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Baseball Prospectus: Life at the Margins - Not Fade Away


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Across much of baseball, spring is a time of jubilation. White balls with flashing red seams zip smartly across cerulean southern skies. Dark leather scrapes lightly against soft dirt as young men prepare again to play the summer game. In the backfields, round bat collides brutally with round ball. And we as fans rejoice, because for us these are the unmistakeable signs of winter drawing to a close.

But just as the springtime forest in all its chattering glory reveals in its melting snow the frozen remains of those woodland creatures who could not survive the winter, so too does the coming of another baseball spring reveal the dark remains of many a big-league dream. The game renews, but it is only the game that renews. The players get older, and sometimes they fade away.

Sometimes, though, the end is brutally fast.

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So according to the stats from that article, about 7-8 players per team who played in 2015 won't ever play again in the majors. Who fits that for the 2015 Orioles?

- Delmon Young

- Everth Cabrera

- Ray Navarro

- Junior Lake

- Steve Johnson

There are other candidates, but those seem the most likely.

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