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Chris Davis tested positive for amphetamines. (25 Game Ban)


Why did he do it?  

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  1. 1. Why did he do it?

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Yeah, it's hard to make judgement on cases your not privy too. If you want to say in general that's a different thing.

I used to have ADD/Bipolar and stuff and was on medication for over a decade. Eventually I was just able to beat it myself and I got off of it and was fine. I wouldn't recommend how I did it, stopping 7 different medications at once without tapering but I was able to weather the storm for a week and then was fine.

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I don't see why MLB would give CD a chance to be a postseason/WS hero before announcing something like this though.

Oh I don't think this was the case. I *think" CD didn't understand that exemptions were annual until failing a test, probably in 2011 or 2012. He quit, had success, and then decided to risk taking it after struggling this year. Note that this is just the narrative I've created in my head, with no evidence.

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Probably the part about "Parents are crazy to put their kids on drugs," among other things. It's a pretty classless remark -- and a pretty ignorant opinion -- to assume you know the circumstances of a child's health more than their own parents do.

Maybe he should have qualified the crazy remark but that remark is based on an OPINION that I happen to share. I have every right to assume that we, as a society/ are being led to be fed on pills. My OPINION is that many parents "give in " to make it easier on themselves and they do little to investigate on their own, when presented with an immediate, easy solution.----SPOONFED.

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Davis didn't bother applying for an exemption this year or last year. We've heard nothing, to my knowledge, about whether he has a current, valid prescription from a doctor. If he's regularly taken prescription medication without a prescription, then that's sprinting towards the dictionary definition of drug abuse, no?

Of course, even if he does have some kind of prescription...why on Earth wouldn't he have renewed his attempts to get an exemption prior to either of the last two seasons?

He obviously had prescription or he would have never gotten a TUE in the first place. MLB has been cracking down on them lately and it could have been he applied and was turned down for whatever reason. Probably started out the season without it and as he started slumping he started noticing how much the ADHD was hampering him. So he took what was prescribed to him.

MLB's policy with players with ADHD and ADD is asinine. They tend to question the diagnosis and try to prevent players from getting the help they need by making it so hard to qualify for TUEs.

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Suppose someone is far sighted, doesn't realize it, and has difficulty picking up the ball out of the pitcher's hand. So he is around .200 as a hitter, but good with the glove. After going to the eye doctor he is fitted for contacts and sees the ball much better. He raises his average to around .260. Are his contacts performance enhancing?

I don't think it's the performance-enhancing aspect of these things that makes them outlawed. It's that they have severe side effects. You don't get cancer or get psychotic or abusive or roid rage or have heart palpitations for wearing contacts or eyeglasses.

If a guy takes a mostly harmless pill like ibuprofen and it cures his pain, great. If he takes a prescription that a doctor says will help repair injuries or minimize pain, great. But things like steroids, testosterone and human growth hormone have severe side effects. If we hypothetically had performance-enhancing drugs with minimal or no side effects that weren't addictive, behavior-changing or lifespan-shortening, I doubt they would be outlawed.

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Probably the part about "Parents are crazy to put their kids on drugs," among other things. It's a pretty classless remark -- and a pretty ignorant opinion -- to assume you know the circumstances of a child's health more than their own parents do.

If your kid is Schizophrenic put them on drugs. If you kid is having trouble concentrating in school don't give them drugs. What is insane is loading up a kid on drugs because he is being a boy. There are things you can do to help your kid concentrate better. Natural diet, no sugars like Apple juice, get plent of exercise, don't give them video games, limit tv to an hour a day, talk to them, make them read books every day. Every foster kid I had was raised by drug addicts but all of them that stayed more than a couple of weeks got their ADHD, aspergers, low iq diagnosis go away when they lived with us.

What is really ignorant is putting kids on anti depressants when their is no proof that kids with depression do better on drugs than off drugs.

And BTW I have a degree in Psychology among others.

But don't listen to me for advice with your own kid that is your decision.. Imam just some guy on the Internet.

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I don't think it's the performance-enhancing aspect of these things that makes them outlawed. It's that they have severe side effects. You don't get cancer or get psychotic or abusive or roid rage or have heart palpitations for wearing contacts or eyeglasses.

If a guy takes a mostly harmless pill like ibuprofen and it cures his pain, great. If he takes a prescription that a doctor says will help repair injuries or minimize pain, great. But things like steroids, testosterone and human growth hormone have severe side effects. If we hypothetically had performance-enhancing drugs with minimal or no side effects that weren't addictive, behavior-changing or lifespan-shortening, I doubt they would be outlawed.

