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Why would the White Sox trade their 1B who is hitting better than Fielder now, when that is not their biggest need in order to make it to the payoffs. They are further behind the Twins and Tigers in pitching than hitting. It's nonsense. They give up prospects, for a lateral move at best, and they are going to have as much trouble getting him to extend as anybody else. The Red Sox don't need Fielder, again why trade prospects they could use to get what they need to make the playoffs? They are scoring more runs than the MFY's but are giving up a lot more. Youkalis is a better 1B than Fielder, why move him to LF, and their DH is hitting pretty well lately. They would do better to trade for Luke Scott this season. The Dodgers need a SP not a 1B. The Giants make some sense, they need a big bat and they have the pitching to move. But the problem of a one year rental is still huge. Boras is just not going to miss out on putting Prince on the FA market in 2012.

I wouldn't rule anything out where Kenny Williams is concerned.

Besides if the WS traded for Fielder they'd probably leave Konerko alone at 1B and let Fielder DH.

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Wow..that's a hell of a list.

That has to make you feel better about him long term, right?

Maybe, but there just haven't been that many great sluggers with a BMI of, like, 40. Comparable is relative, and that PECOTA list is short, meaning he's pretty unique. It reflects mostly talent, which no one doubts.

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Maybe, but there just haven't been that many great sluggers with a BMI of, like, 40. Comparable is relative, and that PECOTA list is short, meaning he's pretty unique. It reflects mostly talent, which no one doubts.

But when making comps, doesn't PECOTA take into account body type?

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But when making comps, doesn't PECOTA take into account body type?

Yes, it does. But when you're looking for 26-year-old first basemen with an established level of 40+ homers, good plate discipline, fair defense, etc, your list is going to be pretty short, so "comparable" comes out as +/- a lot of height and weight. Eddie Murray is one of his comps, and Eddie could have put Brandon Fahey on the scale with him and combined they might not have weighed as much as Fielder.

It's like with Ichiro. When one of your inputs is "hits .350 every year" you're going to have to put some guys on the list that aren't 5' 10", 175, or your list is going to be Ty Cobb.

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Did Trea really use an MLB.com article to argue that Fielder is a leader? Has MLB.com ever written any article that wasn't flattering?

His teammates and manager felt he's a leader, and that's all that really counts...

We could really use a player with Fielder's intensity and dedication to his craft...

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Who is your alternative for 1B and the #4 spot?

I'd assume most GMs would have a list of a dozen, maybe two dozen names for most of their potential holes. Prioritized by production, availability, age, contract, acquisition costs, likelihood of attracting said player to Baltimore long-term (if applicable), and other relevant factors. Anyone whose list was simply "Prince Fielder" would be almost criminally inept.

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I'd assume most GMs would have a list of a dozen, maybe two dozen names for most of their potential holes. Prioritized by production, availability, age, contract, acquisition costs, likelihood of attracting said player to Baltimore long-term (if applicable), and other relevant factors. Anyone whose list was simply "Prince Fielder" would be almost criminally inept.

That's sidestepping the question (though it wasn't directed at you), what is your solution to an alternative to Fielder that will be an established force in the lineup and be a cornerstone of the team for the next 4-5 years?

Who is actually on the block that we could get that would be cheaper in terms of players and $ and that will produce similarly?

I don't see anybody else that we could reasonably get.

We lost out on all the other options via FA by choosing to wait. Howard is no longer an option, AGon will not be an option.

Fielder is it, unless you think we are paying 8/240 for Pujols...

And we need that bat really this year, but definitely in 2011. We can't afford to have the younger players not have the proper offensive support for another season...

We have to get that difference making established bat, now.

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That's sidestepping the question (though it wasn't directed at you), what is your solution to an alternative to Fielder that will be an established force in the lineup and be a cornerstone of the team for the next 4-5 years?

Who is actually on the block that we could get that would be cheaper in terms of players and $ and that will produce similarly?

I don't see anybody else that we could reasonably get.

We lost out on all the other options via FA by choosing to wait. Howard is no longer an option, AGon will not be an option.

Fielder is it, unless you think we are paying 8/240 for Pujols...

And we need that bat really this year, but definitely in 2011. We can't afford to have the younger players not have the proper offensive support for another season...

We have to get that difference making established bat, now.

There probably isn't one player we could get that will give us what Fielder is likely to give us.

But that doesn't mean that you can't win either and you seem to think it does.

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