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Wieters is staying with the Orioles for 2016


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Any chance DD is actually going to work our a contract with Wieters? Do we even want to keep him for a longer period of time?

I kind of have mixed feelings, I like Wieters and he's been solid before the injury but I think I would have kept the money and not even offered the QO.

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I hope not, surely the defense of one of the most unathletic baseball players I've ever seen at an unfamiliar position will not make up for a .740ish OPS bat at first base.

I don't necessarily agree with the unathletic part, but Wieters is a catcher. His value is as a catcher, and his ability to play good defense at a premium position. He is certainly a below-average first baseman at his career numbers and likely defense at a position he's barely played.

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Any chance DD is actually going to work our a contract with Wieters? Do we even want to keep him for a longer period of time?

I kind of have mixed feelings, I like Wieters and he's been solid before the injury but I think I would have kept the money and not even offered the QO.

This isn't going to happen. The point of Wieters taking the QO is to showcase that he's healthy enough for the $80+MM deal that he's looking for.

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On the QO:

1) I absolutely still would have offered it. Process not results.

2) I'm very surprised a Boras client accepted. So much for the narrative that Boras is 100% about getting the most career earnings for his guys. It's not unlikely that Wieters is less valuable at this time next year.

3) Wieters is a 2-ish win player being paid for 2-ish wins. So no big deal there.

4) Part of me wanted the draft pick, but part of me says "I like Matt Wieters. He's a good guy. I'm kind of glad he's still on the team, and I hope he does well."

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This isn't going to happen. The point of Wieters taking the QO is to showcase that he's healthy enough for the $80+MM deal that he's looking for.

That's what I figured...

I think I'd rather have kept the 15 mil and put it towards other resources which are much more needed IMO.

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This isn't going to happen. The point of Wieters taking the QO is to showcase that he's healthy enough for the $80+MM deal that he's looking for.

I suppose. But it's not at all unlikely that any catcher could take a foul ball off his meat hand in mid-June, and end up playing 58 games and OPSing .675, and next year he's worse off because he's older.

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Maybe he wants to be in the Orioles Hall-of-Fame someday.

Either that, or it's the Stove Top stuffing that the Orioles always have in the clubhouse for their post-game meals.

I knew it! No wonder they're so slow on the basepaths! :cussing:

A lot of them are slow, but not all of them.

"Wheels" Wieters has a 75% success rate for his career in stolen bases.


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