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Mark Reynolds Appreciation Thread


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As frustrating as Reynolds could be at times, he was one of my favorite Orioles of recent memory. When he was hot, he was blazing, and nobody could sit him down. September 6 against the Yankees will forever be etched in my mind, and I know it will be for many of you as well. He came with a power reputation, and he delivered it in his two short years here. That, and Mark seems like a good guy, who truly cared about the team and making things happen, and boy did he deliver. If this is it for Mark as an Oriole, I'll truly miss him. I'll miss the moon shot homers, the sunflower seed tosses, the Golden Toe at first, heck even the constant flap fest threads over his defense. He was colorful, and he added some colorful discussions around here in two years. Best wishes, Mark, no matter where you go, just never against the O's, of course.

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Probably one of my favorite players from the last decade. Gonna miss him.

Agreed 100%! Thanks Mark for being a big part of the first WINNING O's team in what seemed like forever to happen again- AND bringing pride back to B-more baseball!

Hope it won't be another 15 years til we see another winning season.......

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A few here called him complacent, he was exactly the opposite, exuberant better describes him. One said he was an overachiever, when drafted was never thought to be able to make it to the bigs. He did. He was fun to watch as an Oriole, you never knew exactly what to expect, but a guy who never gave in and always played hard. I will miss him. Good luck, best wishes Mark.

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