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This is their mantra. They will keep saying this over and over again.

I agree Rob. Unfortunately, it doesn't hold weight because a good manager can use a 12-man pitching staff and shouldn't choose a pinch runner over a right-handed power bat when your lineup carries four batters (Roberts, Huff, Gibbons, and Patterson) who don't hit lefties well.

Really, there is no excuse. This roster is dysfunctional and managed poorly.

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Yeah, there are some things he could have done differently.

At some point though, after 11 scoreless innings pitched, you have to blame the starting lineup. They lost this game. Our top 6 hitters went 3 for 30, and one of those hits was in garbage time.

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I honestly don't care if Mazzone goes if he goes at this point.
Mazzone signed a three year contract with us so we've got him locked up for awhile. And besides, if our pitchers can't be good without Mazzone, then I don't want them.

I have completely lost all my faith in Sam Perlozzo. I know it's probably partially emotions talking, but he has seriously made some of the worst conceivable moves. I think anyone who's watched any amount of baseball in their time could have seen the likelihood that extra innings would be happening in this game. We already had a starter finish after five innings. We wasted four relief pitchers just to GET to extra innings, despite low pitch counts.

Something like this should just cost a manager his job, no questions asked. There has to be someone in our minor league system who can run this team better than Sam.

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Well said.

We can only go as far as our manager can take us. He's the guy that puts our players in the position to be successful. It's just the start of the season but the guy has made enough idiotic moves to at least cost us a few games. Not to mention shooting us in the foot from the beginning the way he put together the 25 man roster. We desperately need another right handed hitter with at least the potential to have some pop off the bench. I refuse to believe Bynum or a 13th pitcher is more valuable to this team then a Dubois/Knott type. I'm not even going to get into his bullpen management, I think we all agree it has been terrible.

Sloppy, inexcusable management over this team.

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This is their mantra. They will keep saying this over and over again.

Yep just like when we get Bedard back, and when we get Javy back... Didn't happen then, ain't gonna happen now. We need some RH bats. Jay Gibbons should never bat against another lefty. Huff holds his own even though there is no power, and Patterson is well, serviceable and we need his OF defense. We've got Knott and JR House and if they don't like them well we can get a bat that hits and fields (so Perlozzo will actually use it) and it's in Tampa. We might even be able to do a one stop shop and pick up Baldelli and Gomes...

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Tony's right on the money. It seems so obvious ...

Jay can't hit lefties. Period. End of story. In fact, he can't anyone who doesn't put the ball over the inner half of the plate. Those pitchers, he kills. Anyone else, he looks like me up there.

We have a lineup that's incredibly vulnerable to left-handed pitching, and we have help on the farm available. We're just too stupid to use them.

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And, even though they will help the situation by game 12-15, why don't we do everything we can to protect ourselves against the stacked lefty pen for these first 12-15 games? Amazing, simply amazing, I can't stop giggling about it, it is just so crazy

Please, please, please tell me how you giggle about it because I just fired remote #2 into the wall when we lost that game.

I need anger management or something. The O's and traffic are two huge factors that will contribute to my inevitable cardiac arrest.

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With what is shaping up as a pretty good staff...

just think what my favorite mananger not name Earl Weaver (Davey Johnson) could do with this team.

Absolutely Ted. Don't get me wrong, our lineup did terrible tonight, but to use seven relievers for seven innings is unbelievable.

Hell, I would have pinch hit Gomez for Gibbons then put Bynum in left field. not only do I get a better match up, I get better defense the next inning. But what the hell do I know????

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My only question is, can it be quite as simple as it seems? I mean, none of us would ever have a chance of managing, or being the general manager of a baseball team, but is there something more to it than the obvious that we see? Is it that hard to see that this team is horrid against lefties? That this team has a horrible bench? What is it? I thought the guys who got paid the big money to see this stuff would atleast be able to see it as clear as us.

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Please, please, please tell me how you giggle about it because I just fired remote #2 into the wall when we lost that game.

I damn near broke my first one on the season. As that ball sailed over Corey's head, I had to restrain myself and put the remote out of my reach, I knew I was gonna whirl it in a second or two.

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My only question is, can it be quite as simple as it seems? I mean, none of us would ever have a chance of managing, or being the general manager of a baseball team, but is there something more to it than the obvious that we see? Is it that hard to see that this team is horrid against lefties? That this team has a horrible bench? What is it? I thought the guys who got paid the big money to see this stuff would atleast be able to see it as clear as us.

You watch too much Oprah and daytime TV.

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