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Fan that threw banana comes forward

Hooded Viper

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I am pretty sure the only people that think a white player throwing banana chips at a black player in any context is a white person. Pie might have said he was okay with it but think about that logically for a minute. Scott even made a reference to him acting like an animal, wow. That is horribly appalling on many levels.

That is disgusting. If Pie was giving it back to him in equal measures, it may be different. But if that is a one way thing, why hasn't Scott been outed way before. That's horrible.

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Not a single person of any nationality can look themselves in the mirror and say they've never done or said something that would be considered racist to some ethnic group at some point. Not a single person. Period.

Depends on what your understanding of the term racism is. Certain people believe that only whites can be racists because whites hold the power, whatever that means. I don't know how that holds up with our current President or how it holds up in places like Baltimore, where most of the elected politicians are black.

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The word idiot is a bit too strong......I apologize for that. I can't edit my post but I am sorry I said that, but my point stands, telling someone to "shut their mouth" because you don't like what they have to say is problem number 1 in this country right now.

Thank you for the apology. I myself have wanted to edit a few posts myself:)

I think you and I she agree to disagree. We are very far part on this issue and nothing good will come of it. But we can agree on thing-Go O's!

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Wow, never saw that story before. That's freaking nuts. I always knew Scott had his political views but shrugged my shoulders at them... if I'd seen this story I would have hated him quite a bit.

The only person who has a right to be "offended" in that story is Felix Pie. And it doesn't sound like he was offended given that he considered Scott a friend. America needs to lose about 33% of its political-correctness-hyper-overdrive. Discussing race is *not* racism. And sometimes throwing a banana on a baseball field can just be stupidity or an attempt to get under someone's skin. Again, not racism. It is sad that racism isn't reserved for things that are actually racism -- such as the notion that one race is superior to another. That concept is diluted when you call anything and everything racism, and when the media is on 24 hour patrol to drum up the next racist. I think I put this on Adam Jones. The bigger man walks away. The lesser cries about it on twitter and pouts when the indignant masses don't rally behind him. Not saying that there shouldn't have been an inquiry, but AJ did himself a disservice by handling it the way he did, especially if it does come to light that a guy just chucked a banana peel onto the field.

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Depends on what your understanding of the term racism is. Certain people believe that only whites can be racists because whites hold the power, whatever that means. I don't know how that holds up with our current President or how it holds up in places like Baltimore, where most of the elected politicians are black.

Whites aren't in power in a hell of a lot of countries in this world. Anyone can be a racist, has nothing to do with power or money.

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The word idiot is a bit too strong......I apologize for that. I can't edit my post but I am sorry I said that, but my point stands, telling someone to "shut their mouth" because you don't like what they have to say is problem number 1 in this country right now.
All his girlfriend did was send him the article in response to his question about how she viewed the incident with Jones and the banana. He didn't quote her as saying anything about Scott's politics or anything else. I agree with you that athletes have as much right as any one else to express their political beliefs, but IMO you are out of line attacking is girl friend for the opinions he has expressed.
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The only person who has a right to be "offended" in that story is Felix Pie. And it doesn't sound like he was offended given that he considered Scott a friend. America needs to lose about 33% of its political-correctness-hyper-overdrive. Discussing race is *not* racism. And sometimes throwing a banana on a baseball field can just be stupidity or an attempt to get under someone's skin. Again, not racism. It is sad that racism isn't reserved for things that are actually racism -- such as the notion that one race is superior to another. That concept is diluted when you call anything and everything racism, and when the media is on 24 hour patrol to drum up the next racist. I think I put this on Adam Jones. The bigger man walks away. The lesser cries about it on twitter and pouts when the indignant masses don't rally behind him. Not saying that there shouldn't have been an inquiry, but AJ did himself a disservice by handling it the way he did, especially if it does come to light that a guy just chucked a banana peel onto the field.
Adam's twitter post said nothing about race, and he has every right to vent about fans throwing crap at him IMO.
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I think the guys explaination is baloney. It was blatantly racial and pathetic and not something I would want AJ to deal with. I would prefer he just let it go and chalk it up to the stuff each of us deal with every single day - bigots, hipocrytes, racists, people with mental illness, and SportsGuy. It's all grey, but I really can't believe it just happened to be a banana. I call BS.

