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Perlozzo--from the Cumberland Times News


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From the article, it sounds like that Perlozzo was called in to be dismissed after Olney had already broken the story on ESPN. Perlozzo is correct that the front office didn't step up. Withing the last week or so, I clearly recall that Duquette told the media that they would not discuss Perlozzo's status, which is not a vote of confidence. They chose to say nothing because, as Perlozzo correctly noted, then fingers could be pointed right back at them for their roster decisions.

"I asked them to be specific and tell me what I did wrong, and they couldn't do it. " -

That was clear during Flanagan's tightly scripted press conference yesterday.

If the offense is a big problem, as Perlozzo says, then why is Crowley still employed by the club? It's a question that has been asked repeatedly here. (The irony is the input that Perlozzo did admit to having was on the offense side - Payton and Huff)

I hope Flanagan is the next one shown the door. IMHO, it's overdue.

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So many layers here. It's pretty dumb that Perlozzo wasn't consulted about the bullpen moves, but then again, he was for Payton and against Millar, so what the hell does he know? He could have been more diplomatic about not airing his complaints with specific people, but I can't say he's really wrong about any of them. It irritates me that he defends his entire managerial record, yet he's right that at some point, the players just stunk and what could you do about it?

Bottom line is this: Perlozzo was part of the problem. Crowley, Mora, Tejada, Gibbons, Payton, Patterson, Baez, and most importantly Flanagan and Duquette, are problems, too.

We have a long row left to hoe. Let's keep working.

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From the article, it sounds like that Perlozzo was called in to be dismissed after Olney had already broken the story on ESPN. Perlozzo is correct that the front office didn't step up. Withing the last week or so, I clearly recall that Duquette told the media that they would not discuss Perlozzo's status, which is not a vote of confidence. They chose to say nothing because, as Perlozzo correctly noted, then fingers could be pointed right back at them for their roster decisions.

"I asked them to be specific and tell me what I did wrong, and they couldn't do it. " -

That was clear during Flanagan's tightly scripted press conference yesterday.

If the offense is a big problem, as Perlozzo says, then why is Crowley still employed by the club? It's a question that has been asked repeatedly here. (The irony is the input that Perlozzo did admit to having was on the offense side - Payton and Huff)

I hope Flanagan is the next one shown the door. IMHO, it's overdue.

He's absolutely right about that, and I hope both GMs are gone.

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Bottom line is this: Perlozzo was part of the problem. Crowley, Mora, Tejada, Gibbons, Payton, Patterson, Baez, and most importantly Flanagan and Duquette, are problems, too.

We're going to need a lot of rope for all those nooses.

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What about the stuff he said about Terry Crowley (without using his name but he did pretty clearly imply he thought he should have been fired). Sammy may be a nice guy most of the time, but today he threw quite a few people under the proverbial bus and that was uncalled for.

So, what should he do just pretend that he is the only one at fault. I think it is a fair point that when your offense is 13th in the AL maybe it makes more sense to fire the hitting coach than the manager.

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Bottom line is this: Perlozzo was part of the problem. Crowley, Mora, Tejada, Gibbons, Payton, Patterson, Baez, and most importantly Flanagan and Duquette, are problems, too.

True indeed. Two major points:

1. Sam may be angry and letting loose in a way that we don't like, but he's repeating a lot of things that were written on this board. Were we happy when Millar was re-signed? And all those bullpen signings? I can recall some specific critiques on Baez's signing. And the things he insinuates about Flanagan & Duquette?

2. The only qualification/addition I would make to the above statement is that so far, Perlozzo is the only "part of the problem" who's been penalized for his performance. I hope that whoever is brought in to manage will be given an opportunity to a) construct his own staff and b) have input on the roster. It seems clear that Perlozzo, more than being "part of the problem" was set up to be the fall guy by a FO too impressed with its own genius bullpen restructuring idea to listen to the man they'd put in charge on the field.

