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What are you looking for from the rest of the season?

Moose Milligan

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Now that the trade deadline is over, there aren't any other mile-markers for the rest of the season.  No breaks, trade deadlines or anything else between now and September 29th.  

Two months to go.  It's been a mostly awful season with a surprising July.  

What are you looking for out of the rest of the season?  I'm sure this will fall into roster management and who should be called up, but mostly aside from that what do you need to see to feel better about the franchise headed into 2020?  Are you still all in for 1:1 in 2020 or would you still like to see 2 more months of July-type baseball?  What players are you most interested in (majors and minors) for the rest of the haul?


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Just keep evaluating what we've got and bring up players when they're ready for the big leagues. We've tried a bunch of guys this season and learned a lot about them. We may have even found a few guys who can hold down positions - at least adequately - until the next core comes along. Also, Hyde and Elias have learned a lot about the coaches and are probably close to deciding which ones they need to replace (if any).

So, I have no complaints about the season so far. This is what we signed up for. I would like to see Stewart get an opportunity to play consistently for a couple of months. That's it for me. 

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1-- Interested to see the continued development of the starting pitching. Is Wojo real? How many innings with Bundy pitch? Will Means come back and how many innings will he pitch? Who will be brought up from AAA or AA. 

2-- Santander. Is he real? Is there a ML starter there? Same with the catchers. 

3-- Richie Martin. Will he adjust? I know many folks have given up on him. I have not. 

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I would love to see Givens, Castro and Bleier all rebuild their value for Winter trades. I think some of Hyde’s handling of the pen has been rough at times in regards to these guys. I want to see Bundy have a solid finish for the same off season movement. 

I want to see Santander and Severino keep progressing in all phases. Same with Richie Martin. They are the only three position players, currently on the 25 man, likely to be here when we are good again. 

I want to see Nunez keep raking. He has really matured as a hitter, not trying to pull everything. I want to see him find a position, but I’m not optimistic. 

I want to see Rio Ruiz improve his conditioning and strength. I want to see him trust his hands and stop trying to pull everything. He gets long and it kills him. He has a real chance to hit, and there much more power there, but he has work to do. 

I want to see Hays stay in AAA until a September call up. I want him to find stability and again become the guy he should be. 

I was glad to see Mancini stay, but he needs to be at 1B. I love watching Trey hit. DFA Chris Davis, I know it won’t happen anytime soon, but it is severely clogging things up. He’s awful. Eat the mistake and move forward. 

I want to see less of Dwight Smith Jr. and more of DJ Stewart. Although I do not think Stewart is well thought of internally. I don’t particularly think he’s a long term answer either, but I want to see if he can make some adjustments and be productive. He took some really bad swings in his short time in Baltimore, and I want to see if he was just pressing and makes adjustments.  

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- On offense I want to see if Santander and Nunez can keep up what they're doing.  Would be awesome if they were nuggets.  Also I want to see if Sisco can recover from his cold spell.  I thought he looked different when he first came up (small sample size) but he's looked lost in recent at bats.

- On the pitching side  I want to see how badly Means regresses, if he does,  and whether Wojo's hot streak is for real.  Both under team control for another 5-6 years and solid, controllable starting pitching is valuable, although Wojo is 30.  

- Think it's time for DJ Stewart to play left everyday but they don't seem too high on him 

- At Norfolk I want to see what Zimmermann can do and hope Hays can put himself into consideration for a call up in September 

- And if they aren't going to get the #1 pick (Thanks Detroit), I hope they keep playing respectable baseball because I think with how badly we played in March-June, a top 4 pick is guaranteed regardless of how they finish.  But the rotation would have to improve to keep this little hotstreak going and I don't see where the reinforcements are coming from.   

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22 minutes ago, jtschrei said:

1-- Interested to see the continued development of the starting pitching. Is Wojo real? How many innings with Bundy pitch? Will Means come back and how many innings will he pitch? Who will be brought up from AAA or AA. 

2-- Santander. Is he real? Is there a ML starter there? Same with the catchers. 

3-- Richie Martin. Will he adjust? I know many folks have given up on him. I have not. 

I actually think he's been putting together better at bats lately.

Seems they've really tinkered with his batting stance and approach so I haven't given up on him either. Would be awesome if he figured something out given how few middle infield prospects they have. 

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How will John Means react to the league adjusting to him? Can Means get back to resembling his first half performance or is he ultimately a mediocre pitcher as his profile suggests.

And as others said let DJ Stewart play every day. It’s sink or swim time. Also would like to see Mancini close out the year playing 1B daily. It will help his trade value if he can play adequately at 1B.

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Could write a book on this. A lot of good answers already.

If I had to pick one thing, I'd like to see it "click" for 2 more guys. Maybe it's Wojo and Martin. Maybe it's Diaz or a young bat. Whatever. It has happened for Means, seemingly Baumann and probably others. It would be awesome to see it continue to happen for a guy or two who can provide really nice value at the ML level. It would be amazing if Martin started to click enough to stick and be an above average SS, for example.

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We have 7 games against New York and 6 against Boston.  I would love to see us win just enough games against NY to cost them home field advantage in the AL and just enough against Boston to keep them out of the playoffs all together.  And sweep the two games against Washington to help the Braves win the division.

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I'd like to see an outfield of Stewart, Hays, and Santander with Diaz in AAA by the end of the season.

I'd like to see Mancini take over 1B full time.

I'd like to see Mountcastle get more playing time in LF for Norfolk.

I'd like to see Nunez sink or swim at 3B for the rest of the season. 

If it's all about development, those are the developments I'd like to see.  The pitching, outside of Means, is generally a disaster and other than Akin, who I'm iffy on anyway, I see no relief (or starts!) in Norfolk.  Bundy's up and down, Wojo is still mostly an unknown, and the bullpen is pretty unreliable.

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I’d like to see the Bowie rotation finish out as strongly as they’ve been performing to date.    The Norfolk rotation has been a disaster and I’d like to see some actual prospects in Norfolk’s rotation next year, graduated from Bowie with honors.    For me, they will represent some light at the end of the tunnel.   

I’d like to see DL Hall and Grayson Rodriguez finishing strong, too.

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