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Anybody else change the channel last night?


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I hate to admit it, but I did after the Yanks went ahead 6/4, off went the TV.

I didn't think the LAA's had it in them to make a comeback.

But, I just couldn't bring myself to watch the celebration yet another time. :angryfire:

Listened to the radio this morning and much to my surprise... the Angel's aren't out of it yet! :clap3:

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I like Lackey. I saw the stat last night that said that he was 44-1 when workking with a 4 run lead. Of course, you can't count the Yankees out. I really wanted to turn the TV off after the Yankees came back, but I didn't. The Angels barely got out of that one.

The funny thing was that when I woke up bright and early this morning, I was a upset that the Yankees had won...until I remembered that the Angels had come back.

BTW, there has been some really bad calls by the umpires during these playoffs. I hope this doesn't continue into the WS.

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I too was disgusted the Lackey didn't get the W for his effort.

He pitched a terrific game and it's a shame he ran out of gas/mental lost it...whatever, in the 7th.

But, the walk he gave up, that was a definite strike out...ump clearly missed that one and that could have make the difference for Lackey. Lackey seemed to fall apart after that. He was quite emotional and I don't blame him.

Here's to CC having a bad outing. He's due to pitch Sat, right?

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I too was disgusted the Lackey didn't get the W for his effort.

He pitched a terrific game and it's a shame he ran out of gas/mental lost it...whatever, in the 7th.

But, the walk he gave up, that was a definite strike out...ump clearly missed that one and that could have make the difference for Lackey. Lackey seemed to fall apart after that. He was quite emotional and I don't blame him.

Here's to CC having a bad outing. He's due to pitch Sat, right?

I've heard them say it's going to be Petite.

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