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Hangouters have stopped being fans


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And those who want change are the greatest fans of all time???

I think we all want change, I definetly want change. But the idea is there is no point of "WISHING" for a losing streak so that we can blow it up. This is a total pessimistic view of things. Hopefully, we win some games, our youth shows improvement, and we make the necessary changes to field a baseball team that people enjoy.

Personally, the Os make me mad as hell and I criticize them all the time, but I will still root for them even if they were in last place, and I am not a poor fan, I am a rich fan.

I just want them to slump until the deadline and hope that finally changes things.

Trade as many as possible in the right deals and then go on a 35 game winnign streak. That would be great.

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Obviously every one here wants change. The degree of change differs from person to person. Some of us are content to give MacPhail time and see if he can turn the current roster into a winner. Some want radical changes including trading some of our top talent to receive possible cornerstones for our franchise.

I know many on here are very upset with the team, ownership, and management. However, we all still follow the team and root for the team (im sure) everynight we watch them. I believe most on this board would find it hard to actually root for the team to lose.

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Seriously I had been thinking about writing this for a while but SG's recent thread of "A losing streak is needed" put me over the edge.

People here seem to have stopped being fans of the Orioles. C'mon rooting for your own team to lose, not even tanking a la the Celtics with someone like Greg Oden availible in the draft. Just rooting for the team to lose so the FO will "Blow Up" the team.

I know the Orioles aren't any good and they have a lot of problems, but I still enjoy watching them and Rooting for them. Hoping against hope for a incredible win streak to put us back in contention, thats to me what being a fan is about.

I don't know, but I think questioning the true fandom of a guy with over 43,000 posts on an Orioles message board is a bit much.

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I dont think for one minute loving my Os even in the bad times makes less of a fan .

I became an fan in 1988 because I thought the Os needed someone to love them.We have alot of guys on this team right now that DESERVE for us to love them.BRIAN...My Perfect One;) ,Erikkk,Millar,Miguel, and thats just naming a few.

You cant convince me trading EVERYONE away will make us win a WS.:rolleyes:

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If someone has time, I'd like to see the last time a team was dismantled in the way that is so often suggested. I'm not saying I necessarily disagree with the theory, but I think the reality and/or implementation is much more complex than that.

Nobody said it was easy, or that all you have to do is trade Tejada and Bedard for most of the top 30 prospects in baseball and all will be right with the world.

I think most of us would just like to see a different direction than what's been taken in the past. We've tried the "26 bandaids, promises about the farm system, and a good free agent every four years" approach, and it's gotten us 856 losses over the past 9.5 years. I agree with Leitch's post from the first page of this thread - I'd rather see a spectacular 100-loss failure than another year of hoping against hope for 81 wins, and reluctantly admitting that the team was actually built with .500 as a goal. That's not hope, that's purgatory.

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Well, heck, bro, didn't know you were 16. Way to stick up for yourself. I totally know where you are coming from. Alright, everyone loses, except W S and those that agree with him. C'mon you old farts, this 16 y o stood up and took your hits without resorting to being offensive. Good for you, dude.

That's awesome. Everyone beating up on a 16 year old! :) and youre right- he did hold his ground! Right on!

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If Tampa Bay flipped their record, they'd be in first place.

I meant our one run games win/loss record- not sure how you'd actually think I was making an entire flip flop of our record assertion- and make a comparison to tampa out of that- but my bad on the bad explanation..

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I just want them to slump until the deadline and hope that finally changes things.

Trade as many as possible in the right deals and then go on a 35 game winnign streak. That would be great.

Can't argue there! I am with you on that!

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I dont think for one minute loving my Os even in the bad times makes less of a fan .

I became an fan in 1988 because I thought the Os needed someone to love them.We have alot of guys on this team right now that DESERVE for us to love them.BRIAN...My Perfect One;) ,Erikkk,Millar,Miguel, and thats just naming a few.

You cant convince me trading EVERYONE away will make us win a WS.:rolleyes:

So more talented players are more worthy of love?:confused: Just kidding. I know what you mean.

I do want to see big changes made on the team. But I want to see those changes made because the people in the front office use their brains and figure out what real deficiencies the team has in terms of talent and/or makeup in the long term, not because a few games one way or the other made them go out and do something rash.

In the meantime, as long as we're watching the games there are quite a few things we can root for at least with individual players... BRob outlasting Crawford and Sizemore for the stolen base title and maybe winning a Silver Slugger award, Bedard challenging for the Cy Young (which would require the O's to win at least most of his games for the rest of the year), Guthrie getting some Rookie of the Year consideration... yet it seems most of us talk - and think - more about losing games in hope it leads to a blow-up strategy or how much we dislike certain players and hope they get released or traded for a bucket of baseballs... or criticizing eachother for having different approaches to fandom. Smile, people! :D The constant negativity isn't good for us or the kids. ;)

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What I dont think you get is how to sit back relax and enjoy a baseball game.

LOL...I love it when people have never met you and have no clue as to what they are talking about.

I watch every game and was a season ticket holder for 12 years. I used to go to 50 games a year.

So please, spare me your tree hugging bs about whether i know how to enjoy a game or not.

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LOL...I love it when people have never met you and have no clue as to what they are talking about.

I watch every game and was a season ticket holder for 12 years. I used to go to 50 games a year.

So please, spare me your tree hugging bs about whether i know how to enjoy a game or not.

Get off your God D@$# high horse for once in your life

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LOL...I love it when people have never met you and have no clue as to what they are talking about.

I watch every game and was a season ticket holder for 12 years. I used to go to 50 games a year.

So please, spare me your tree hugging bs about whether i know how to enjoy a game or not.

What does wanting to protect the environment have to do with knowing how to enjoy a game?

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