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Loewen speaks to Roch


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Can you ever accept the fact that something has gone wrong in your precious Birdland? Loewen screwed us over -- people have a right to be pissed.

Prove it. Prove that he screwed everyone over.

Honestly, if he was such a terrible person, he'd have one hell of a libel case against quite a few people around here. He's a public figure, but there's definitely a lot of malice to go around tonight.

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Prove it. Prove that he screwed everyone over.

Honestly, if he was such a terrible person, he'd have one hell of a libel case against quite a few people around here. He's a public figure, but there's definitely a lot of malice to go around tonight.

Well if you want documented proof you're talking to the wrong person. However, I'm well aware of what is generally perceived as the consensus around here -- Loewen screwed us over. It's not that we simply gave him chance after chance, or that we paid him millions of dollars to, in the end, be an utter failure as an SP. It's that he took that goodwill and turned around and shoved it down our throats -- left us for dead. He could end his career without a single hit as a major league hitter and I'd still hold resentment.

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Well if you want documented proof you're talking to the wrong person. However, I'm well aware of what is generally perceived as the consensus around here -- Loewen screwed us over. It's not that we simply gave him chance after chance, or that we paid him millions of dollars to, in the end, be an utter failure as an SP. It's that he took that goodwill and turned around and shoved it down our throats -- left us for dead. He could end his career without a single hit as a major league hitter and I'd still hold resentment.

Are you really willing to run with the "perceived consensus" of the people around here?

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In my opinion, a lot of crap has been tossed around the boards tonight concerning our former #4 overall pick. Most people have been somewhat bitter and for good reason.

However, I am absolutely disgusted by the amount of people that have actually come to Loewen's defense!! This is, in my opinion, a classic case of someone completely disregarding what an organization has done for them and making a move that is completely self-serving.

Adam Loewen spent the last few years pitching for the Baltimore Orioles. When he wasn't hurt he enjoyed pitching at the big-league level (in part beacause the O's agreed to a clause in his contract essentially forcing him to be a big leaguer within a certain time). During his tenure at the Big Show, he went through many spells of being injured or ineffective. Either way, nobody who actually watched him over those years would ever sanely argue that the good moments outweighed the bad.

Despite that, the fans continued to support him. This message board is a great example. Even as recently as a few months ago, when Adam announced that he was going to shelve his pitching career and come back as a hitter, most of us wished him luck. Most of us recognized that the odds of success were slim -- Rick Ankiel doesn't walk into you Clubhouse every day. Still, we hoped for the best and, at least in my case, it wasn't only because I wanted to see him as an every day position player for the Orioles but because I generally liked the guy and wanted to see him live out his dream as an every-day Major League Baseball player.

I hope (and think) that many O's fans shared my perspective.

So what happens? As far as we can tell, gentleman's agreement or not, Loewen saw an opportunity to get out and did. He left us. Not only for another team but for a team in our own division. And while it's extremely unlikely that he ever amounts to an every day position player, it's the principle that stinks.

No good deed goes unpunished, right?

The O's suffered through injuries, and poor performance masked by effective outings every so often. And what are they (and the fans) awarded with? Well, they get to see their #4 overall pick try to come back as a big leaguer in another uniform. And all because, allegedly, he grew up rooting for the team that played four time zones away.


It was a dirt ball move by a dirt ball player and I'm personally ashamed of myself for every wishing success for him for any reason other than that it would have made the Orioles a better team.

So what next? Call it immature. Call it reprehensible. Call me a 3rd grader (which some posters have done, while sitting on their high horse and acting like they don't issue personal attacks -- hypocracy anybody?) But I am going to actively root against Adam Loewen. I hope that whatever minor league team he is on comes around the MD area. If it happens, you can expect me to be there, booing and heckling. You can expect me to actively hope that whatever message I am sending does not fall in deaf ears.

I want him to hear what I have to say.

I want him to remember what he's done to a team and fan-base that once supported him.

I want him to know that no bad deed goes unpunished too.

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No offense, but if it looks like a duck, waddles like a duck and quacks like a duck, more than likely, it's a duck.

Don't waste your time. The Orioles could trade every player on their current roster and load the 40 man up with a Beer League Softball team from Dundalk and BTerp would defend it as "loading the team with potential."

(not that there's anything wrong with Dundalk).

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This will be the last thing before I go to bed, but I felt like it needed to be restated. An alleged Orioles' fan actually posted this tonight..

"You can always root for him to make the majors, and then you'll see him nine-to-ten times a year playing for Toronto at Oriole Park."

My goodness. My absoulte freaking goodness! Are we actually stating that we can root for this man to make the big leagues so we can go watch him play AGAINST us at Oriole Park?!??!?!??!

Someone please tell me that I'm not the only one infuriated by comments like this! Please!

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This is, in my opinion, a classic case of someone completely disregarding what an organization has done for them and making a move that is completely self-serving.

Again, this very same comment could be said about Burnett if he does indeed leave the Blue Jays. Somehow, I seriously doubt all of the enraged people online today will look down on him and call him scum if he decides to signs with the O's.

Adam Loewen spent the last few years pitching for the Baltimore Orioles. When he wasn't hurt he enjoyed pitching at the big-league level (in part beacause the O's agreed to a clause in his contract essentially forcing him to be a big leaguer within a certain time). During his tenure at the Big Show, he went through many spells of being injured or ineffective. Either way, nobody who actually watched him over those years would ever sanely argue that the good moments outweighed the bad.

Despite that, the fans continued to support him.

I like how you say this as if he had this long, drawn out career filled with disappointment. He's 24, has only pitched in 3 seasons and had each of those seasons cut short because of injuries.

It's not like we're talking about someone like Daniel Cabrera who has had plenty of time to develop yet has shown little to no advancement over that span.

The O's suffered through injuries, and poor performance masked by effective outings every so often. And what are they (and the fans) awarded with? Well, they get to see their #4 overall pick try to come back as a big leaguer in another uniform. And all because, allegedly, he grew up rooting for the team that played four time zones away.


You DO realize that Toronto is the only MLB team in all of Canada, right? And that the only other MLB team to be there in his life time pretty much sucked for the entirety of his life time. Hell, they're the only ML team that brings it's own seperate national anthem for away games. Is it really that hard to believe that kids in Canada grow watching baseball and root for .. *gasp* .. the only team in their country?

Seriously people, get the hell over it. We're not talking about a perennial all-star who spurnned us to sign a long term deal with the highest bidder. He's a young guy whose pitching career is basically over, has to start completely over as a hitter and faces the very real possiblilty that he'll never play in the major's again. And I'm supposed to be bitter about this because he decided to tackle this near-impossible feat while playing for the team he grew up watching?

Yes, it definitely sucks that he's gone, but in the end, no one forced the O's to release him. They made a business decision (a good one IMO) that his 25 and 40-man roster spot was better served going to a FA, one of several young MiLer's who have earned the spot or one of the many more who need to be protected. In the end, with Loewen switching to 1B/OF/DH, he quickly fell out of the O's immediate plans and was a pretty big longshot to be a part of their long term plans. While I'm sad to see him go, I see no real loss to this organization.

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What a complete and utterly classless move.

The O's stood by him, gave in to his contract demands, paid him well. The stood by him when he was hurt. The wished him well when he decided to attempt his transformation. They even had Terry Crowley work with him on his hitting.

And to show his appreciation, he signs with the Jays.

I've never seen such a complete lack of class. I won't root for him, other than to hope his elbow cracks in half and falls off...

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