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Adam's twitter post said nothing about race, and he has every right to vent about fans throwing crap at him IMO.

You are correct. I think I got media'd and forgot to go to the primary source. Though, has AJ never had anything thrown in his direction prior? I'd still venture to guess that he's smart enough to put 2 and 2 together and realize his comment was a call-out on racism, though he definitely didn't seem to incite things beyond that point.

Also, it's post-modern feminist liberal ideology that suggests that only those who hold social capital can be a racist/sexist etc. It's an interesting if abundantly idiotic ideology. But, this country is reaping in small and ever-increasing doses the consequences of its existence.

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So there is NO chance that a guy threw something on the field out of anger? The ONLY possible scenario here is that a racist wanted to mock Adam Jones?

Nope & Yep. Its the same logic used to call all that didnt vote for our current prez racists.

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I believe EVERY word of the apology. No racist has anything to gain by coming forward and apologizing . Racists hide in the dark. They are, deep

down self loathing and not just hateful but ALWAYS need to belittle others to feel better about their small, pitiful lives.Occasionally they break the

stereotype and becoming authors and broadcasters.

Leave it to Roy to provide the clarity needed on this issue.

I think this post sums it up better than anyone else here could.

San Fran is the last place on earth you would expect racism, so it seems very unlikely that is what happened.

It will never be 100% known, but I promise you this, if this guy ever made a racist tweet or remark or comment anywhere on the Internet, the media will bring it to light.

Somehow I doubt a guy who purposely threw a banana on the field as a racist gesture will have zero trail. If it was just an accident, he most likely will be clean.

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I believe EVERY word of the apology. No racist has anything to gain by coming forward and apologizing . Racists hide in the dark. They are, deep

down self loathing and not just hateful but ALWAYS need to belittle others to feel better about their small, pitiful lives.Occasionally they break the

stereotype and becoming authors and broadcasters.

That's your right and privilege to believe the apology. My life experience tells me otherwise.

Racists don't actually hide in the dark. Cowards hide in the dark.

Most people who have anti-Black prejudices are usually quite open about it (i.e. "I'm not racist but...") and generally find ways to explain their views behind anecdotes and justifications based on bad experiences.

This dude just "happened" to throw a banana at the only Black player on the Baltimore Orioles.

I believe in coincidence and serendipity, but the chances of this being an accident are akin to those of winning Powerball.


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Leave it to Roy to provide the clarity needed on this issue.

I think this post sums it up better than anyone else here could.

San Fran is the last place on earth you would expect racism, so it seems very unlikely that is what happened.

It will never be 100% known, but I promise you this, if this guy ever made a racist tweet or remark or comment anywhere on the Internet, the media will bring it to light.

Somehow I doubt a guy who purposely threw a banana on the field as a racist gesture will have zero trail. If it was just an accident, he most likely will be clean.

Ask the Blacks in Oakland about racism in San Francisco.

Again, just because a place has a liberal reputation doesn't mean that a good portion of the population thinks Black people are equal citizens. For example, Boston has a liberal rep but is well known to be a place not hospitable to Blacks.

It's amazing this kind of thing has to be explained in 2013.


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That's your right and privilege to believe the apology. My life experience tells me otherwise.

Racists don't actually hide in the dark. Cowards hide in the dark.

Most people who have anti-Black prejudices are usually quite open about it (i.e. "I'm not racist but...") and generally find ways to explain their views behind anecdotes and justifications based on bad experiences.

This dude just "happened" to throw a banana at the only Black player on the Baltimore Orioles.

I believe in coincidence and serendipity, but the chances of this being an accident are akin to those of winning Powerball.


Perception for many is often reality. So in your world it may be. However, there is a much bigger world out there.

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And maybe we have to trust AJ's assessment of what happened. He's the only guy who has lived his life and experienced what he's experienced. I represent tons of young black kids in criminal court, and I know I don't get it completely. Or even close.

I bet most every black male on this site could tell us stories and stories. DOESN'T MEAN THEIR INTERPRATON OF THE EVENTS IS ACCURATE, and they know that too. But there's a feel, because of experience. So, maybe give AJ the benefit of the doubt here.

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