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Times like these...


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I tried looking it up online and found it attributed to, variously:

Pliny the Younger


Mark Twain




George Bernard Shaw


Winston Churchill

Guess we can add Lincoln to the list!

I was thinking Mark Twain, but since it seems like half of all clever things get attributed to him whether he said them or not, it's hard to be sure...

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Yeah, that great Yankee legacy of Joe Torre (Cardinals), Joe Girardi (Cubs), Dave Eiland (a neverwas Yankee), a hitting coach I never heard of. The Yankees can talk to each other for advice, not that they need much. This stuff about having the greats around is a bunch of malarkey. No offense, but having Brooks or Frank around isn't going to make someone a better player. I could have saved the BS and just went with the last line. The performance/talent is still lacking although I believe the talent is much, much better than it has been. This has got nothing to do with understanding the priveledge of being an Oriole or doing things the Oriole Way. We need to finally get over that stuff. The Orioles had great talent for years and won because of that. They had good coaches throughout the system that taught players to be fundamentally sound. Talent and coaching. The talent has gotten better. I'm still not so sure about the coaching. Sometimes talent has it's own timetable.

I am not so sure you are right either. I have seen talented Orioles teams of the past and believe me, this team is not all that talented.:rolleyes: If they were, they wouldn't be playing this badly.

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I see where Zrebiec is reporting that guys like Nick and JJ are having to field questions about DT getting fired. As if they don't have enough to worry about... now they have to deal with reporters getting in their face about that too. Obviously it's coming from places like this. The only readily available samplings of fan attitude are this place, the Sun board, and shout-radio. So, the fact that Nick, JJ, and others are having to deal with this stuff is pretty much a reaction to the kind of noise that's been going on around here for the last day or so. (I hope everybody feels really proud about that.)

Good grief....


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I am not so sure you are right either. I have seen talented Orioles teams of the past and believe me, this team is not all that talented.:rolleyes: If they were, they wouldn't be playing this badly.

This doesn't necessarily follow. The 2007 Rays had mostly the same players as the 2008 Rays. They had plenty of talent, it just hadn't gelled yet. (And yes, they did make a couple of moves that winter that worked out well for them.) So poor record does not necessarily mean insufficient talent.

Moreover, RZNJ did not say the O's had enough talent, or championship level talent. He merely said they have more talent than in the (recent) past. I certainly agree with that. Whether we have enough talent to be a good team once that talent has matured, remains debatable.

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I still find it hilarious that Mrs MacPhail, aka Rshack, is calling other people sheep.

DT and AM could start a religious cult whose sole purpose is killing baby kittens with a sledgehammer and he would be the first to join.

Whatever they say and do, he bows at their feet and kisses their butts.

And he has the nerve to call people on this site sheep? :rofl::rofl::laughlol::laughlol:

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Oh yeah. I used to work for a company that was in the news every day,

and the news was bad every day. It really wore the workforce down, what

with the CEO's and VP's being fired left and right.

I know I sure coulda used a pat on the fanny and a few encouraging words

just to help me get through the day.:rolleyes:

I can't imagine how extremely difficult it must be for the Oriole players to even show up and play.....I mean work. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Yes, but in your case you weren't the problem, it was the VP's and CEO's. In the O's case it's just the opposite, the poor players just happen to suck. It would be nice to see the likes of Eddie, Brooks, Cal and Frank, stop by, but unfortunately, they have not been made to feel too welcome.
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Admit it, it's a great word. And there was no criticism implied - hunt & peck away. I'm just sitting back in amusement at it all.
I confess to not knowing the meaning, but since logos is word, and rhea reminds me of diarrhea, lo an behold I was right.:laughlol:
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But together they are the most unifying forces in cyberspace. Nowhere else have I seen so many people' date=' with such widely differing viewpoints, so singularly united as all of us are when either one of these two starts spewing their drivel. It's kind of nice, actually. Gives me hope for humanity.[/quote']

Is the Hangout unified though? Yeah, many people seem to dislike these guys, but look how much rep they have. Obviously many like them as well.

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And yes, it's rather silly to blame the Hangout for players having to answer questions about DT's job security.

I also agree with most that having some more O's legends around wouldn't make a difference on the field other than maybe if Cal really can help finish off Wieters development as was mentioned in one of the articles about him potentially getting a job with the organization. But otheriwise I don't think it matters and like others mentioned, there are some great O's around.

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I see where Zrebiec is reporting that guys like Nick and JJ are having to field questions about DT getting fired. As if they don't have enough to worry about... now they have to deal with reporters getting in their face about that too. Obviously it's coming from places like this. The only readily available samplings of fan attitude are this place, the Sun board, and shout-radio. So, the fact that Nick, JJ, and others are having to deal with this stuff is pretty much a reaction to the kind of noise that's been going on around here for the last day or so. (I hope everybody feels really proud about that.)

This is yet another example of why it matters for the franchise to be on very good, family-like terms with the great Orioles from before. Why? Because right now is when those guys can be important. God knows the players can't count on the fans for support when things are bad. To the contrary, they're now dealing with the distraction of all the fire-DT crap that recently popped up around here in such dramatic fashion. So, this is the perfect time for guys who have things like WS rings and MVP's and their very own plaques in Cooperstown to just kinda drop by the clubhouse before the game. Not to make impassioned rah-rah speeches, but just to stop by. Maybe say a few words about coping with hard times, or maybe not. But mainly to let the guys on the team know that they are part of something bigger than themselves, that they are part of a tradition of goodness, and to remind them that because they are Baltimore Orioles, some of the greatest ballplayers of all time are on their side and have their back.

Doing that won't solve anything. It won't make hits start falling in. It won't make the ball bounce the right way. But it can help the guys on the team step back from the momentary craziness, help them realize that they are indeed special, and let them know that not everybody is turning their back on them. If the former Oriole greats were on board, then when people are using the internet to crap all over them and the people they work with everyday, they could have Brooks just kinda stroll in one day... and have Frank stop by another day... and have Eddie stop by a couple days later... and have Cal visit a day or two after that. Nothing formal. Nothing special. Just a casual matter of having family show up when things are hard, having family be there when the fans are not only mad at them but are also trying to get their coaches fired because the players are having a rough spell.

This is not the only way that having great former Orioles being part of the family is important, but it sure is one of them. The FO should be arranging this kind of thing in general, and not just because of the current struggles. It should be part of what's normal.

The absolute best post that I have ever read.

I was starting to feel ashamed to be an oriole fan not because of the team but because of how some of the fans are acting like babies.

Thank god for an actual adult post.

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The absolute best post that I have ever read.

I was starting to feel ashamed to be an oriole fan not because of the team but because of how some of the fans are acting like babies.

Thank god for an actual adult post.

This is one of the licenses a message board grants, and it is the right of every OHer to do so if they please. And they do. Anyone expecting sane discourse in such an environment is deluded. The cloak of anonymity is a remarkably liberating thing. Unfortunately since many of us keep our demons locked away, they are the very things liberated.:mwahaha:
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This is one of the licenses a message board grants, and it is the right of every OHer to do so if they please. And they do. Anyone expecting sane discourse in such an environment is deluded. The cloak of anonymity is a remarkably liberating thing. Unfortunately since many of us keep our demons locked away, they are the very things liberated.:mwahaha:

Not everyone here is anonymous. When I say something, or Tony, or a number of others, you know exactly who's saying it.

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