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Oh! How doing that during the anthem rankles some people


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Thank God I'm a commie boy! :D

Listen, I'm a traditionalist, but I'm also old enough to remember how this tradition got started. There was one year where they started playing this in the 7th inning stretch and it seemed the Orioles always rallied in the bottom half of that inning, so they just kept doing it. And the O's were a very good team then and so they just kept at it and it was kind of a good luck charm (why change what's working?).

Well, it hasn't worked in a long time. The O's have been terrible at coming from behind late in games for many years now. They are the team that blows the leads, not the one that overcomes deficits.

To me, the song is just a reminder that the team isn't what it used to be.

Yeah, but this is how you build tradition. While the O's are not winning I think that if you ask people some of the things missing aside from the obvious, talent, good ownership, are getting back to its roots and tradition

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What I hate is when people give me glaring looks when I remain seated during the National Anthem and talk on my cell phone while wearing my hat. And yes, that was a run-on sentence. Also, how come I can't say m-f-er after every pitch, especially when the kids are around? I paid for my ticket, I can get up and walk across the row when the bases are loaded and 3-2 pitch is delivered. Why do people get mad at me, can't they just chill out?

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What I hate is when people give me glaring looks when I remain seated during the National Anthem and talk on my cell phone while wearing my hat. And yes, that was a run-on sentence. Also, how come I can't say m-f-er after every pitch, especially when the kids are around? I paid for my ticket, I can get up and walk across the row when the bases are loaded and 3-2 pitch is delivered. Why do people get mad at me, can't they just chill out?

I hate it when people get mad at me for talking during a movie. I paid for my ticket, I should be able to do what I want.*

*Someone actually used this rationale once in a movie I attended.

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Anyone who dislikes the "O" was obviously not in Cooperstown this past July, that was incredible.

I also enjoy the "O" at non oriole games, it's like a brotherhood of Orioles fans, I always at least mouth the "O" when the national anthem is played

I was at Cooperstown:) It was beyond awesome!I probably saw you there! Did you see My O hangout sign?

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That surprises me. I would've thought there'd be more eye-rolling involved. But I'm glad to hear to that. Maybe I'm just speaking for myself, but I wouldn't have the guts to shout "O!" knowing that I'd be the only one in the entire crowd making any noise.


You need to hang around me at games more:D

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Do you tell everyone that doesn't agree with you to get over themselves? I don't really recall riding into this thread on a high horse...

If you read the person I originally quoted, yes he did ride in on his high horse and you agreed with him so you also came on you're high horse. That's where this all started with. My problem isn't with taking off the hat it's the people who think because someone doesn't follow some old tradition that somehow that person is beneath them.

End of discussion.

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If you read the person I originally quoted, yes he did ride in on his high horse and you agreed with him so you also came on you're high horse. That's where this all started with. My problem isn't with taking off the hat it's the people who think because someone doesn't follow some old tradition that somehow that person is beneath them.

End of discussion.

Because YOU say so? I think not. Here's a few more old traditions that people seem to disregard in today's times...

Thou shall not kill!

Thou shall not covett another man's wife!

Thou shall not steal!

Thou shall not pick on Dippy for his fear of snakes! :D

Its no wonder society is going straight to hell. The old tradition of RESPECT has gone flying out the window along with the ten commandments, and many other moral and ethical traditions. Take off the damn hat dude. Have some respect for those who died for your arse to say and do whatever the heck you want! :mad:

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Because YOU say so? I think not. Here's a few more old traditions that people seem to disregard in today's times...

Thou shall not kill!

Thou shall not covett another man's wife!

Thou shall not steal!

Thou shall not pick on Dippy for his fear of snakes! :D

Its no wonder society is going straight to hell. The old tradition of RESPECT has gone flying out the window along with the ten commandments, and many other moral and ethical traditions. Take off the damn hat dude. Have some respect for those who died for your arse to say and do whatever the heck you want! :mad:

FWIW, those old traditions have pretty much ALWAYS been disregarded.

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Correct me if im wrong ,but isnt the entire point of our National Anthem that our country is one of the rare ones that allows individual expression. If someone wants to sit during the Anthem they can. They are probably like many of the young liberal college students who post on here, uneducated in the sacrifices and history of this country..........."when was WWII ?"...response..."I dunno,uuuuhhhh,1972?...Everyone, especially those under 30ish, should really to educate themselves in the history of our country,and how rare and singular and for the most part pure our mission has been. Only when you know a great deal about these things should you comment,protest,or really even vote....BUT,this is why AMERICA is great.

You can burn the flag in this country,but if you do it in front of me prepare to have your ass kicked.

God bless America,and the O's.

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Correct me if im wrong ,but isnt the entire point of our National Anthem that our country is one of the rare ones that allows individual expression. If someone wants to sit during the Anthem they can. They are probably like many of the young liberal college students who post on here, uneducated in the sacrifices and history of this country..........."when was WWII ?"...response..."I dunno,uuuuhhhh,1972?...Everyone, especially those under 30ish, should really to educate themselves in the history of our country,and how rare and singular and for the most part pure our mission has been. Only when you know a great deal about these things should you comment,protest,or really even vote....BUT,this is why AMERICA is great.

You can burn the flag in this country,but if you do it in front of me prepare to have your ass kicked.

God bless America,and the O's.

Since we're going in a new direction...

I know plenty of history. Probably more than most people on this board combined.

Another example of people thinking they're better than others.

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