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Arm injury for Bautista?

Sports Guy

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Interesting article about the impact of TJ surgery's effect on pitcher velocity.

Question — Will My Velocity Go Up after Tommy John Surgery?


Summary Points

  • Velo may go up if a pitcher’s velo has been held back by a slowly deteriorating UCL
  • Velo may go up if Tommy John Surgery takes place during a players natural velocity increase/development period, i.e. young developing players
  • Velo may go up as a result of the rehab process with energized discipline and increased strength in the legs, core, and arm
  • Velo may go up with improved pitching mechanics following TJ surgery
  • Velo may not increase if a pitcher was already performing at their max potential velocity


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3 hours ago, yark14 said:

Same surgeon that did John Means' TJ.  With how good Means is looking right now, seems like a good choice.

Wonder if Bautista will stick around the Dallas area and do his rehab at the same training center that Means did?

Means lives in Dallas, so that may have had more to do with his rehab location than anything.  Will be interesting to see where Felix does his. 

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11 hours ago, OnlyOneOriole said:

Been posting on this thread a few times as I have the exact same injury as FB and I said 2 months ago that he would need surgery and not pitch again this season.


Pitching underhand is fine....throwing anything overhand is very painful. 

Also feel as if the All Star game was where he first hurt himself.   He looked to me to be shaking his arm then when he was struggling and I know that feeling.   I said then that he was being pitched wayyyyyyyyyyy too long considering how wild he was that day.  It was obvious.  I am not sure why more people are not pointing this out.  The American league manager completely screwed him. 

The injury happens usually over a few weeks or months.  Not all at once like a bone breaking or a sprained ankle. 

Having this injury...he should be able to pitch again, but the chances of him throwing 100 MPH again are imo pretty low.  I can't explain it other than to say everything will always hurt.  Even picking up a heavier shopping bag with that arm will hurt.  Not to where he can't pitch....but 100 MPH again?


He is probably going to have to learn how to throw some different pitches.

He was throwing w/o pain when they shut him down.  He was able to pitch and they decided that he would not be effective.  He was not shut down because he was is so much pain that he could not pitch.  100 people could have the same injury and all 100 people will have different experiences.  

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