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Ongoing lineup thread for 2013


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Well that's stupid. His sample size is small enough that the splits should be regressed with a heavy dose of league average L/R splits based on his total numbers, not thrown out.

It was you.

Maybe I am misremembering, since it was months ago and if so I do apologize.

I could have sworn you advocating just using league average numbers.

It was one of the McLouth threads I think.

Once again if I misstated your opinion of the time, sorry.

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It was you.

Maybe I am misremembering, since it was months ago and if so I do apologize.

I could have sworn you advocating just using league average numbers.

It was one of the McLouth threads I think.

Once again if I misstated your opinion of the time, sorry.

I won't deny having said something along those lines, and I assumed you were referring to me. The truth is, if all you know is that (for example) an average RHH has a .050 OPS point disadvantage against righties, and Reimold has a .20 point advantage, you'd be better off using the average split to project going forward than the observed Reimold split, given his relatively small number of PAs.

But you'd be even better off regressing his observed performance toward the league average RHH vs. RHP split.

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After starting a game in his first appearance of the season back on May 22nd against the Athletics, Ross Wolf has pitched exclusively out of the bullpen since then (although he did pitch 6.67 innings in relief against the Blue Jays on June 8th.)

Wolf has an excellent E.R.A. of 1.95 on the season, but his W.H.I.P. is not quite as good, at 1.265.


Nate McLouth - LF

Manny Machado - 3B

Nick Markakis - RF

Adam Jones - CF

Chris Davis - 1B

Matt Wieters - C

J.J. Hardy - SS

Brian Roberts - 2B

Nolan Reimold - DH

Miguel Gonzalez - RHP (6-3, 3.63 ERA)


Ross Wolf - RHP (1-1, 1.95 ERA)


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After starting a game in his first appearance of the season back on May 22nd against the Athletics, Ross Wolf has pitched exclusively out of the bullpen since then (although he did pitch 6.67 innings in relief against the Blue Jays on June 8th.)

Wolf has an excellent E.R.A. of 1.95 on the season, but his W.H.I.P. is not quite as good, at 1.265.


IP:o 6

H:o. 3

R:.O 2

BB:. 1

SO:. 3

Pitches: 72 (47 Strikes, 25 Balls)

2013 ERA: 2.14

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p><a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Orioles&src=hash">#Orioles</a> lineup vs. <a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23BlueJays&src=hash">#BlueJays</a>: Roberts 4, Machado 5, Markakis 9, Jones 8, Davis 3, Wieters 2, Hardy 6, McLouth 7, Reimold dh, Tillman 1</p>— Eduardo A. Encina (@EddieInTheYard) <a href="

">July 12, 2013</a></blockquote>

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I feel like having Roberts lead off against lefties is a misguided idea.

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I feel that having someone with a 280 OBP (.227 vs LHP) is a misguided idea.

No one really expected for Roberts to stay in the 8 or 9 position.

Yeah, I don't like it. I'm gonna guess Buck is looking at some positive splits with Buehrle.

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Why is every comment about questioning something getting bent out of shape or hating?
The implication is that Buck is playing vet favoritism and ignoring the numbers. That seems a stretch to me. I seem to recall a lot of people questioning his choice of Casilla in the line up a while back vs Masterson. He hit a HR that night. What are Robert's matchups against Buehrle. The other options at Nick and Nate. How have they done against Buehrle?
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The implication is that Buck is playing vet favoritism and ignoring the numbers. That seems a stretch to me. I seem to recall a lot of people questioning his choice of Casilla in the line up a while back vs Masterson. He hit a HR that night. What are Robert's matchups against Buehrle. The other options at Nick and Nate. How have they done against Buehrle?

Buck is managing the roster and plugging in the guys given to him to work with that he thinks can win the game.

Just like every manager on every team is doing.

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