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Chris Davis: I’ll be at Spring Training and I’m not going anywhere


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9 hours ago, OsFanSinceThe80s said:

Mop up pitcher in blowouts is my preferred role for Davis if he's on the team. There is no reason to have Davis at bat ever again unless half the team gets food poisoning. 

...or catching the mop up pitcher... ;)

Play him in every ridiculous scenario.  Pinch run him with man on first, two outs in the 9th, and down by 6 and comment on his speed on the base paths.

Frankly, I think trotting him out there pretty regularly to show how he hasn't done any of the work, training, or adjustments he claims to have been doing over the off-season is his just desserts.  But I think even that needs to come to an end eventually because there has to be someone (multiple players) behind him who legitimately deserve the time.  Also, allowing the on-air staff to embark on Bordick-like criticisms of him on a more regular basis might begin to turn the tide of the "average fan" who still idolizes him and looks at these last few years as just a tough time for a struggling star.

When Elias says he's under contract and we'll use him as need dictates, it makes me wonder whether ownership is in on the possible "humiliation" aspect of actually playing him simply because he's being paid or whether they are uncertain about the reaction of the average fan, and just paralyzed to act for fear of some kind of backlash or negative press about just dropping him. 

Pandemic or not, I can't imagine attendance would be very brisk anyway.  So barring the whole, you're being paid, so we'll use you despite the futility of doing so, seems like the only reason to keep him around.  Unless there is real belief/fear in the FO or ownership that him being released and signing on with another team would lead to some kind of renaissance and thus double the O's humiliation...

CD's remarks are still baffling.  Is he goading them?  Is he really as dumb as those statements come across?  And is there anywhere else in professional sports where something like this happens?  It's comical and sad at the same time.

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