Okay, three points:

3. I also agree that the way the FO handled his dismissal and its buildup was shameful. You ALWAYS support the guy in charge. Though Sam doesn't say it, it seems clear to me that part of the reason he lost the clubhouse is b/c the FO refused to publicly support him. Seems to me that the players were willing to support him -- even if it wasn't ecstatic -- before the FO went silent. After, it was "no comment" in the clubhouse too.

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Reference the above and below bold parts.

He's wrong, the OBP and Runs Scored do jibe. The team is next to last in the AL in runs per game. They are next to last in the AL in OBP. Seems to jibe rather nicely.

I think he was saying that Millar's OBP doesn't translate into runs because he is too slow.

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True indeed. Two major points:

1. Sam may be angry and letting loose in a way that we don't like, but he's repeating a lot of things that were written on this board. Were we happy when Millar was re-signed? And all those bullpen signings? I can recall some specific critiques on Baez's signing. And the things he insinuates about Flanagan & Duquette?

2. The only qualification/addition I would make to the above statement is that so far, Perlozzo is the only "part of the problem" who's been penalized for his performance. I hope that whoever is brought in to manage will be given an opportunity to a) construct his own staff and b) have input on the roster. It seems clear that Perlozzo, more than being "part of the problem" was set up to be the fall guy by a FO too impressed with its own genius bullpen restructuring idea to listen to the man they'd put in charge on the field.

Okay, three points:

3. I also agree that the way the FO handled his dismissal and its buildup was shameful. You ALWAYS support the guy in charge. Though Sam doesn't say it, it seems clear to me that part of the reason he lost the clubhouse is b/c the FO refused to publicly support him. Seems to me that the players were willing to support him -- even if it wasn't ecstatic -- before the FO went silent. After, it was "no comment" in the clubhouse too.

I'm not sure of the timeline, but I don't think one had anything to do with the other. Nobody stepped up to support Sam, and you're right, that's shameful.

On the other hand, did he really deserve defending?

On the THIRD hand, shouldn't the players have been blaming themselves?

On the FOURTH...ok, I'm done.:)

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For those of you who take issue with Perlozzo's quotes, I will remind you that no one was thrown further under the bus than Perlozzo. Yes Perlozzo bore some responsibility for what happened, but not as much as Crowley or Flanagan. Yet it is Perlozzo, the guy who has had the least amount of time to prove himself in his position that is gone.

Good for Sam to say how he feels. Hopefully airing this all out will make him feel better and also get back to the Orioles so they know he isn't just some doormat. Tell me it wouldn't have made more sense to try to shake this up by canning Crowley first to see if that made a difference. Flanagan was just being loyal to his buddy and screwing Sam.

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If so, he'd be wrong. The problem is that we have no power. Nobody calls Bobby Abreu a liability for clogging up the bases. Ya feel me?

He's also wrong about it because he's constantly batting Millar low in the batting order. 8th place hitters aren't gonna score that many runs :rolleyes:

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Crowley hasn't been fired, IMHO, because most of the players like him.

Does that strike anyone else as a problem, in an inmates-running-asylum way?

Players, if you don't like a coach or manager, all you have to do is b!tch about him to management through the press! And rest assured, the FO will dispose of the offending party in no time at all! No matter how bad you suck!

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Like I said, lots of layers. :)

(Go ahead, make a Lebowski reference. I dare you.:D)

"It's a complicated case, Maude. Lotta ins, lotta outs. Fortunately I've been adhering to a pretty strict, uh, drug regimen to keep my mind, you know, limber."

Come to think of it, this quote does apply to our two headed GM. By the way, I'm new here and I love the board. It's great to see so many people still have so much enthusiasm for the team after so many tough times.

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He's also wrong about it because he's constantly batting Millar low in the batting order. 8th place hitters aren't gonna score that many runs :rolleyes:

Very true. It wouldn't have made THAT much difference, but if there's a player on this team who, in a "Moneyball" sense, should be batting 2nd, it's Kevin Millar. His OBP does you no good if he's both slow and batting ahead of awful, awful baseball players.

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