Exactly it isn't fair to the players to want to live a healthy life.

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I don't think it's the performance-enhancing aspect of these things that makes them outlawed. It's that they have severe side effects. You don't get cancer or get psychotic or abusive or roid rage or have heart palpitations for wearing contacts or eyeglasses.

If a guy takes a mostly harmless pill like ibuprofen and it cures his pain, great. If he takes a prescription that a doctor says will help repair injuries or minimize pain, great. But things like steroids, testosterone and human growth hormone have severe side effects. If we hypothetically had performance-enhancing drugs with minimal or no side effects that weren't addictive, behavior-changing or lifespan-shortening, I doubt they would be outlawed.

Every drug including aspirin has severe side affects in improper dosage. The fact that we have seen no ballplayers suffering from severe side effects recently, suggests that they are well ad vised and using the drugs prudently. So the main reason for banning them is the unfair advantage. Adderall if used by someone without ADHA has the effect of a stimulant that can enhance performance. If used by some one with the ADHA condition then it stabilizes them and brings them up to normal focus. That is the point of the contact lens analogy. It corrects a physical deficiency.
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Hopefully you will have no regret with your post---more importantly---GOOD FOR YOU----While I congratulate your your overcoming that condition, you prove to be a text-book example of what's wrong with the overall propensity to just proscribe pills.

Mindless drones don't innovate and that's what a lot of pills do.

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What's so out of line with this OPINION???????

I agree with the sentiment that we are a very over-medicated country. They have everyone taking pills----or that appears to be their goal.

Yeah I know a guy in his 20s on cholesterol medication. They told to change his diet and come back in 3 months and if it hadn't gone down they would give him the mess. He continued to eat junk food and wouldn't walk a block even though I told him I would walk with him. People want an easy way out. Every drug you take is going to have side effects. Unless it essential to your health it isn't with taking.

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If your kid is Schizophrenic put them on drugs. If you kid is having trouble concentrating in school don't give them drugs. What is insane is loading up a kid on drugs because he is being a boy. There are things you can do to help your kid concentrate better. Natural diet, no sugars like Apple juice, get plent of exercise, don't give them video games, limit tv to an hour a day, talk to them, make them read books every day. Every foster kid I had was raised by drug addicts but all of them that stayed more than a couple of weeks got their ADHD, aspergers, low iq diagnosis go away when they lived with us.

What is really ignorant is putting kids on anti depressants when their is no proof that kids with depression do better on drugs than off drugs.

And BTW I have a degree in Psychology among others.

But don't listen to me for advice with your own kid that is your decision.. Imam just some guy on the Internet.

Get out of here---you are over qualified to post here. You have too much actual experience. Go Now!!!

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Yeah I know a guy in his 20s on cholesterol medication. They told to change his diet and come back in 3 months and if it hadn't gone down they would give him the mess. He continued to eat junk food and wouldn't walk a block even though I told him I would walk with him. People want an easy way out. Every drug you take is going to have side effects. Unless it essential to your health it isn't with taking.

Vetted, peer-reviewed epidemiological data relating statin use to reduced mortality risk in high-risk populations are wrong, but your hunch is definitely correct! (Note: statins can have side effects. Double note: statins aren't essential to the health of most people who take/have taken them, but they probably prevented strokes and heart attacks in a small minority of patients, so it's still worth it).

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If your kid is Schizophrenic put them on drugs. If you kid is having trouble concentrating in school don't give them drugs. What is insane is loading up a kid on drugs because he is being a boy. There are things you can do to help your kid concentrate better. Natural diet, no sugars like Apple juice, get plent of exercise, don't give them video games, limit tv to an hour a day, talk to them, make them read books every day. Every foster kid I had was raised by drug addicts but all of them that stayed more than a couple of weeks got their ADHD, aspergers, low iq diagnosis go away when they lived with us.

What is really ignorant is putting kids on anti depressants when their is no proof that kids with depression do better on drugs than off drugs.

And BTW I have a degree in Psychology among others.

But don't listen to me for advice with your own kid that is your decision.. Imam just some guy on the Internet.

I'll repeat...you don't know what you're talking about.

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Who knows if you are, but you pretty clearly question the validity of any disease that you don't catch from some kind of bacteria or virus?

Schizophrenia, Anxiety disorders are pretty real. And I am sure there a few kids who actually have severe issues with concentration but they are in a small

Minority of kids with that they claim have AHDD.

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