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Orioles Interested In Ryan Shealy

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Slugger Shealy draws interest from Orioles

By Troy E. Renck

Denver Post Staff Writer

The Baltimore Orioles have expressed interest in acquiring Ryan Shealy, increasing the likelihood the Triple-A slugger will be traded.

Because Todd Helton is cemented with the Rockies, Shealy's departure has been expected since he performed well in interleague play last season. The discussions have advanced to the point where Colorado has identified two players it would accept in an one-for-one exchange for Shealy.

"It's hard when you see guys up in the big leagues that you have played with or against, but right now there's not an opportunity for me," Shealy said from Fresno, Calif., where the Sky Sox are playing. "I am a firm believer that everything is going to work out."

Shealy, 26, has rebounded nicely after a lost spring training when an elbow injury spoiled his attempt to switch to the outfield. Shealy blasted the first pitch he saw this season over the left-field fence and has 12 home runs and 43 RBIs in 43 games. He sat out Wednesday with a stiff back, but could play this weekend.

"I will be fine," said Shealy, expected to join the Rockies for interleague play next week if his back improves.

Rockies general manager Dan O'Dowd said last week that American League teams have called about Shealy, without divulging specifics. The Rockies have exercised patience with Shealy, wanting to make sure Helton had recovered from his stomach illness, while waiting for the quality of offers to improve.

Kevin Millar and Jeff Conine have shared the bulk of playing time at first base for Baltimore, combining for a .238 average, 11 home runs and 48 RBIs.

Boston and Cleveland also have inquired about Shealy over the past 12 months. But Cleveland no longer has a fit and the Red Sox haven't pursued Shealy this week, even after designating backup first baseman J.T. Snow for assignment.

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This was mentioned in another thread but it probably should have its own thread......Gotta think they have talked to them about Javy.

Bigbird or Belkast...Any info on this?

SG...a ray of sunshine on an othewise miserable day to be an O's fan.

Really hoping tha BB or Belkast come back and say two things today:

Javy goes in this deal.

Williams gets cut.

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If only it were that easy. Javy for Shealy and even eating most of the salary would be a no brainer. The question is, are the Rockies looking for immediate help or prospects (likely pitching) back?

Immediate veteran help could be Javy or Hawkins. Either one is a no brainer.

Immediate young help could be Britton or Birkins.

Prospects (that could be agreed upon) might be James Johnson or maybe someone a little higher up the food chain.

They are right there in that division...I am guessing immediate help...I do not think Shealy is going to be some great star, as his minor league numbers suggest but he could be pretty good and i think we should push for him.

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Here we go again- searching the yard sales for a priceless artifact.

We should go after these types, but sometimes it would be nice to at least try and get a proven player, even if it cost more to acquire him.

Shealy may turn out to be a stud. But- hitting 26 HR's in the PCL is nothing to write home about. He will turn 27 in August and still has not established himself.

If we are writing off Javy or even better- trading Conine or Millar (doubtful) then sure, why not ? But, no Penn or Olson type.

I hate to be negative- but it does seem that we never set out to get top-shelf players/prospects. We seem to be so risk averse in our dealings. We only go after guys with question marks because they can be had on the cheap. We are so afraid of getting burned on a trade, it appears.

So we go after the Benson/Millar/Pattersons. This strategy should be one used, but not exclusively. Once it would be nice to get a real stud but they don't want to pay the price OR take the risk.

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Here we go again- searching the yard sales for a priceless artifact.

We should go after these types, but sometimes it would be nice to at least try and get a proven player, even if it cost more to acquire him.

Shealy may turn out to be a stud. But- hitting 26 HR's in the PCL is nothing to write home about. He will turn 27 in August and still has not established himself.

If we are writing off Javy or even better- trading Conine or Millar (doubtful) then sure, why not ? But, no Penn or Olson type.

I hate to be negative- but it does seem that we never set out to get top-shelf players/prospects. We seem to be so risk averse in our dealings. We only go after guys with question marks because they can be had on the cheap. We are so afraid of getting burned on a trade, it appears.

So we go after the Benson/Millar/Pattersons. This strategy should be one used, but not exclusively. Once it would be nice to get a real stud but they don't want to pay the price OR take the risk.

Classic "Angelos Orioles" management

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Ok, I understand he is a little old for a prospect, but I just looked at his minor league stats and he looks pretty good to me. He spent 3 years in college after being drafted in the 5th round in '98.

Looks to me he made a logical progression through the minors, which was no doubt slowed due to the Rockies having Helton. Here are his stats:

First Year - in rookie ball, hit .368 with a .497 OBP, 1.211 OPS, 19HR in 231AB

Second Year - in A+ ball, hit .299 with a .391 OBP, .910 OPS, 14 HR in 341AB

Third Year - in AA ball, hit .318 with a .411 OBP, .995 OPS, 29 HR in 469 AB

Fourth Year - in AAA ball, hit .328 with a .393 OBP, .994 OPS, 26 HR in 411AB

He also had 91 ML ABs last year and hit .330 with a .413OBP and .886 OPS.

I know some of these results are skewed due to playing in Colorado Springs and in the PCL, but this still looks like a solid prospect. Im not saying he is going to be the next Teixeira, but he certainly would be better than Millar/Conine and definitely has the chance to be our 1B of the future.


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His age and his league are 2 strikes against him but Drungo said the other day that PECOTA projects him to be a low 800 OPS guy.

He would be a good DH for us and maybe first baseman.

Put it this way, much much better than what we have had there in a while.

As RZ said, we are talking about for Javy and/or Hawkins...This is a good return for eithe rof those guys.

Not like we would be done with this move but it would be a good, solid piece to add.

Think Jason Lane...an "old" prospect(same age as Shealy) when he started getting PT and he is good for a 780-820 OPS. Shealy may be able to do that and maybe more.

Definitely a good pickup for us.

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What do you expect for Javy or Hawkins? He's not a great prospect but he's probably as good or better than anyone we have at 1B right now and he could get better which is more than we can say for our guys. Sure it would be nice to target top shelf guys. You say you don't want to give up an Olson or someone like that for Shealy. That's fine. I agree. But you'll have to give up 2 or 3 Olsons to get a name.

I said Javy for Shealy = FINE ! Hawkins for Shealy = even better !

I would give up 2 or 3 good prospects for the right player.

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