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Pie in the Face?


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The difference is the following: the TD dance is in public, this incident was in PRIVATE. This was a private team-centric thing. When you have had a season the Orioles have had you are looking for anything, ANYTHING, to be happy about. They weren't showering themselves with liquor on the diamond, they had a little fun in the privacy of the clubhouse.

This ONE incident was semi-private. Apparently there were reporters around or we wouldn't know about it. Every other incident is while Amber is interviewing the player for the entire public to see. I wouldn't mind it as much if it weren't so played out.

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This ONE incident was semi-private. Apparently there were reporters around or we wouldn't know about it. Every other incident is while Amber is interviewing the player for the entire public to see. I wouldn't mind it as much if it weren't so played out.

And if Dan Connolly hadn't made the decision to write one sentence, or his editor left it out, you would not have known.

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Dude, we understand. You think its no big deal. Fine.

Scottie, with all due respect, and I DO respect differing opinions, but saying you're disappointed in me, or anyone who agreed with me, because we don't feel like celebrating one win when our team is three weeks under .500, I think is a bit harsh.

For me, I'm sorry that I EXPECT my team to win. I EXPECT my team to play their best and win a close game. In my opinion, which understandably everyone doesn't agree with, I think its ridiculous to pie a guy after nearly every win, and for those of you like me who watch each and every one of these games, you know that more times than not they pie a guy after a win. Just act like its EXPECTED fellas, that's all I'm asking. I am not saying I don't want them to be loose and have fun (although those are the words put in my mouth by SJ).

If it had been "just a win", okay maybe the attempted pie in the face of Juan Samuel would have been over the top. It was the guy's first MLB win as manager. Not to mention Jones deliberately waited for the cameras to stop rolling. Had we all hustled out of the interview room a little quicker we might have missed it.

As far as acting like it's expected? I can't stress enough. It's not like the corks were popping in the clubhouse yesterday. I'll say it again...it barely felt like a win. Had it not been for the music playing, it might have been hard to tell it was a win at all. I might even go as far as to say that some of the players felt a little embarassed at the "How big was this win?" question (which I purposely avoided, by the way, with all but Craig Tatum who I asked, "Nice to have some music playing in here again?"). Nick Markakis responded to a "Congratulations on ending the 10-game losing streak!" one reporter started him off with and Nick did a double-take, halfway shrugged a shoulder, winced, and said, "Uh...thanks." And then silence. And then I think it hit him that cameras were rolling, so he dove into the cliche answers.

I hate to say, "You weren't there so you don't know," but I'm gonna. Yeah...they tried to congratulate/initiate their new skipper, but that was about it. Any perception that any O's players were in a celebratory mood are absolutely incorrect.

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This whole thread just confirms something for me: We all say we want players to show emotion, but when they actually do...well that is a different story all together.

I agree.

I came here expecting a little more relief about a win in extras against Boston, but what I get is the same tired nitpicking. The whole premise of my argument is that the team is bad and we get it. There's no need to point out every little thing.

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So what?

Are we really talking about pies in the face like it's a problem? At all? Really?

No. I said earlier that it's something that just irks me, not a big deal. I don't see it as appropriate for a team that is playing this bad, and it's just played out.

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No. I said earlier that it's something that just irks me, not a big deal. I don't see it as appropriate for a team that is playing this bad, and it's just played out.

So where's the line? At what point would you approve of the whole pie-to-the-face thing? Is there a certain winning percentage at which it would be acceptable to you? Or do pies in the face in general irk you?

By the way...in case you haven't noticed? They're trying to create a little clubhouse tradition and chemistry with the pie thing. We'd all prefer they'd just win obviously, but this is a non-issue and I can't believe anyone would find anything negative in it.

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No. I said earlier that it's something that just irks me, not a big deal. I don't see it as appropriate for a team that is playing this bad, and it's just played out.

Man, I liked pies in the face back before it was popular [takes a drag from hand-rolled cigarette] man.

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So what?

Are we really talking about pies in the face like it's a problem? At all? Really?

It reminds me of the Adam Jones chewing gum thread.

I absolutely understand why fans aren't in the mood for frivolity. This season has been as much fun as a mouth full of cavities. That said, first win for a new manager, end of a horrible losing streak amidst a no hope summer, I think it is okay if they have a little fun.


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So where's the line? At what point would you approve of the whole pie-to-the-face thing? Is there a certain winning percentage at which it would be acceptable to you? Or do pies in the face in general irk you?

By the way...in case you haven't noticed? They're trying to create a little clubhouse tradition and chemistry with the pie thing. We'd all prefer they'd just win obviously, but this is a non-issue and I can't believe anyone would find anything negative in it.

Welcome to the internet.

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