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I want to say this about Coby Mayo (All Inclusive)

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12 minutes ago, Bemorewins said:

I agree with everything but the Cleveland staff part. Seems like their pitching (especially starters) would be ideal to face. Nothing really special there. 

Tied for second in runs allowed.

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3 hours ago, LockUpTheGunner said:

Since Coby is an Orioles employee, he needs to respect his employer and his employer's decisions. If he is going to be immature and be resentful then the Orioles need to trade him right away. Are we going to have to worry about Coby being a cancer in the clubhouse? I'm starting to wonder. Coby needs to work on his defense plain and simple. The Orioles are a team that values good defense.

He can be whatever he wants to be and come the time where he performs, good luck extending him. This is how you lose good players. With that said, I am betting that Mayo's defense is the reason why he isn't up yet. Where do you play him, DH?

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1 hour ago, OnlyOneOriole said:

He is.  As I said there is probably not a club in MLB baseball who would be leaving Mayo at AAA at this point.

Sure there is... any really bad club that has no need calling him up to lose rookie eligibility. You are going to have to hide Mayo defensively. Do we bench Mounty for Mayo?  Urias? Is he our everyday DH? Is he our 4th outfielder?

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Yeah I don't really see the issue.  It generally takes time for hitters to adjust to ML pitching these days, regardless of their talent level.  Urias is a proven ML quantity, and there are no questions about his defense.  Unless he's injured or not performing, I don't see a critical need for Mayo.  And why shouldn't factors such as maximizing club control and maintaining rookie status be part of the calculus?  The Orioles are a small market club, and the financial constraints they face are real.

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2 hours ago, OnlyOneOriole said:

How many younglings have we had sign, or even gave an inclination to sign....extended contracts since what?  Cal?

The counterpoint is: how many players since Cal have been worthy of an extension?  Until recently, not many.  

Off the top of my head, since Cal retired, Gibbons, Roberts, Markakis, Jones among home grown players all signed extensions that took them past free agency.   Hardy and O’Day did after being acquired and while still in their team control years.  

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5 hours ago, survivedc said:

I’m not sure what you’re getting at here. The comp or second round picks Elias has made in the 30’s/40’s from 2019-21 have all made the majors. 2 of them are all stars. You would think that kind of track record would excite you about getting a chance at another.

They were able to be signed because of the large pool money we had from having Top 5 picks. Also, considering how far off that actually is, it’s not worth the risk of putting an inferior player on the roster in the middle of a pennant race so we could possibly have a good player in 2029. 

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7 hours ago, Roy Firestone said:

Of course, I am biased. I know Coby and his family well and interviewed Coby back in high school. I stay in touch with the family multiple times a week.Of course, I want to see him get his chance as many of you do.But for any reason, the fact that this kid is not promoted while we promoted inferior players, while we have a need for a RH hitter with pop  and refuse to  make that call is an insult to Coby Mayo, and yes, the fans too. The Orioles are jerking the kid around because they want to save his rookie status which could give the team an extra year of contract flexibility, could save the organisation money. But it's WRONG. The kid has raked all year, been a "good soldier" while he watched all his teammates get the call up. This kid has no negotiation power right now.But he will remember how he was treated and he has every reason to be resentful. I would be if it were me. And Oriole fans should be angry too. The front office has an obligation to field the best team, the best players and present that team to the public. They are not doing it to save money while they trade for dreadful hitters and pay off their inflated contract. It makes no sense. I'm furious that Elias is doing this to the kid, and I respect Mike. It's just wrong. Big time WRONG.                           FREE COBY MAYO.

It’s a business Roy, you of all people should know this. The Orioles and Elias are playing the angles like most other teams do. Maybe better…. I’d like to see Mayo as much as anyone but understand why they are doing it.  Also, keep in mind that we don’t know where the Orioles plan to play him. Can he play a solid 3B? There seems to be questions about this. Are they planning a move to 1B? If so that’s going to require moving one or both of Mounty and O’Hearn. Honestly, if that’s the case there is no need to bring him up now except to ride the pine.

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10 hours ago, Roy Firestone said:

Of course, I am biased. I know Coby and his family well and interviewed Coby back in high school. I stay in touch with the family multiple times a week.Of course, I want to see him get his chance as many of you do.But for any reason, the fact that this kid is not promoted while we promoted inferior players, while we have a need for a RH hitter with pop  and refuse to  make that call is an insult to Coby Mayo, and yes, the fans too. The Orioles are jerking the kid around because they want to save his rookie status which could give the team an extra year of contract flexibility, could save the organisation money. But it's WRONG. The kid has raked all year, been a "good soldier" while he watched all his teammates get the call up. This kid has no negotiation power right now.But he will remember how he was treated and he has every reason to be resentful. I would be if it were me. And Oriole fans should be angry too. The front office has an obligation to field the best team, the best players and present that team to the public. They are not doing it to save money while they trade for dreadful hitters and pay off their inflated contract. It makes no sense. I'm furious that Elias is doing this to the kid, and I respect Mike. It's just wrong. Big time WRONG.                           FREE COBY MAYO.

I know that you like to be hyperbolic, Roy, but this is just a terrible take. And if having to wait another month to make the big leagues is going to make Mayo resentful, perhaps we should be getting rid of him. I certainly hope you're basing this on your own thoughts and not what you've heard from his camp.

Edited by elextrano8
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5 hours ago, emmett16 said:

He's not hitting right now either...


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Good info! I know everyone is going to struggle, but perhaps calling up a guy who is the midst of kinda struggling for a month isn't the best move?

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8 hours ago, waroriole said:

We’re way past the extra year. This is just for some outside chance at an extra draft pick in two years, that he’ll undoubtedly use on a college hitter who never makes it to Baltimore. 

Outside chance?  Gunnar won AL ROY in 2023. Cowser is favored to win AL ROY in August 2024. Mayo would be heavily favored in 2025. 

Draft picks to into the calculus of how to win.  We all like winning don’t we?

Also, Urias has a GG, and he’s OPS’ing .811 since the beginning of May. 

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7 hours ago, OnlyOneOriole said:

Again.......like all things that you post.  You are so far off base even a school girl could pick you off.

Again....how many youngsters have we had sign with us long term the past 30 years since Cal?  How many have even expressed an interest?  There is a reason why.  We don't treat them as the special players that they are.  I will name Manny as an A1 example. 

I will wait.......





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