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Tired of Trembley's Quick Hook


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Yes. Every batter of it.

You didn't answer my last question. What other games this year has Trembley given Guthrie a quick hook and gotten burned? You've said that it's something Trembley has done all season, so surely you can name a few examples.

I already mentioned Tuesday's game when he gave Cabrera the quick hook. If you want more, you seem to have the statistics at your fingertips; you can check it. A quick way to look would be to see which teams have the fewest complete games. I'm sure the Os are near the top (really the bottom) of the league in that regard because we have a whopping two, which were both thrown by Daniel Cabrera.

I don't *know* how many innings the Os bullpen has pitched in comparison to the rest of the league, but I'd bet it's pretty near the top.

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Gee, I agree with SG one time and El Gordo comes at me with a totally unsupported conclusory criticism. I'm shocked!

.367/.457/.633 1.090 OPS. If Fahey was btting against a lefty and you had a RH batter to PH with these numbers against lefties who had gone 0-5 in his last AB you wouldn't go with the numbers because he's in a slump lately? This is ridiculous. Those numbers for Guthrie after 100 pitches are all you need, to go with your RP who has a 1.81 ERA and a 1.01 WHIP. No brainer. And the 1.090 OPs after 100 P wasn't just the result of 3 games.

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I'm going to the fridge....time for another beer. I need to kick something and can't find the dog.....very smart dog. I'm sure he has sensed another meaningless Orioles loss and doesn't want to be kicked any more. Wait a minute, I think I hear my 5-year old coming down the steps.....he hasn't learned yet. Thank goodness for 5-year olds. ;)
This is one of the instances where a friend of mine in Chicago would type FTW?
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I already mentioned Tuesday's game when he gave Cabrera the quick hook. If you want more, you seem to have the statistics at your fingertips; you can check it. A quick way to look would be to see which teams have the fewest complete games. I'm sure the Os are near the top (really the bottom) of the league in that regard because we have a whopping two, which were both thrown by Daniel Cabrera.

My question was about Guthrie, because you implied that Trembley hasn't shown faith in his ace this year. The facts clearly indicate quite the opposite. He has had a very long leash with Guthrie, and too often, it hasn't ended well. That's why I have no problem with his decision tonight. Why stick with Guthrie at a stage in which he usually gets tired and gets hit, instead of bringing in the fresh 1-2 punch of Jim Johnson and George Sherrill? I can't imagine anyone saw Johnson come into the game and groaned, "Oh no, not THAT guy!" He's been superb all year. I'd take his fresh arm over a 100+ pitch count Guthrie any day of the week.

I just disagree that Trembley has too quick of a hook. I haven't noticed that to be a common problem at all, and you've really given no support to your argument. (Asking me to look up the stats for you is the ultimate cop-out. I did my research; feel free to do yours.)

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My memory is just fine; it's yours that seems to have some holes in it. The bullpen was pitching at a different level in April and even on June 2nd than it has been the past two weeks.

You don't pluck certain statistics in a vacuum to fit your argument, you've got to look at the big picture and that's where most statisticians fail miserably--they cherry pick stats to support their arguments instead of analyzing the situation based on what they see.

Statistics clarify what you see or don't see. Some people see Derek Jeter making that jump throw in the hole and see a great defensive shortstop. Statistics make it clear that is untrue.

Part of the big picture is that Guthrie blows donkey late in games. You could attain that information through either observation or by looking at the stat sheet. But to ignore that information is foolish.

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I'm one of the few people on here that doesn't like Trembley. I don't think he is the man to lead us. I love his personality but I hate his moves. He is too stubborn to know when to do something different.

Also, does anyone else care that the day he got his contract extension we lost 30-3? I'll admit that I am superstitious and whatnot, but that has to be a sign of some sort. It bothered me tremendously.

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From time to time, somebody will claim that some players read stuff here.

I really hope that's not true, especially lately when people are melting down left-and-right and saying dopey things.

If there are any Orioles reading this, I hereby apologize for the idiotic stuff you've been reading.

Many of us believe in you, it's just that a lot of folks wet their pants pretty easily.

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Same thing as it would if the letters were in the right order.

My friend types this whenever someone posts something that completely absurd on the dorky music forum we're on.

Ohhh, WTF. Ok, I didn't see that. Sometimes you just need a little bit of levity. I wouldn't kick my 5-year old. Now, as for the 15-year old, that's another story, but he basically asks for it, like most teenagers do.

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I'm one of the few people on here that doesn't like Trembley. I don't think he is the man to lead us. I love his personality but I hate his moves. He is too stubborn to know when to do something different.

Also, does anyone else care that the day he got his contract extension we lost 30-3? I'll admit that I am superstitious and whatnot, but that has to be a sign of some sort. It bothered me tremendously.

I just don't think this is true. He's been willing to make changes in the lineup and few guys in the bullpen are in the same role they were at the outset of the season. He's cycled through shortstops trying to find something that would work.

As far as in-game moves, it's hard to pinpoint one thing that he ALWAYS does in certain situations. I don't see anything that Trembley does that makes him any different than any other managers.

Trembley's gotten this club to play over its head for three months. We've been lucky, to be sure. But there's not much talent on the field, THAT is the reason we've fallen below .500.

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From time to time, somebody will claim that some players read stuff here.

I really hope that's not true, especially lately when people are melting down left-and-right and saying dopey things.

If there are any Orioles reading this, I hereby apologize for the idiotic stuff you've been reading.

Many of us believe in you, it's just that a lot of folks wet their pants pretty easily.

RShack - If this is meant toward any comments I've made, I want it to be duly noted (CLEAR) that I personally have more faith in some of our starting pitchers than Trembaly appears to have. Let them get tough and get out of jams. Give them the opportunity to make some big pitches, especially with how much the bullpen continues to be used.

As for the bullpen, I believe that whatever issues they are now facing has come from overuse. Give the guys a break once in awhile and stop using them every, single night.

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