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MLB (Orioles) suspended indefinitely


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1 hour ago, backwardsk said:

Check out the Thunder/Jazz game.

NBA suspends season.

Just when my Bucks were gonna win it all.  China still upset that the one guy in Hong Kong was singing the Star Spangled banner and waving the American flag in front of a makeshift statue of liberty

It's all a conspiracy dammitt.

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It's pure insanity right now and events are moving fast. It almost has some sort of apocalyptic feel to it. Part of me says that it's all just a massive over-reaction, but after Trump's speech tonight I have to wonder if the powers-that-be know something that we don't.


With the way things are going I have to think that the season won't be able to proceed as normal. We're going to have games without fans and quarantined players or an abbreviated/canceled season. It's a shame, but you gotta do what you gotta do to keep everyone safe.

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I think it's highly likely that the start of the season is postponed at least a few weeks. The next one-to-two months are going to be unlike anything we've ever experienced before. The virus is past containment at this point, and over the next few weeks, there's going to be an exponential rise in cases. Things are going to continue to get worse for a while. Once warmer weather arrives, that'll help slow the virus substantially. 

MLB teams control their stadiums, so they can cancel things last minute. They still have two weeks, so I think they'll hold out as long as they can. But, I'd be really surprised if baseball is played before Easter.

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46 minutes ago, Mr. Chewbacca Jr. said:

I think it's highly likely that the start of the season is postponed at least a few weeks. The next one-to-two months are going to be unlike anything we've ever experienced before. The virus is past containment at this point, and over the next few weeks, there's going to be an exponential rise in cases. Things are going to continue to get worse for a while. Once warmer weather arrives, that'll help slow the virus substantially. 

MLB teams control their stadiums, so they can cancel things last minute. They still have two weeks, so I think they'll hold out as long as they can. But, I'd be really surprised if baseball is played before Easter.

My mind shifts back and forth between over-hype and the Spanish Flu of 1919. These things can get out of control fast...



Discretion is the better part of valor?

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8 hours ago, MongoBoy said:

Just when my Bucks were gonna win it all.  China still upset that the one guy in Hong Kong was singing the Star Spangled banner and waving the American flag in front of a makeshift statue of liberty

It's all a conspiracy dammitt.

Yup,just a cold. The end is near. Apocalypse. 





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Insurance industry clarifies they are only paying for the test not the treatment. 

A spokesperson for America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), a major insurance industry lobbying group, was quick to clarify that, actually, companies are only waiving co-pays for "testing." For those who test positive for COVID-19, any treatment will still come at a (potentially massive) cost.

"For testing. Not for treatment," the AHIP spokesperson told Politico healthcare reporter Sarah Owermohle


A White House official also stepped in to correct (the) claim that insurance companies agreed to waive co-pays for coronavirus treatment after meeting with the president at the White House on Tuesday.

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The unfortunate truth is that if extreme measures are taken that results in control of the virus many will say, "See, it was a hoax". On the other hand, if extreme measures are not taken and this explodes will say "Should have". This is unknown territory and best practices are needed until more is learned. For those who believe this is a hoax, keep in mind Italy shut down. This is not an American political hoax, it is a global health issue that will likely have two cycles before it is totally contained.

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