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Please do not use adblocker on our site


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   I'm  certainly fine with the annual membership. I don't know about a donation option but could you do a monthly option for these guys? I assume they are younger with a 25.00 hit being a big event. 

As the other poster suggested , make it slightly higher to offset the credit card/ bank fees. The  $36 option seems fair to me!


just my 2 cents

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Also,  most of the time I use my iPad and I see the ads on the right column. I did not like the bottom banner so much but dealt with it.

i assume since I see and can click on them my setting up is correct?

i still occasionally get the you've won a free iPhone pop up.

anyway is there a way to notify the users who have the setting wrong. I'm betting the many don't know if they have t on.




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We work very hard to not bring you intrusive ads. I tried the bottom ad but I thought it was too intrusive and got rid of it.. I appreciate all of the feedback, but we work very hard to make sure you don't get intrusive adverting here. any pop up advertising you get from this site is because of malware installed on your own mobile device.  We had one ad network that was unable to solve auto audio ads and some bad ads so we got ride of them even though they paid off well. 

We care about what we bring you. I'm sorry that some think we have done a poor job but it is a very hard job to monetize sites without being intrusive. Go around the internet and look at how many clickthroughs and pop ups you have to deal with and then come back here and look at how we don't allow those ads. When those ads sneak in through networks, we get rid of them quickly, most of the time at a financial loss to us, but I care that much about the user experience that it doesn't matter.

Now I've long ago given up trying to make everyone happy. Some people won't care how much time and effort you put into something but will bash your technical ability and tell you you haven't kept up with the times. They don't realize how much time and effort and missed sleep we get when things don't work right,. All we ask is for you to join us as a plus member which is about $2 a month and not use adblockers. If that is too much to ask, that's ok, we hope you still enjoy the site.

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19 hours ago, weams said:

I think a way to increase plus membership would be for those who get a lot out of this site should just buy a Plus. Just to support the site. 

Just telling people to pay is not a solution. People are telling you they want more options. Patreon and tip jars are more options. Withholding basic forum features like post editing and all the other things isn't a solution either since those features are not worth paying for and I would even go out on a limb and assume that obtaining these features has a negligible at best effect on whether or not people give you money. They aren't paying for the features, they are paying to support the site already if they are able. The current methods are not working as evidenced by this thread. People are telling you what they want, so now it's up to you guys to listen to them or continue on in this self-limiting system. It doesn't have to be that way at all.

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4 hours ago, Sessh said:

Just telling people to pay is not a solution. People are telling you they want more options. Patreon and tip jars are more options. Withholding basic forum features like post editing and all the other things isn't a solution either since those features are not worth paying for and I would even go out on a limb and assume that obtaining these features has a negligible at best effect on whether or not people give you money. They aren't paying for the features, they are paying to support the site already if they are able. The current methods are not working as evidenced by this thread. People are telling you what they want, so now it's up to you guys to listen to them or continue on in this self-limiting system. It doesn't have to be that way at all.

Exactly. I'd gladly chip in $5 or $10 here and there because I love checking in on the forums and everyone's opinions. But $25 for a plus membership is not of interest to me since I don't care about the features and therefore don't want to put out $25 for it. 

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The ads are a nightmare and I have gotten phone cancer from the site. I don't run a website so I don't know how difficult it is to not have horribly obtrusive ads but this is the only site I go to where I have this problem and it is the main reason I downloaded an adblocker. If you want to do an Amazon click through or something, I would be happy to do that for you instead of send my click through dollars to a random podcast, but the ads aren't under control and the mobile situation is bad. I don't go to the site very often on my phone because every once in a while I get insane popups. I miss being able to use Tapatalk.

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There was a time a few weeks ago where I was attacked by pop ups so bad I couldn't even look at this site for days. A few times I have had to reset my phone completely because of it. I too started using an ad blocker specifically because of this site. 


I can't enjoy your site without one and I now feel bad even coming here. I guess my postings here will become less. Thanks for all you do. I hope things work out for you guys and I've enjoyed the past few years I have been here. Take care all.

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24 minutes ago, Dark Helmet said:

There was a time a few weeks ago where I was attacked by pop ups so bad I couldn't even look at this site for days. A few times I have had to reset my phone completely because of it. I too started using an ad blocker specifically because of this site. 


