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Middle Infield, Addison Russell and the Redemption Song


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4 hours ago, Can_of_corn said:

I have sympathy for someone who agreed to a plea deal as a minor with the understanding that the matter would stay sealed whose whole future was destroyed when that turned out to not be the case.

As I've stated in the past I don't see anyone suggesting the Lena Dunham can't have a career.

Or are you suggesting that violence by women isn't THAT big a deal?

I don't even know what Lena Dunham has been accused of doing, I have never paid any attention to her or read any articles about her.  All I know is she had a popular show on HBO that I never watched.   I'm not sure I would recognize her if I saw her.   So for you to say I am somehow suggesting that violence by women isn't that big a deal by bringing up someone I basically know nothing about and never mentioned, is utterly absurd and some sort of bizarre stretch of argument that makes no sense whatsoever.   I didn't mention Josef Mengele in my post either, so maybe by not mentioning him I am "suggesting" that vicious cruelty in the guise of medical experimentation is not that big a deal either?   I didn't mention Julius Rosenberg, so maybe I am somehow implying that stealing atomic secrets and giving them to the Russians isn't a big deal?   Talk about an utter non sequitor and taking what I say and making some completely unrelated point, geez.

My point is that SOME people, hopefully not many, but some, are likely to have a modicum of sympathy for someone accused of domestic violence against women, while a much, much, much smaller % of people are going to have similar sympathy for someone accused of sexual assault of a 6 or 8 year old.   I believe that is true, and I believe it affects the reaction that would occur if a team signed one guy versus the other.   That is the only point I was trying to make, and I still believe it and stand by what I wrote.  I think a team signing Russell would face some public backlash, but a team signing Heimlich would face much more.   I was replying to a post that made an equivalence of the two, and my point was that in the court of public opinion, right or wrong, they were not comparable.   One would likely be viewed as worse than the other.   That is the only point I was trying to make, and I stand by that opinion.

Yes, I am aware that his agreement was supposed to be sealed and that came out, and that has destroyed his future.   Someone should be punished for breaking that rule.  But I don't think it affects the public perception of the situation at all.   It probably should but public opinion is often based on emotion moreso than logic

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1 hour ago, SteveA said:

I don't even know what Lena Dunham has been accused of doing, I have never paid any attention to her or read any articles about her.  All I know is she had a popular show on HBO that I never watched.   I'm not sure I would recognize her if I saw her.   So for you to say I am somehow suggesting that violence by women isn't that big a deal by bringing up someone I basically know nothing about and never mentioned, is utterly absurd and some sort of bizarre stretch of argument that makes no sense whatsoever.   

He is just trolling. 

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1 hour ago, Satyr3206 said:

A ten foot pole is not long enough to stay away from this thread. Thirty, Forty???

The one thing this thread definitely points out is that Russell isn’t worth it. Teams that are contending have good PR going on from the winning. I don’t see many teams trying to trade for Russell at the deadline and jeopardize their good PR. It’s similar to Tebow and Kap, in that a team isn’t going to want to field questions all day about a light hitting SS. 

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3 hours ago, sportsfan8703 said:

The one thing this thread definitely points out is that Russell isn’t worth it. Teams that are contending have good PR going on from the winning. I don’t see many teams trying to trade for Russell at the deadline and jeopardize their good PR. It’s similar to Tebow and Kap, in that a team isn’t going to want to field questions all day about a light hitting SS. 

Tebow is signed. He's still in the Mets minor league system.

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IMO, I think the Orioles should pass, for several reasons:

1) Russell's on-field performance is certainly questionable at this point.

2) Elias having come from Houston, and the controversy with Osuna there, would just be a bad optic.  I expect some in the media might connect dots in the effort to poop out a story.

3) This is Baltimore.  Ray Rice is still fresh in everyone's memory.  The Orioles bringing in Russell would re-kindle some of that, and it would become a story and a possible distraction that the O's don't need.

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I won’t quote your post, @sgillespie31, but thanks for your insights.    I am now convinced we should pass on Russell even if he made sense from a purely baseball standpoint (which I’m not sure did anyway).     

But if you live in Canada, and have never been to Baltimore, how in the world did you become an Orioles fan?   Curious minds want to know!


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