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Looks like the Red Sox will be in play for Teixeira


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Depending on the length of the contract, Teixeira is likely to command $18 million-$20 million per season for the range of 6-8 years, and the competition could be stiff, with the Los Angeles Angels and New York Yankees among the potential suitors

I take this to mean the expected range for teams like the Angels, Yankees and presumably the Red Sox. Which to my way of thinking puts the Teixiera question into its clearest perspective. These are all first-place teams or perennial contenders, so what's the price for the last-place Baltimore Orioles?

Not for a second do I believe that Tex is pining for home badly enough to sacrifice his shot at a ring or a series of them, or the prime years of his career for that matter, out of some sense of, of.....I don't know what.

So the question is how much of a surcharge over Boston's or the Yankees offer is necessary simply because we're the Orioles in 2008? I would put my estimate at somewhere around 15-25 percent, or roughly 3-5 million dollars per contract year.

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Absolutely...The question becomes, how high will everyone go.(obviously)

But what I mean is, are the Yankees or Sox willing to go past 20 million a year?

Are they willing to go 8 years at 22 per?

I doubt it.

Why wouldn't they be? They were willing to pay Giambi roughly 25m a year. Teix would be a relative bargain in comparison.

The only way I don't see the Yankees cracking 20m is if the spat between Steiny and Scotty over ARod carries over and they decide not to deal w/each other.

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Why wouldn't they be? They were willing to pay Giambi roughly 25m a year. Teix would be a relative bargain in comparison.

The only way I don't see the Yankees cracking 20m is if the spat between Steiny and Scotty over ARod carries over and they decide not to deal w/each other.

I see the Yanks going over, easily.

Lots of money coming off the books, brand new stadium and they'd love to have him playing first base there on opening day. Plus they missed the playoffs this year and added pressure to keep him away from Boston and to compete with them and Tampa.

We'll make a bid, but I don't think we get him. As good as Bay was for Boston, I think they've realized they miss Manny in the lineup, especially in postseason play.

While no one can replace Manny, Tex probably is as close as they can come.

I see him ending up in Boston with Youk to third.

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Can someone remind me again why we would want to pay 20+ million a year for a guy that is never going to hit 40 HR isn't a career .300 hitter and doesn't play a 'difference making' defensive position. Money well spent elsewhere. Come on folks! I mean really...we are upset that we are wasting 17million on walker, baez, gibbons - but everyone wants to give a 'very very good player' one of the biggest contracts in the history of the game. PASS!!

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Why wouldn't they be? They were willing to pay Giambi roughly 25m a year. Teix would be a relative bargain in comparison.

The only way I don't see the Yankees cracking 20m is if the spat between Steiny and Scotty over ARod carries over and they decide not to deal w/each other.

Where did you get that number?

And they have regretted that Giambi contract.

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Where did you get that number?

And they have regretted that Giambi contract.

Salary + Luxury Tax...

The Luxury Tax payroll costs are going to shrink dramatically with the New Stadium Luxury Tax Loophole©.

As to regretting the contract, I agree... Giambi is one of a large percentage of big free agents whose teams end up regretting the contract. But a team like the Yankees is likely to stay the course and hope the next one is one they don't regret.

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The Luxury Tax payroll costs are going to shrink dramatically with the New Stadium Luxury Tax Loophole©.

Revenue sharing.

And the NYY will pay more in revenue sharing next year unless the amount of their write off (40-50 million in yearly debt service) exceeds the additional revenue they get from the New Yankee stadium (its gonna be a big jump for them next year).

And the revenue sharing tax rate is 31%, meaning the NYY only save @ 15 million against their revenue sharing payments.

And last year they likely paid @ 70 million in revenue sharing.

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An interesting comment from that article that hasn't been mentioned is about Boras often taking less years to see his client get two free agent contracts instead of one.

If Tex were to sign a six-year deal, it would be much easier for him to get a four or five year deal when the first deal is up. Obviously, he isn't going to be wanting for money regardless of what he does, but a six-year deal could probably net him more per year now, and a bigger next deal. Even if it doesn't matter to him, Boras will most definitely care about it.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Boston will aggressively pursue Teixeira, two industry sources confirmed. While the Red Sox have a very good first baseman in Kevin Youkilis, they can move Youkilis to third to make room for Teixeira. Incumbent third baseman Mike Lowell is recovering from hip surgery and isn't expected to be ready until mid-March, and as much as the Red Sox like Lowell, they can look to trade him.


If the Sux get Tex, my hate of them will rise to a new level and Teixeira himself will become the player I hate the most. I hope Angelos tries as hard to keep Tex from the Sux as he does from the Yankees...

I still think Angelos can beat the Sux or Yankees offer if he really wants to...

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On mlbtraderumors.com they are saying the Red Sox are going to be pushing very hard to sign Tex this off season. What kind of damper does that put on our chances of signing him now?

It definately hurts... It will be close to impossible to sign Teix if NY and BOS both get into a bidding war. Even if NY abstains it still hurts as it will be hard for a mid-market team like the Orioles to out-bid the large market Red Sox.

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