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Burch Smith 2024

Big Mac

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Small sample size alert, but Burch Smith has been excellent for us so far.  8.1 IP in 7 appearances, no HR or BB allowed and 10K.  Overall this season combined between the Orioles and Marlins, he's at 38 IP with a 2.56 FIP and has only allowed 1 HR.  He did give up 11.8 H/9 with the Marlins which was partially fueled by a .384 BABIP.

His statcast page doesn't really give much to get excited about, he's in the 88th percentile for BB rate, 71st for GB rate and 82nd for extension but otherwise it's a lot of blue on there.  

So, what are our thoughts here?  Do we think there may be something there or is this nothing more than a small sample size fluke?  I'm not sure he survives the impending roster changes but thought his early success warranted its own thread. 

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I agree with this. I've been trying to figure him out. I think he has an interesting offering; his release point looks like its sneaky tough to pick up early. I also think he needs to be used correctly in the pen, following a reliever or starter that doesn't have a similar arm slot and offerings

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I had figured he was a soft-tossing ground-ball righty, but then he came here and starting whipping 97 past guys. Had no idea he had that kind of velocity. 

He's absolutely better than Dillon Tate, at least to my eyes. Quality of the strikes are pretty good, he's got a nice slider and a firm fastball. I think he does end up getting the cut today, which is unfortunate, but it's likely that we're getting the best of him in a small sample. That said, he's a guy I'm absolutely targeting to sign in the offseason for bullpen depth. 

Edited by interloper
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Interesting guy who has done a couple of things differently with the O's this year. From Baseball Savant:

So his Zone %, Zone swing % and Zone contact % are all about the same as his previous time in MLB (2021).

However his chase rate is 26. 5, up from 20.4 in 2021. 

His first strike % is 66.3, up from 61.2 and at the highest rate in his career. 

He throws 6 pitches but rarely throws the Sweeper, sinker and CU. He's mostly 4SFB(51%), Cutter (22.1%) and CB (21.5%). Ave FB veto is 94.5 mph.

So he's throwing more first pitch strikes and getting more chase on his pitches out of the zone. Sounds like a recipe for success.  

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I’m sure I just saw the best version of Burch Smith but this guy showed good stuff and probably the best command of anyone in the pen.  I think he’s headed for higher leverage opportunities.   

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