I can't enjoy your site without one and I now feel bad even coming here. I guess my postings here will become less. Thanks for all you do. I hope things work out for you guys and I've enjoyed the past few years I have been here. Take care all.

I don't think leaving is necessary. Even if you're not clicking on ads, you're still contributing to the site in some way.

I don't mean to speak for Tony, weams, et al, bt I highly doubt they'd want anyone to leave the site over this.

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9 hours ago, MurphDogg said:

The ads are a nightmare and I have gotten phone cancer from the site. I don't run a website so I don't know how difficult it is to not have horribly obtrusive ads but this is the only site I go to where I have this problem and it is the main reason I downloaded an adblocker. If you want to do an Amazon click through or something, I would be happy to do that for you instead of send my click through dollars to a random podcast, but the ads aren't under control and the mobile situation is bad. I don't go to the site very often on my phone because every once in a while I get insane popups. I miss being able to use Tapatalk.

Firsts off, that;s just wrong. You haven't gotten anything from this site. We got rid of the network that was making malware on your phone to pop up an ad or redirect you. I really don't appreciate for one second you insinuated your got anything from this site because its not true. We've done tons of research and looked through our entire server and there is NOTHING coming from us. 

I'm ok with feedback, but when you start telling people you got something from our site that's just libel. Just because you have malware on your phone that is triggered by our network ads is not really our fault. I use this site all the time on my phone and don't get any pop ups, and the redirects are gone since we found out which one of of networks was causing them. That's a ad network problem that they are working hard to defeat, but spammers are the biggest jerks in the world and the make the internet a worse place.

If you are still having issues on your phone, it is your phone, not our site. If our site kicks it off, we're sorry, but clean your phone or stop using to go places that cause malware. As for tapatalk, glad your enjoyed using it, unfortunately they steal the sites money but throwing there own ads and giving us a ridiculous cut. So while we do all the work, they get 95% of the profit. That's not fair.

So maybe you think we don't deserve to make any money. Maybe you think the hours upon hours we take out of lives to bring you this site is not worth being compensated for. I realize there are people out there who just expect everything to be easy and free. 

I ask, I don't demand people support us. People can make any choice they want. They want to use ad blocker and/or not pay for plus membership, that's fine, but unfortunately they are not supporting a small business that tries to bring them something they enjoy.

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14 hours ago, Sessh said:

Just telling people to pay is not a solution. People are telling you they want more options. Patreon and tip jars are more options. Withholding basic forum features like post editing and all the other things isn't a solution either since those features are not worth paying for and I would even go out on a limb and assume that obtaining these features has a negligible at best effect on whether or not people give you money. They aren't paying for the features, they are paying to support the site already if they are able. The current methods are not working as evidenced by this thread. People are telling you what they want, so now it's up to you guys to listen to them or continue on in this self-limiting system. It doesn't have to be that way at all.

If you don't use ad blocker, then I thank you for your support by coming here and discussing the Orioles.  We don't think about $2 a month is much to ask, but if you don't think it's worth it I'm ok with that. I only have issues with people who don't pay and who use ad blockers. That's basically just telling us they don't care.

We work very hard to make the ads unintrusive and take action the second people have issues. Most of the time it's on the users device but they never want to admit to that. 10000s of people are using the site on mobile devices without issues but a few act like we have somehow put malware on our site when it the ads kicking off the malware on their devices. 

I hear you on the Patreon and we will look into adding that as an option. Maybe we can work something out if we get to a certain level every month we will add in the features, but this model of limiting features after 500 posts unless you become a plus member has worked for 15 years.

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5 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

I'm ok with feedback, but when you start telling people you got something from our site that's just libel. Just because you have malware on your phone that is triggered by our network ads is not really our fault. I use this site all the time on my phone and don't get any pop ups, and the redirects are gone since we found out which one of of networks was causing them. That's a ad network problem that they are working hard to defeat, but spammers are the biggest jerks in the world and the make the internet a worse place.

First off, I love and support the site. But I don't think the sentence above is entirely accurate.  If that were the case, I would get hijacked visiting other sites on my phone.  But it only happens on OH, and only (as I mentioned in the appropriate thread) when I am phsyically in the USA. Maybe it's the Internet provider I use there, but I genuinely don't believe it's malware on my phone when I am on a lot of other sites while visiting the US that have similar network ads without any kind of pop-up or hijacking incidents. 

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