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Angelos Claims He's Not Selling


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33 minutes ago, Frobby said:

I think some people are really living in the past when it comes to assessing the Orioles’ place in the market.   It’s not an accident that the O’s receive compensatory draft picks and higher draft and international spending allotments.  It’s because MLB has judged them to be one of the ten smallest markets in MLB.  Forbes ranks them 22nd in value among all MLB franchises. THEY’RE A SMALL MARKET TEAM!!!

Now, are they so small that they have to run average payrolls akin to Tampa?  No.   But they’re much closer to being like Tampa than they are to being like NY, Boston, Chicago, LA and the like.  They’re in the lower third of the league.  Maybe if the team has a run of success and attendance spikes they can be at the bottom of the second third, but that’s about as good as it’s gonna get.  I expect the team’s payroll could jump into the 10-15 range at times, but it’s not going to stay there consistently, because the market won’t support it.   

Sorry, but those are the facts.   

So were the Padres, until they weren't.


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3 hours ago, ThisIsBirdland said:

Yeah, more of the same positive generalities without the specifics:

- O's will stay in Baltimore/lease will hopefully be done by all-star break

- Hyde/Elias here long-term, but no details

- Finances will be shared with media, but in general terms

- Ownership Group won't change in near-term, he wants family to see rebuild through

- Payroll will increase but O's are in a market tier with Tampa/Cleveland/Milwaukee

In 2019, before the pandemic, the Brewers were 8th in attendance in the MLB with  2.9m tickets sold.    They won 89 games and went to the playoffs.   I would be good with the O's being in that tier.

I would like them to win the WS as well but this would be a good start.

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4 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

I don't think this is accurate.

From what I read he pledged $5,000,000 which isn't the same thing.

He didn't write a check for 5M and hand it over.

Thanks for that distinction which didn't used to be an important one until Amber Heard taught us otherwise. :)

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7 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

But he’s a good guy, so I’m sure he will still take the $5M out of his own pocket.

Oh... that's right... you're important.. and you know a guy who says he's awful and stuff.

So you're sure he'll take it from widows and orphans.

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34 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

So were the Padres, until they weren't.


The Padres will be an interesting case study.   Per Forbes, they had an operating loss of $32 mm in 2021.  That was with a payroll of $152 mm (BB-ref), and “payroll costs” (which includes health benefits etc.), of $199 mm (per Forbes.  The payroll (per BB-ref) increased to $173 mm in 2022, and is estimated at $235 mm in 2023.   They undoubtedly have increased revenues (attendance was up 800k in 2022 and they shared revenue from 12 playoff games, plus the one-time Disney money and new national TV deals), but I suspect they may still show an operating loss in 2022 and especially 2023 - we’ll see.  We all understand that a team could show an operating loss and still have a profit (depending on income from non-operation sources and other accounting maneuvers), but generally speaking, history shows that teams do not sustain operating losses for extended periods of time.   So, it will be interesting to see if this is just a short-term push by ownership, or will be a sustained mode of operation.  

Note: the O’s showed modest operating losses in 2016-18.

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1 minute ago, Frobby said:

Note: the O’s showed modest operating losses in 2016-18.


How can this be? I have it on good authority that the Angelos family fills an Olympic Sized swimming pool with gold coins from the profit from the Oriole franchise each year, and swims in it while laughing at the people who wanted tier one FA Starters.


(although I heard there were a few neck injuries from diving in during the Davis years)

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