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Gunnar Henderson 2024

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38 minutes ago, Frobby said:

The original contract was for 10 years.  This is his 6th year with the team.  He lived up to the first five years of his deal with a little to spare, but this year he’s worth far less.  He had some offseason injuries that hampered him this season, so we’ll see if 2024 is the new normal for him, or just an anomaly.  If it’s the new normal, he’ll end up underperforming his original deal by a lot.  And the five year extension will be a complete disaster.   That was stupid to begin with.  

Kinda hard to know though because the $cost per win in general will rise over the coming years.  

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I get the Manny comps for Gunnar but the separator for them (for me) is how hard Gunnar works and his fire to be good and the standard that he holds of himself. I don't think that we ever saw that in Manny but Gunnar could go 4-4 in a game and be upset that he didn't make hard contact in all of his ABs. That's the difference in them and to me, it isn't even close. 

Manny has had a great career and had some amazing moments in an O's uniform but I don't recall ever seeing the passion to win and be good like we see with Gunnar. The emotions that Manny showed in an O's uni were not always good and sometimes were downright selfish or childish. We haven't seen that from Gunnar and while it's early enough in his career that it's possible that we can/will, I just don't see him being that type of person. From what media we get of/from him, he seems focused on all of the right things and in every interview, regardless of who is speaking with him, he says yes, sir/no, sir or yes, ma'am, no ma'am.. but it's genuine like it was engrained in him to be polite and good. I'm not suggesting that Manny is a bad dude but there's a difference in character between the two of them that isn't just baseball but does carry over into baseball.

Choosing between the two of them, I take Gunnar 100 times out of 100 and don't think twice about it any of those 100 times. I am sure that the Org knows the type of people that they want to invest into. Gunnar is head and shoulders above Manny (and would be today if they were both with the O's right now). 

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7 minutes ago, banks703 said:

I get the Manny comps for Gunnar but the separator for them (for me) is how hard Gunnar works and his fire to be good and the standard that he holds of himself. I don't think that we ever saw that in Manny but Gunnar could go 4-4 in a game and be upset that he didn't make hard contact in all of his ABs. That's the difference in them and to me, it isn't even close. 

Manny has had a great career and had some amazing moments in an O's uniform but I don't recall ever seeing the passion to win and be good like we see with Gunnar. The emotions that Manny showed in an O's uni were not always good and sometimes were downright selfish or childish. We haven't seen that from Gunnar and while it's early enough in his career that it's possible that we can/will, I just don't see him being that type of person. From what media we get of/from him, he seems focused on all of the right things and in every interview, regardless of who is speaking with him, he says yes, sir/no, sir or yes, ma'am, no ma'am.. but it's genuine like it was engrained in him to be polite and good. I'm not suggesting that Manny is a bad dude but there's a difference in character between the two of them that isn't just baseball but does carry over into baseball.

Choosing between the two of them, I take Gunnar 100 times out of 100 and don't think twice about it any of those 100 times. I am sure that the Org knows the type of people that they want to invest into. Gunnar is head and shoulders above Manny (and would be today if they were both with the O's right now). 

I agree with all of this, Gunnar is that special player who has elite talent and a tremendous unstoppable work ethic, it's so rare.

And I agree about his character, but I have noticed that in interviews he's not calling people Sir and Ma'am anymore...which I think is  positive growth, seems like he feels more like he belongs.

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I hope he gets out of the little slump he’s in right now very soon. Love me some Gunnar, but I just hate the all star game HR derby because it seems to me that little event can create a problem for guys coming out of the break. 

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3 minutes ago, theobird said:

I hope he gets out of the little slump he’s in right now very soon. Love me some Gunnar, but I just hate the all star game HR derby because it seems to me that little event can create a problem for guys coming out of the break. 

I understand what you're saying because I agree the 4 hits were not really scolded, but he did have 4 hits Friday night. 

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4 hours ago, emmett16 said:

I think people are dismissing how hard Manny worked his entire life and without a father figure around to guide him.  From everything I’ve heard about him he busted his backside to get to where he is.  His group of Yonder Alonso, Jon Jay and other 305 boys would train all day and all night with the hopes of making it to the league.  From sneaking in to Marlins Games & Hurricanes games to get balls so they could train/play (couldn’t afford baseballs) to climbing a rope hung in a tree in their front yard to build forearm muscles, I’ve heard nothing but hard work an determination.  I’m not gonna sit here and say who worked harder, but to say Manny was an underachiever and didn’t have the work ethic is absurd IMO.  

I’m sorry that you took from my post that I was suggesting that Manny didn’t work hard. Perhaps rereading what I wrote would clear it up for you. 

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8 minutes ago, banks703 said:

I’m sorry that you took from my post that I was suggesting that Manny didn’t work hard. Perhaps rereading what I wrote would clear it up for you. 

“I get the Manny comps for Gunnar but the separator for them (for me) is how hard Gunnar works and his fire to be good and the standard that he holds of himself. “

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On 7/21/2024 at 10:47 AM, theobird said:

I hope he gets out of the little slump he’s in right now very soon. Love me some Gunnar, but I just hate the all star game HR derby because it seems to me that little event can create a problem for guys coming out of the break. 

Gunnar made a very rapid exit, so I don't see how that could have caused him problems.

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Fangraphs has Gunnar at No. 1 in all of baseball in trade value. They put his five-year WAR projection at 30.6. Ben Clemens begins the Gunnar profile by writing, "The only reason people aren’t more amazed by Henderson is that we’re spoiled for absolutely elite youngsters right now, but goodness gracious, this guy is good."


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Hyde tried to give him a day off the last game in Texas but Urias was hurt. I know it sounds crazy but maybe he is just tired and in a funk. Ton of attention on him and needs a reset. Heaven forbid a human act like a human. 

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