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Naoyuki Uwasawa Offer Being Prepared?


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7 minutes ago, wildcard said:

Sticker shock?  Same thing happened last year.   Starts out with big dreams and ends up with Wells being the 5th starter and Uwasawa in pen to start the season.   Than if Wells needs a break from the rotation in the 2nd half Elias has McDermott, Uwasawa and Irvin  to pick from.

If they are having sticker shock, they should be fired.

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6 minutes ago, interloper said:

I think a trade would still be very much on the table, though I would never say that a trade is likely. 

I see this is a good way to jump the market and get a guy for less than ML FA value, with upside. Doesn't sound like the contract will hinder further moves.

Still like Wacha as an option. He could be a #3 in this rotation no problem. 

If the O's are going cheap, which is the most common route, Wacha would be my #1 choice.  I would prefer him to Giolito. 

Looks like the affordable options are dwindling as teams are grabbing affordable options while the top of the market waits for best offers.  I hope Elias isn't too patient. 

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If it's a couple years and a couple million a year, I like it on it's own, but not as the only SP move. What it means to me is that the Orioles are not legitimately planning on considering Wells or Hall in the rotation so Uwasawa would be a depth sign. He'd be given a chance to win the 5th spot against Kremer (the obvious favorite for it) and Irvin. The losers of the battle go to the bullpen to bolster the pen and provide multi-inning guys there which can give Hyde options if he wants to go short on Grayson or Means on occasion to help minimize innings. The Orioles were also VERY lucky in SP injuries this past year which is unlikely to be the case next year so it gives additional options when inevitable injuries hit. 

Overall, it's a low risk move and if the Orioles see something in his repertoire that they can maximize, it is well worth it. BUT...if this is THE starting pitching move, that's an issue. Uwasawa as depth and a bit of a lottery ticket to see how his stuff plays in the MLB. Add E-Rod as well for the more certain option after Bradish. Pick up an extra reliever for the back-end and call it a day. 


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1 minute ago, baltfan said:

I don't know why anyone has an issue with this.  The Rays take pitchers like this and turn them into valuable contributors.  When they do, everyone marvels.

For the record, I would have no issue. We could use a guy like this, just thought it was funny the poster named two ex-Orioles, and it's the style of pitcher we've signed in the past. 

And anyway, Uwasawa could be a reliever for us. We need relief help. 

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1 minute ago, baltfan said:

I don't know why anyone has an issue with this.  The Rays take pitchers like this and turn them into valuable contributors.  When they do, everyone marvels.

Well, they do but they don’t do it with pitchers with little to no upside. Whether this guy has upside or not is tbd but not many Ks or missed bats and a higher BB rate isn’t exactly screaming out as someone you turn into a valuable contributor.

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