute failure in recruiting enough talent to compete year in year out ended in his run of 3 out of 4 years out of the tournament.

Turgeon has not only re-energized the fan base, but he's made Maryland a key program for the top talent to consider once again. He did that by surrounding himself with good hard working coaches who can recruit and by himself beating the bushes, talking with players, coaches and parents and showing how much interest he has in them as a person and a basketball player.

If you want to call this Gary bashing or want to take a sabbatical because of this be my guest, but at the end of the day, we all should just be elated at where the program is going instead of complaining about people who are just telling the truth about where we were. Gary took this programs from the depths and took it to the top, and for that he should be honored, but he also took at back to the depths, and that should be remember as well.

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Just what we need, another recruiting thread that devolves into Gary bashing. Can't believe Tony still has such a chip on his shoulder and so much vitriol directed at Gary.

Meh, I don't really think this is Gary-bashing. I don't think it's Gary-bashing to say that towards the end of his run the recruiting was not particularly good, and that the results were not acceptable for the MD program.

Now having said that, I am very pleased with the way the situation went down. I love Gary and think he deserved about as much rope as he got. Had things continued, I would probably have begun to call for his ouster as well. He stepped down at exactly the right time, and it looks like Anderson made a smart hire in Turgeon.

So honestly, good for all parties involved. Good for most of the fanbase for recognizing what Gary had done and giving him the slack he had earned. Good for Gary for recognizing that it was probably time to step down and turn the reins over to a coach more willing to recruit in today's environment. And good for KA for moving forward with a strong hire.

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