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Jay Payton's middle finger


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The first half of your post reminds me why I wrote what I wrote. This whole notion -which has gone tway oo far IMO- that we must bow down to the person that signs our checks and behave as THEY say we must at all times while on the clock for the right to get paid the money that we bleed, sweat and cry in order to earn is some bass ackwards propaganda IMO.

Jay Payton's job is to hit left-handed pitching, occasionally a righty, and catch the ball if it's near him. He's doing it better this year than he gets credit for a lot of times.

All the stuff in the second half of your post is basically the flip side to the Millar argument it seems to me. Half-a-dozen major league teams have seen fit to employ Jay Payton, and he's closing in on 1200 games for his career. He's started for a pennant winner, and most of the "negative" incidents he's been involved in that I recall involved him simply voicing a desire to play. The thing with Mora last year involved him getting upset about an ill-advised play hurting the Orioles chances to win a ballgame.

Heck, I'm sorry he hasn't produced more during his time in an Orioles uniform, but I think that has more to do with him entering his mid-30's than being a problem child or bad teammate.

Fans may buy the right to yell pretty much anything they want when they purchase a ticket, but I think the players should be able to yell back, or flip a digit if they prefer to conserve their voice.

I'm not saying Payton or anyone else should compromise himself for his employer or bow down to stupid, arbitrary rules. I don't necessarily think there should be any sort of formal punishment for the behavior he (allegedly) exhibited. However, what can possibly be gained by escalating a stupid argument by flipping someone off? It's just stupid and pointless. It's the kind of pettiness that's ok to engage in if you're in a bar blowing off some steam, but why bring it into a professional, highly public situation when it has no purpose other than to make people mad? It just adds nothing positive to the game at hand. There's a certain level of respect for yourself that you convey by exhibiting self control in public unless you have a really good reason to get out of control. Gestures like this one show a lack of that. He chose to do something rude and nasty in a situation where he is very fortunate to be thanks to the support of the very people who went home upset about his gesture. That's not righteous rebellion against authority, it's just plain lame.

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And just to clarify, I don't really think the fan deserved it.

It's not like he was harrasing him all game. I think it was the only negative comment madein our section towards Jay all game (well, up until the point actually).

You would think that a 36 year old vet would be able to tune out one comment, but I guess not.

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I'm not saying Payton or anyone else should compromise himself for his employer or bow down to stupid, arbitrary rules. I don't necessarily think there should be any sort of formal punishment for the behavior he (allegedly) exhibited. However, what can possibly be gained by escalating a stupid argument by flipping someone off? It's just stupid and pointless. It's the kind of pettiness that's ok to engage in if you're in a bar blowing off some steam, but why bring it into a professional, highly public situation when it has no purpose other than to make people mad? It just adds nothing positive to the game at hand.

Bottom line for me is, nobody should feel like it was directed at them except the guy (or gal) it was actually directed at. I wasn't there, but if I was, I'm pretty sure my reaction would've been along the lines of "serves the bozo right".

I mean, it's not like Payton can call time out to say "Sir, I am doing my best out here and I'd appreciate it if you can take note". And running up into the bleachers to whale away on the guy hollering at him would be more of a blemish on the sport and the franchise.

As for kids seeing it...if Payton had grabbed his sack or something, I can understand the outrage more. I just don't see the gesture itself as that threatening or foul outside of the meaning we've come to assign to it.

Not picking on you BBA. This is just one where we'll have to disagree. Roberts will get my vote for the last spot. We're cool.

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Bottom line for me is, nobody should feel like it was directed at them except the guy (or gal) it was actually directed at. I wasn't there, but if I was, I'm pretty sure my reaction would've been along the lines of "serves the bozo right".

I mean, it's not like Payton can call time out to say "Sir, I am doing my best out here and I'd appreciate it if you can take note". And running up into the bleachers to whale away on the guy hollering at him would be more of a blemish on the sport and the franchise.

As for kids seeing it...if Payton had grabbed his sack or something, I can understand the outrage more. I just don't see the gesture itself as that threatening or foul outside of the meaning we've come to assign to it.

Not picking on you BBA. This is just one where we'll have to disagree. Roberts will get my vote for the last spot. We're cool.

IMO, the argument isn't whether or not the loudmouth deserved it. Most of us will probably agree he did. It's about acting like a professional. I don't know many people who can go to their job and start giving people the finger.

I don't expect athletes to act like angels, but they should act like professionals when they are on "company time". If this happened at a nightclub, I really wouldn't care.

If I were management and had proof of this, I would definitely give him a fine. Nothing monumental, just something to let him know that its not acceptable behavior.

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I was sitting in section 80 in LF. 8 rows back, and I can assure everyone that Jay was definitley NOT just adjusting his hat.

He clearly gave the fan the finger, I'm 100% sure.

Glad someone else saw it. And I agree about the band name. Hope their first album is titled First Pitches I've Loved.

By the way, I've preferred this explanation of the gesture. I'll show it to my five year old tomorrow to explain everything.


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Wasn't the deserving loudmouth a fan?

OK, let me make myself more clear.

Payton wasn't flipping off the fans. He was flipping off a "fan*".

* in this case, a patron who may or may not have paid for a ticket, and may or may not have been cheering for the home team, who nonetheless has the full rights and privileges of a patron of the establishment known as OPACY.

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(Sigh) did anyone else actually see Jay give the finger here? Or are we all just jumping on the OH whipping boy?

I've actually heard of Jay giving the middle finger to fans a number of times. Last I heard he flipped the bird at some Red Sox fans teasing him.

Dude's just an @$$ in all honesty and that's the reason he usually whines like a girl everywhere he goes when he gets benched except he just realized I guess after getting kicked off like 3 good teams and being sent here maybe he should just shut his trap.

I would love nothing more than to see the guy go.

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OK, let me make myself more clear.

Payton wasn't flipping off the fans. He was flipping off a "fan*".

* in this case, a patron who may or may not have paid for a ticket, and may or may not have been cheering for the home team, who nonetheless has the full rights and privileges of a patron of the establishment known as OPACY.

Except if your the guy coming back from buying a hot dog missing the initial comment, returning to your seat to see Jay Payton flicking you off. Or someone else who never heard the comment, but got flicked off. Or the intial poster, who now had to explain the situation to his kid.

Unless, Jay Payton is telepathic, I don't see how he communicated to an entire section of people that his middle finger is only for the guy sitting in row 6 seat 2.

This is just not acceptable behavior from a professional athlete or pretty much anyone in the workplace.

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Jay has being pissing me off this whole season. I have never seen a player i HATE more. I wish he would just go somewhere and rot. He is not a team player at all. We had a lead off double he comes up can't even get the runner over. He thinks hes a right handed version of Griffey. I can't stand seeing him anymore in an O's uni. I felt this way before this thread started but didn't feel like starting a new one for it. In all my years of watching this team. No other player pisses me off than him.

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