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2023 Ongoing Lineup Thread


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I like this lineup structure against LHPs'.  Especially Hayes at the top. He's very good against lefties, and I've often wondered how it would go if he got to lead off against lefties. So far, so good. Let's do it again tomorrow!

PS: I think Mountcastle should stay in the #3 spot of the order against both lefties and righties.

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10 minutes ago, backdoorslider said:

It means a lot. The top 3 guys in our lineup are ass kickers. That's a huge reason why we have been scoring so many runs. 

You are incorrect.  Lineup construction has little impact on average runs scored.

You might want to work on increasing your overall knowledge of the game if you want to post here.


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7 minutes ago, backdoorslider said:


Improve your brain. It does matter. 

Oh really?

OK, educate me.

Find me actual evidence to support your claim.

I'll start with this google search of "lineup order doesn't matter".


We support our claims here.  If you aren't willing to do the work you'll just end up on /ignore lists.

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